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Everything posted by Jason

  1. I haven't posted in a very long. It's interesting looking back on some of the stuff I posted that I hadn't heard for years. :) Anyway, I just wanted to share this arrangement of Electric Light Orchestra's Mr. Blue Sky I wrote for percussion ensemble. MP4 File I want to get some more "random" percussion sound effects in it, so it's not entirely finished yet. Thanks for listening, and please feel free to express any opinions you have about it!
  2. -----
  3. Using a violin bow on a vibraphone or cymbal also produces a pretty creepy sound. :shifty:
  4. I made a few changes; I'm liking it a lot more now. Stubbazubba, I was actually thinking about starting off with a few bars of something what would be rather boring to the audience, perhaps Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata (I'm not implying his works are boring, but in my opinion it's not exciting enough for marching band), then a quick transition into an intro of my own, then a sudden 8 or so measure drum break into the song. It would grab people's attention more in my opinion. No MP3, because my attempt at one sucked this time, so an MIDI will do. It sounds pretty decent. Also, there's a few things I really want to change (I have some pretty weird horn parts, ha) and remember, it's not done yet. The ending is no where near how I have it in my head. Push_It.mid
  5. I actually already had a drum break in mind, but I was gonna leave that up to my friend to write when I finished the actual song, as well as some of the battery parts. I play snare, too... played bass last year, and just joined a local drum corps to fill a needed bass drum spot.
  6. Our drum major and a few others thought that playing the popular song "Push It" was not only a fun idea, but a way to get the audiences more involved in the music. We're not playing it this is year. As far as I know, there is no marching band arrangement of it... yet. My goal was to attempt to arrange the song for marching band, while having no knowledge of any "rules" used to write marching songs. So, I thought about past songs we've played, and tried to apply the fundamentals to my arrangement. Some of it is a little random, but that could add to the craziness of the song. :huh: However, I'd like to know if it's too random. The MP3 is kinda bad, but so is the MIDI. Ha. The ending theme is still a WIP; I'd like suggestions/comments for the whole piece, no matter how harse they are. Thanks! :D MP3: http://www.saband.org/PushIt.mp3 Push_It.mid
  7. It is cluttered, I agree. I'd rather not tell her yet though; I'll let her finish it up and have the line play it to see how it sounds. The MIDI can't really express what it would really sound like live.
  8. Our drum major is writing a new cadence for the line, and she's convinced herself that it's crap I suppose, I don't really think so. It's quite short right now, and doesn't live up to its full potential yet. I just introduced her to Sibelius and she's still learning some of the basics. Anyway, comment, bash, or whatever... she can take it. ;) cadence.mid
  9. Can you please post a MIDI? :D
  10. You're songs remind me of Koji Kondo's Zelda music a little, but you clearly have your own style. I love them all, but "A last war" was my favorite.
  11. This is my first composition ever, and I really like how it turned out. It was composed with my school's 7th and 8th grade ban in mind, so it is fairly simple with small instrumentation. The forum won't let me attach the MP3, so here is the URL: http://www.distorteddevelopment.com/A%20Co...0Bb%20Major.mp3 A_Concert_Band_March_in_Bb_Major.mid
  12. Well, it's really starting to take better shape now... More of a march, now, really. Any comments or suggestions yet? :blink: Band_Song_01_08_06.mid
  13. Hmm... Anything wrong with a simple bump? I've added more, but I'm a bit stumped on where to go now. Any help? Band_Song_01_07_06.mid
  14. Wikipedia is your friend. :) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_Terminology Also, check out the Virgina Tech Multimedia Music Dictionary: http://www.music.vt.edu/musicdictionary/
  15. I'm a 9th grade band geek, so naturally my life revolves around music. I always wanted to write my own song in hopes that our director would let us perform it (and if not the high school band, even the middle school band). Several days ago I decide to give it a go. With a copy of Sibelius, only used to write drumline cadences until now, and almost no knowledge of the capablities of specific instruments, I started. Since most of my musical experience is in percussion, I started off composing a simple bell melody, later changing this to flute, and adding a vibe and bell solo to the beginning. This is my first composition ever, so it's not that great. Also, this is only a work in progress; it's only 36 seconds long as of now. Any advice or help will be appreciated -- positive or negative. Maybe even some links to particular threads or websites that can be of some use, perhaps. Jason_in_Bb.mid
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