I also thank Siwi ,only for the fact that it has the avatar that represents Bach ...I like him.
I try to give my reasons point to point;):
1. The idea was to give the song as a trio, in 6 'of music, there's your reasoning
2. Maybe I misunderstood this point, but the stretti are just as you describe, including canon
3. Divide the parts between the hands is not a problem, having said that I am organist,
the song is executable except a point where I left a note by 2/4 (not executable in my kind of record) but it comes just when you turn off one of the parties. Bar 51;)
As I said the first point, is a trio ... so 3 parts and no 4.
Actually I also have a version with 4 parts per baroque orchestra ... but that's a whole other "story";)
> On a personal note, I think your subject could have more rhythmic features, but it works as it is.
The subject is not mine, I wanted to enhance it in this way, this is only one version
Thank you very much for your attention and time that you gave me, I will treasure from your suggestions that have been moments of reflection.