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  1. Hi to everybody. It was a composition that I was in the ought to do after talking with some inmigrants in Spain, One of them asked me for a cigarrete and I gave the full box to all of them to share. They talked me about their experience during the traveling night. SoundClick song info: La Patera by luima - Song info page with free MP3 music downloads It is a whole night of feelings of a group of African inmigrants to Spain, emotions, and effort just to feel like human beeings. In the musical form of a 'cannon'. I
  2. After the appreciated criticism of "violinboy" I have made a few corrections in the harmony and the dynamics and some minor into mayor chords. Piano reduction At least now my son like it more, Please let me know what you think now Thanks for the listen Luis
  3. Hi Violinboy I appreciate a lot your criticism, in fact I guess that you are young because your words are very similar to the criticism of my 19 yo son (He is also studing composition and is better than me, of course, but his style is not classical. The climax is not really cold all the time (Just in the beggining, the vibes and glock, try to represent transparent ice crystals) but they are warming along the piece as the real Antartica, just it was my appreciation. I tried to depict an space of one only element: Liquid and solid water, just transforming one into each other, and just two colours white and blue. The bigger d
  4. Hi Bruno, Thanks for your words, I actually choose Phil.. And specially Cebu because as you and me know, by hard from school, the Portugues, and also a god sailor like you are, Magallanes by the commandament of the king Felipe II of Spain made on this island the first approach to that culture, and even nowadays they keep more of our culture, they play a lot Spanish guitar apart from the Japaness Koto, but the sounds are quite similar. On there is still the big Magallanes Cross. A beatifull place to go in hollydays.( And beautifull women BTW) Thanks my friend. Luis
  5. After the listen of the "Raphsody by bmiranda", I also wanted to make an experiment of mixing orquestral sounds toguether with Far East "koto" and "Tables" It is not a major work just a try, composed in just two days. The piece moves from Lydian mode to pentatonic and finish with a mixture of natural msyor and again Lydian. ("Cebu" apart of an animal is a beatifull island in Philipinnes). In contrast with the Raphsody I have made a fusion all along the piece. Cebu Tanks for the listen and the criticism Luis
  6. Ni Bruno, I have had already many listens of your piece, and I also know by hard what a dificult task is to make a fussion of european symphonic culture and other world styles, but for my taste you have succeded by making different scennes thtat ranges from the more cl
  7. Hi to all, "Gaia" is a project promoted by composers in Spain just to make aware the people of the global warming of the planet and its effects. Antartica is the second of my submissions and I
  8. This is my last work, a String Quartet. I has been three days of continuous work. The composition and the sequencing in Sonar. I used the EWQLSO samples, at times sounds a bit sinthy, but I did my best The piece is a three part esquema with a contrastant second theme. The aproach is completely modal, almost any modal type is walked through, and I wanted to express the "proudness" for my son Graduation. Here is the link to the performance: Graduation and below is the link to the score in midi format. Depending on the program you use to see it you can easily read the chords in the progressions. My best wishes for all of you. Luis Graduation.mid
  9. John, Nice composition, I liked it very much. This is a very classic style on there. Nice crescendo of the strings in the first minute a relaxant developement of the themes and a strong conclusion. The performance is almost profesional, you have conducted very emotive, giving a correct phrasing to each pasage. The weekest point I found is the audio mastering and the ambience, there is not almost reverb in the room. That makes the percusion and brass, as the slaps in the last minute sound, too dry. The dynamics that you put in the performance are lost in the recording as if there were some kind of compresion and looses lot of its dynamic range. The solo performers are almost not heard like the oboe in 1:55 unless you put your gear at full volume. I have enjoyed a lot the listenings and hope to hear more of you in the future, just be sure you use a better hall and different mic positions. Luis
  10. Matt, An easy piece to hear as is almost the same repeated pattern with different modulations, sometimes too abrupt for my taste. Indeed a good melodic sense in some passages, but I find the orchestration to be somewhat poor, the woods and the brass has few or null protagonism. Anyhow a nice piece to hear Luis
  11. I liked the composition. The harmony, as you develop it, takes at times some modal colouration, that for me has many musical sense. Dont forget that early composers used to finish the minor pieces with a mayor chord (I think it is called the false or picardy third) The prolongated C in the conclusion is a good example Also the rythm has a wide variety of ambiences and textures that gives life to the listen. The orchestration is of my taste, the use of percusive elements like the bells against the sustained strings create nice effects. I heard it trough a SC 8850 and the overall sound was nice. One thing that IMHO that can be improved is the presence of the melodies, they are nice but somewhat confused against the overall harmony. A nice piece Luis
  12. Guilherme, Just to say extraordinary, I enjoy a lot with spanish guitar music and your composition is a nice one. I could have been signed by any of the big, Yepes, Sor, Tarrega Aguado. You are at the same level. Thanks for sharing Luis
  13. I liked the theme, it is still classic style in the composition but more related to film music in its performance. Maybe the sounds on the library doesn
  14. Sebastian, Your piece is very nice, its clear that you have a formal harmony and counterpoint training. The interpretation is also very good, as performer you are good. But some advice about the recording: Sometimes the saturation makes the sound clip. You should use a limiter to get ride of it. I hope you finish your harmony studies soon and having it as background and for yourself confidence just follow your impulses and become an innovator in music breaking the "rules". A very nice composition and performance, nothing more to say. Congratulations Luis
  15. Montpellier Your music is impresive, you follow the line that goes straight from Debussy to Takemitsu. Nice colours and texture, a wonderfull creation. Keep going this line, you are in the right line. This is also a good filmic clue, Congratulations Luis
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