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About ada

  • Birthday 12/04/1988

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    Art in all forms

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  1. Thank you montpellier, I'll take that into consideration.
  2. I know no techincal terms, and I only write by ear. My problem is that I have no idea where I am going with this and I am stuck. i need help getting back on track.
  3. Is this really so bad that no wants to comment?
  4. ada

    *~Clarinet 4~*

    Thank you, manossg. I'll take those in to consideration.
  5. Your opinion please!!! Every opinion. Don't try to sugar coat it for me 'cause I want to get better. I'm a misplaced visual artist and music is not my specialty but I like to try everyonce in a while. 4Clar.MID 4Clar..MUS
  6. I know that the first part and the second part have nothing to do with each other, but I was hoping that some how I could tie it in. Also, the only idea I have is to repeat what I have already written but that would be redundant. Needless to say I need help. I've also been thinking that I heard part of this somewhere. I do that aften. Please tell me if you heard it somewhere. Thank you idontknow.MUS idontknow.MID
  7. I've got this far and now I'm stuck. It doesn't seam finished and I abolutely have no idea what to do next. Some please just tell me what to do!
  8. Interesting maybe I just need to search the history painos
  9. Maybe mine is just messed up because mine sutains only the notes below low D. I haven't looked closely enough to any others to really know. And I was mistaken it is the early 1900's.
  10. I don't know it was made it in the 1800's, and I just played it. the sostenuto pedal as you called it is definently in the middle.
  11. I've taken my paino apart so that I can see how it all works and it works just like the sutain pedal but only for notes below low D. I want to be able to write somthing that allows me to hold an low ocatave and still play with the sutian pedal for higher notes using both hands. I just wondered if someone knew how to notate it. And Mike I think your thinking of the left one.
  12. I almost feel stupid asking this but, what is the is the middle pedal on a paino called and does it have any special markings down on paper?
  13. I play some. Why?
  14. Is nobody going to comment on this? Come on people I want to know what you think.
  15. I can never use sheet music. I can barely read music so for me to write it down on paper would be nerve racking since I do everything by ear. At least on the computer I can find the notes and that I am thinking of and I always know what it is going to sound like when I am done.
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