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Everything posted by fatcatx2l

  1. So, I decided I'd try and write a song for the high school wind ensemble. This is a pretty big step since I'm used to doing just small indie rock band sort of stuff. I have no problem with writing these sorts of songs, but I have this problem with finale. The song is comprised of several different tracks, more than I normally do. So, I'm having trouble getting it to save to mp3 properly. Whenever I listen to the saved file, the flutes come out sounding like, I think, a trumpet. is there any method to deal with this problem?
  2. I got a guitar from my uncle. Its a nice guitar with a whammy bar on it. I've also been writing a song on it and now I've been putting all the parts into it on my computer. The only problem is, I have some whole notes at the beginning of the guitar playing some sad chords and when i play them on the guitar while moving the bar slowly up and down, it gives it a more atmospheric feel. How do I accomplish that same feel in finale (2006)?
  3. thanks, but how do I get to the presets menu?
  4. I downloaded a soundfont for a guitar and changed it in the setup. Unfortunately, all my other instruments changed as well. What i was wondering is if there's a way to only change the sound on one instrument and leave the rest as default?
  5. Sorry, I found out that you can't attatch mp3s. so I'll just have to send you to the link. http://savefile.com/files/7784582 Lost.MUS
  6. Get used to anything I send into this category as being by my band, "Drainedge." Since this was only my first song in finale2006, I haven't gotten a chance to change soundfounts around or mess with many of the new features. I wrote this when I was depressed so it's very melancholy for most of the song. A lot of the song was inspired by the band interpol, various grunge bands, and the shoegazer genre. I made sure everything could be played, and if it can't then i'll have revise it.
  7. Fifths in a non-popular song? Although it's been done, the fifths in this piece seemed kind out of place with the laid back theme. It seemed more like elevator music. Actually, it seems like some of the stuff on the piano. The end is kind of dissonant. Especially in the clarinets. Other than that, a good, enjoyable piece
  8. well, for the band arrangement, I split it up into two different parts. I thought about the possibility to play it, and it just wasn't very likely. While the main two parts are going on at the right half of the piano, there are arpeggios going on on the left half. I suppose if I left the lowest notes out, it might work, but those are important. Besides, it's a high school band that I wrote this for. I'm only 15, and I'm not that talented of a player.
  9. Probably the reason that the piano is so much better than the rest of the song, is because I play it. Although i also play trumpet, the piano part was a lot easier to write for. I don't think it's possible to play with just one person. So I'm going to have to split it up into two parts. Also, I have trouble writing solo piano pieces, or duets. Basically, I just used the song to experiment with different themes: Leaving home 00:00 to 00:31 Valleys 00:32 to 01:19 Mountains 01:20 to 02:04 On the way down 02:05 to 02:28 Rolling Hills 02:29 to 03:00 Cliffs 03:01 to 03:32 Triumphant Return 03:33 to 03:48 Memories 03:49 to end
  10. This is the longest song I've written, and the best one in this genre. While some of the parts are simple, a good deal were challenging to write. Please comment and critique Long_Road_Home.MID
  11. At least I don't have to worry about playing live since I'm only 15. Well, I came up with this one day while strumming on my acoustic guitar. It's not the greatest of songs I've written, and it's very repetitive, but it's still pretty listenable and hummable even at points. As usual, here's an instrument list: Acoustic Guitar Chorused Piano (vocals) Rock Organ String Ensemble 1 Electric Bass (finger) Overdriven Guitar Electric Guitar (clean) hills.MID
  12. Well, It's a bit hard since I'm writing for limited instruments, this isn't one of my best alternative songs. The best I've ever done alt-rock wise is "the new wave song." Yes that's the actual title. But until I get a multi-track recorder, I probably won't write for more than the instrumentsI have.
  13. Um , If you use the second layer, you can do that, but just having it all one layer, I'm not sure if I can even do that with '02.
