Trumpet - The instrument I started on. I still play it in high school band, but mainly for marching, because I'm not too bad at that apparantally. Right now that's all it is to me. I own a Bach Stradivarius... in case anybody's wondering. :mellow: Oh darn, my trumpet player ego still exists.
Clarinet - My second... Eventually I got tired of brass and had to try something different... Clarinet was kind of that easy choice.. It's cheap, and I loved the sound. Over time though, I kind of got bored of it. I mainly blame it on my instrument though. It's a no named brand, and can't play half of the notes I want it to. Of course that could be ME... but it IS a cheap brand that I've never heard of.
Flute - I never really learned this. My sister owns one, but eventually she gave it to me. I've never been a big flute person. But I thought it's a new instrument, so why not? I couldn't play it though, not because of my incapability, but it's because the instrument was unplayable. No wonders my sister never got anywhere in middle school band.
Alto Saxophone - Aha! Finally. Yes, it is my most recent picked up instrument (in reality). I really can't say I expected too much from it, but I soon found out that it is so much more. and as of right now, it is my favorite instrument to play. I can't say that will change either. I instantly fell in love with it. It's a shame I don't have one... or I would be playing it more.
Piano - Music Theory AP basically forced this on me... I had to learn it over the summer. I think piano's are pretty given the right song, but I'm more of a wind player.
Guitar - My dad owns one, I tried to like it, but I just couldn't get into it.
Bassoon - Worth a mention... I mean it IS my favorite instrument. I just haven't played one yet.