I've played music my whole life. Primarily guitar and drums. And I always thought that if I was going to keep my musical career going, I would just keep doing the band thing. Film composing had never even occurred to me.
But I've been getting into piano the past few years and decided to get a nice, 88 key midi workstation a month ago. I had just finished binging Westworld, and happened to come across the Westworld Scoring Competition held by Spitfire.
I figured I'd try it out, presumably get frustrated, and never tell anyone I even attempted it.
But not only did the work seem to flow well, I absolutely loved every minute of the process. I had more fun doing this than I've ever had in my entire music career.
So now, my questions are: Do I potentially have a future in this? And what do I do to start?
College would be amazing, but feels a little unfeasible. I'm 29, have (a little) debt, and truly didn't understand the meaning of applying myself until after high school so my grades were terrible.
Thank you! And sorry about the mix. I have no idea what I'm doing in that respect.