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Everything posted by Alexx

  1. I hope you will excuse me for my words. I think your concerto is interesting and well done. Your professional level is enough high. Because of it, you should look for your own style. Rachmaninoff's music is very beautiful, but the style of this composer is very bright and recognizable. Besides every classical composer always stronger that all his imitators. I wish you to reach success. You are very talanted.
  2. Beginning of the piece 3 was interesting. However a structure of the composition as for me was strange. I waited that first theme will be repeated on ending (as a structure ABA). But maybe I just too accustomed classical forms. Anyway your cycle is nice. How many parts does it have?
  3. I think this is a witty (elegant) stylization to the music of Viennese classics. You even score wrote as Mozart 😃 And I don't know why you have noticed the structure of this work as "quasi-rondo". As for me it is a real rondo without any "quasi". All my teachers always said that rondo must have five parts or more and the main theme must be returned three times or more. The size of composition is not important. P.S. I'm sorry if I understand something here incorrectly or if I said something wrong. My English is not good.
  4. Once Dmitry Shostakovich said that if a composition is not liked even by its author, it is silly to wait, that it can be liked by somebody else. Maybe it is immodestly for me, but I like this poem. I think this composition is one of my best works. I have written it in 2017 and dedicated to memory of my mother. I'll appreciate for every feedback.
  5. Thank you very much! Your review is very valuable for me. When I wrote it I also thought to charge the measure 6/4, however at last I decided that 4/4 with tuplets will be better. I think in this measure the theme sounds freer. However I can mistaken, because authors most always hear what they wanted to write but not what they have done really. 😃
  6. Cool! I enjoyed to listening this music. Your composition has bright orchestration, interesting harmonization and expressing melody. You showed a mastery in every elements of music language.
  7. Понравилось. У вас весьма насыщенная и красочная фактура. А еще мне понравилась текучесть - то, с какой легкостью, и главное естественностью, вы переходите от одного тематического образования к другому. Порою бывает непросто соединить такие непохожие мотивы и ритмы во что-то единое и при этом избежать отрывочности или калейдоскопичности.
  8. Your harmonic palette is very colorful and expressive. I think it is very beautiful. Also I like those original and coloristic rhythms in finale. I think your Serenade is a bright and interesting composition. The cycle is diverse in a character but uniform in a style. Cool! Excuse me for my terrible English.
  9. This poem is a little composition for voice (mezzo soprano) and symphonic orchestra. I have written it to a poetry by a Russian poet symbolist Konstantin Balmont. The poem consists of two parts. The first one is a slow recitative introduction. The second (main) part was written in rhythms of waltz. When I worked with this music I remembered "Dance Macabre" by Saint-Saens. Of course, I didn't want to make something similar. I just wanted to make my waltz strange and fantastic, but not ugly or terrible. I dreamt to create something ghostly and unreal as a moonlight or night shadows. Unfortunately I couldn't found a translation it into English and I tried to do it myself. Of course, I even didn't try to translate it as a poetry. I just wanted to show the content of the lyrics. The Old House (after K.Balmont) In the old house there is a high hall, At night the quiet steps are heard there, At midnight the depth of mirrors comes to life, And friends and enemies come out from them. Be afraid of silent people, be afraid of old houses, Fear the destructive power of the words, which weren't uttered. Be afraid of old houses, be afraid of their secret charms, The house is the more greedy the older. Who once has thrown his unrequited glance into the cold mirrors, That person is shackled by the mirror, And the gloomy hall is crowded of shadows And there is no turning back. There are lifeless stretches of light from the melted dim candles, In the midnight hall the pale transparent ghosts come from the mirrors. The forgotten waltz revives in the rustling and groaning, Our dead flesh is alive again. Moments are scattered, they attract us, We are only reflections in the mirrors. We are weaved in the dance only for a moment, We circle, not feeling the sight of the Moon, We dance with our own twins, At dawn we return into the depth of the mirrors again. *** The poem with the score is here
  10. Hi, everyone I would like to introduce to you my new composition. It is Ballade #2 for piano. The composition was written in late romantic style. I tried to make it in classical traditions with clear music forms and simple, understandable melodies. I hope I accessed my goals at least partially.
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