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nickstix91 last won the day on July 20 2011

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About nickstix91

  • Birthday 08/24/1991

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  1. Looking forward to see the final results! Everyone wrote some really great music.
  2. I have been interested for a long time in writing a Requiem. I tried to google some information but couldnt find anything. Can a Requiem be any instrumentation? So it is just the text that classifies the piece as a Requiem?
  3. The majority of my composing process is done by hand by sketch. I've never done an entire score by hand but 95% of my music is first hand written. All of my orchestration is done when I am transfering it into sibelius but I already know what instruments I want to play what line or embelish with runs etc before punching it in.
  4. Not sure if this happened already or not, but I live on Long Island so anwhere in NYC is not a problem to get to if anything is ever planned again.
  5. Thank you everyone for your help, I will definately be taking all of this information in consideration when I'm working on the solo. I also think (when I get a chance to get more of the cello solo completed) that I'll be sending a copy to my college's string professor who is also a cellist.
  6. So thats one forum for everyupload? is everything not going to be seperated into seperate folders? It seems like that will get confusing and very unorganized very quickly.
  7. Ok, I feel a little stupid but what exactly is going on? In order to transfer old thread I create a new upload, and then post the link to the new upload and the old upload? After that happens where will the new thread apear on the forums? Will threads still be catagorized by what ensemble the music is for?
  8. I think this is a very nice sounding study, I enjoyed listening to it. I also think for what it is, a short and simple study, that it the point gets across nicely. A minute long study would be good to learn for fun or as a space filler in a recital. I'd love to see a score to it? On the other side of things though, I do think if you were to take all of the ideas that you already currently have you could develop this into a much longer piece of music rather than just a 60 second study. And this could even be done by not doing much to what you already have. (other people might be more likely to comment if you post the score)
  9. This is an arrangement for a percussion ensemble of the third movement of Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. The score calls for 4 percussionists mostly using mallet instruments. (4.3 octave marimba, 5.0 octave marimba, 4.3 octave marimba, vibraphone, gong, wind chimes, glockenspiel and chimes) This is written for a collegiate level ensemble. In a few areas I did put my own spin on the original music. Moonlight for Percussion
  10. Something that my composition teacher told me once that helped me create longer piece was to think about your piece in an audience members point of view. For example: Your writing your piece and you think this section with melody "A" is long enough and gets your point across. However, you know exactly what the piece is doing and where it is going. Maybe to an audience member listening for the first time they have not really had enough time to enjoy melody "A" and by the time they understand and begin to enjoy melody "A" melody "B" has already begun.
  11. Hello, I'm writing a cello solo and would like to ask a question to string players. I would like to use some artifical harmonics within the solo and wanted to know how common they are seen in collegiate level music? (or any music) and what can be done such as having multiple artificial harmonics to create a slowly moving melody or possibly things I should avoid doing while using artificial harmonics? Thanks to anyone who can help me out -Nick
  12. Etude in Db Major is the third etude in my series of marimba etudes for 2 mallets and 5 octaves. "5 Etudes For 5 Octaves" Etude in Db Major
  13. Thanks for the help, that did the trick. (and that also just made my music look much neater and easier to read)
  14. I write a lot of music using multiple staves and was wondering how I could create crossed beams in sibelius 6? I've attached an image of what im talking about.
  15. Thank you everyone for your responses, I will hopefully have some time this week to make some edits and possibly have a newer version up soon. (that is, if my other projects dont get in the way)
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