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About alessandrogozzo

  • Birthday 12/28/1969

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  • Location
    Milano (Italy)
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Sibelius / Cubase
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  1. a lovely valse, i like it :))
  2. hi Hugo & tx for your careful review ! i only had some nice melodies and tried to develop them in an easy-listening, but not stupid (i hope...), way. this is a bad fault (and it hurts ahah), but thx for showing me, i'll keep this in mind next time !! bye
  3. thx for your comment .... and sorry for the bar numeration, i forgot it. you're not the first who told me that bad feeling in the n.3, so probably u're right :veryunsure: bye bye
  4. hi, my opinion is that its very hypnotic but not much interesting, and listen for 6' is hard eheh tx 4 sharing, ale
  5. Hallo, I wrote 10 small lyric pieces. Every reply is welcome and, becouse im not a pianist, i'll appriciate every technical observation too :) Lyric Pieces if u want to download: https://sites.google.com/site/alessandrogozzomp3/10-pezzi-lirici bye, ale
  6. it has not the powerfoul and strong impact of a storm, maybe its a rain.... but i liked the piece, thx 4 sharing
  7. Cosa ti stupisci?? è un bellissimo pezzo !!!! a me sembra anche registrato benissimo, complimenti x l'esecuzione. è vero xò che si soffre un pò la frammentazione, nel senso che i frammenti sono molto belli e meritavano di essere sviluppati di + sei molto bravo, ciao. ps sorry 4 the italian, i only wrote its a great piece :toothygrin:
  8. u like to go fast ahah.... well, wonderfoul piece, thats sure :nod: real piano i guess (cant believe its a software.....)
  9. hey man, great job !!!!!!!! atonal but very musicaly and with a great taste.... very impressive.
  10. its sweet and melanchonic, i like it very much. maybe the background is better than the melody, and this could be a little bug... but, anyway, a lovely listening:)
  11. great energy and good work !!!
  12. another good work :thumbsup:
  13. really nice !!!!
  14. hi, i like atmosphere and harmony, but think its too long and static, so its a little boring. maybe u could develop more the part at 2', or sometime change texture, or create a more intensive melody that now is very tiny.... bye, ale
  15. yeah, thank u !! can i ask just a question ?? that's because anticipations are to avoid in the inner voices? or i can do it for root, or for 5th, but not for 3rd ? and anticipations in the bass voice, is possible ?? bye bye, ale.
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