  14. Well, Now that I almost have a band (Getting a drummer on christmas) I decided I'd write some songs with the right number of instruments for it. So, along comes Nowheresville. The first song that my band can play. Instruments: Guitar 1 Guitar 2 (The square wave synth thing is a guitar as well) Pick Bass Reed Organ Standard drum Kit Nice solo, one of my better ones. Nowheresville.MID
  15. Birds, organs, strings. One of my longer songs, with a bit of repetivity, but manages to change it up it enough to still be interesting. I thought the birds would be an interesting idea, change up the way my songs are written a bit. It's a laid back song, and I hope you'll enjoy it Please rank on a scale from 1-10. Instruments Marimba Vibraphone String ensemble (treble) String Ensemble (bass) Pizzicato strings Solo Cello Reed Organ Bird Tweet Sitar Drum kit Rhodes Piano Rhodes Piano The_Forest.MID
  16. Well, I enjoy melodies of video game music. Some of it is pretty good and up-beat. Music is music in my opinion. Video game music is slightly different. There are all sorts of different genres in video game music, as there is in other music. Take for example the song I wrote today. It's meant for a video game, but is more on the ambient side. It has a laid-back emotion and bird sounhd effects in the background. I got the idea of bird sound effects from a song I heard on the classical station. It all connects in some way. I have respect for the classics, and respect for most video game music composers. They aren't that different. Really. I realize that game music seems to be hurting the classical industry, but it's a different generation of people. I try to pattern my piano music after video game music, moonlight sonata, and various other things. I have to agree on the chrono cross music. It's different, and seems to convey a theme with the acoustic guitar, fretless bass, and acoustic bass throughout it's songs. Video game and cinematic is trying hard to be more like classical and orchestral music. Sooner or later, people will have to realize that another change is coming music, but no matter what's there, someone will still listen to the classics. More than half my music is made up of new wave and alternative from the 80s and 90s.
  17. What I meant was to have something different after the main part. Something that still fits in with the context of the song, but changes it to kill repetivity (is that a word?) I had started something with some bongos and congas, but I'll probably change some of that. I'll add more to the drums, and make a slower part, fading back into the main song.
  18. After about 3 months of leaving this song alone, I realized that I had made a terrible mistake. I should've never left this piece alone. Although, it gave me a lot of time to make this song better. At about 1:03 I started writing again. After about a day or two of writing, I finally finished the song. Listening to the song, I realized that these are some of my most smooth transitions. sad_theme.MID
  19. A piece I wrote a while back called "Lost in The Desert," doesn't seem like an easy thing to play on an actual piano without seriously screwing up the piano. Possible to play on keyboard mabye since the pitch bend can be done on certain keyboards. Another song I wrote more recently that is not only piano, but has a harmony of piano. The bass guitar line is more likely to be the melody since it's so much more of a steady part than the piano. there are also drums backing it up. The last one isn't very good or smooth, and a bit too repetitive. The bass solo isn't transitioned into very well, but was more of a spur of the moment idea. Lost_In_the_Desert.MID end_of_game2.MID impossible_piano.MID
  20. Start messing around in different key signatures. That's what I do on piano. I usually enjoy using the key signature with all the sharps you can have. If I hear something I like while I'm playing, I slow it down, and then write it on blank stave paper. Usually listening to other songs helps, but if you do start to copy another melody, change a few of the notes, the rythms, or change them into chords. I also learn to play other songs on the piano, and if I make a mistake, but it makes a really good melody, then I'll use it. An example would be this one time where I had my Acoustic Guitar out of tune on the first string to play the opening to System of A Down's "Question." Never got the part right, but I did manage to come along something to sounded really good and made up the entire second half of my song "Acoustic Jam." But remember, I did more than just write down what I wrote, I added to it.
  21. I have finale2002. I put the second one together a couple of months ago. I usually work things out on a keyboard before I start.
  22. Hi, my name is Colin Barney. I've been composing for almost two years. I've been playing trumpet in the school band since fifth grade, and have just recently taken up interest in the piano and the bass guitar. I write in various genres, but have the most trouble with classical since there's too many instruments to pay attention to, and I still haven't learned very much about the saxophone. I hope to get my songs critiqued, and learn more about composing to strenthen myself. Here is a remixed version of one of my earliest works, and a more recent song, to give you an idea of how much I've improved. . I suppose I should've placed this in the introduce yourself post. raise_the_dead2.MID The_new_wave_song2.MID
  23. So the story is, like they often are, I begin writing a good sounding tune, but at about 30 measures in, I have an idea of what I want to carry out, but not sure how. Keep in mind the title of the songs. Feel free to tell me what instrument changes I could make, what to add, and what needs changed. I want change to another musical idea part way through, and not continue with the main melody until later. beach_tune.MID
  24. Well, even though I've been writing songs for about a year, when I have a really good song, it takes me less than an hour to write it. It's weird, but if I have an idea, then I normally stop part way through with writers block, and on some songs, I just can't stop writing and it will sound pretty good when it comes out. Song title: It Starts With a Thought Written:October 3, 2005 Instruments: High distoriton guitar Low distortion guitar Fretless Bass Electric Guitar(muted) Pick Bass (set to play higher, not bass) Guitar Harmonics Trombone Drum set (default) it_starts_with_a_thought.MID
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