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Young Prodigy

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Everything posted by Young Prodigy

  1. "You know saxophonist are the saxiest people in band, right?"
  2. Composed a song that could be used for a cave or dungeon. Here it is: SoundClick song info: Cave by Mike 2008 - Song info page with free MP3 music downloads Make sure to click the lo-fi.
  3. Well, I recently composed 2 "modern" style compositions and I'm looking for criticism on them. SoundClick song info: Rock It by Mike 2008 - Song info page with free MP3 music downloads "Modern" pop/Hip Hop style piece. SoundClick song info: Rap Sample by Mike 2008 - Song info page with free MP3 music downloads Rap style sample. Make sure to click the lo-fi versions.
  4. Here's a battle theme I'm doing for Loremaster and I want to know how I can continue it without being too repetitive. battle.mid
  5. About the more creative, more complex thing, the thing about this kind of stuff is to keep it relatively simple. It usually follows the same repetitive beat occassionally having a major chord change in the middle of the song that leads to the chorus.
  6. I made 3 attempts at producing a more... modern style type of music. Probably something you'd here in Rap, Pop, or R&B. beat.mid beat2.mid beat3.mid
  7. Well I know it's not Japanese in a 'typical' ancient sense, but I wasn't aiming to be Japanese in a typical sense. It does capture the feel of a cheerful ancient Japanese town by the river though.
  8. Here's a village theme I wrote for a very Japanese inspired village called Izumi village. It's basically a very Japanese like town near the river. Anyway, here it is: SoundClick song info: Izumi Village by Mike 2008 - Song info page with free MP3 music downloads Remember, click "Lo-fi", Hi-fi messes up the song.
  9. Here's my attempt at composing a 'dark and ominous' piece for Heaven's Gates. It's a short piece that's supposed to be used for a "dark and ominous" dream-like sequence that will kind of work as an opening to the game. Here it is: SoundClick MP3: Mike 2008 - Band page with free MP3 music downloads on SoundClick If you're going to stream it, stream the lo-fi version, the hi-fi version is messed up.
  10. I'm composing for a game named Heaven's Gate and here's a title theme I started. It's not complete and it will definitely be changed in the end but here's what I have so far. http://www.youngcomposers.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6597&stc=1&d=1180474579 This is the title theme, it's suppose to have a holy feeling to it. Make sure to give your comments and criticism on this. heavens.mid
  11. Uh, what do you mean use a better sound? It's a midi.
  12. I don't know, I wrote a piece called The Empire has Fallen. Tried to not be video gamey here, but I failed at that: http://www.youngcomposers.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6568&stc=1&d=1180377805 fall.mid
  13. This is the beggining of a piece I wrote for a horror game. horror.mid
  14. Dude, I already play two instruments and have been in jazz band, and concert band, trust me I KNOW HOW TO READ MUSIC. I play by ear to figure out which notes are which on the actual piano, but I already know how to read sheet music. Get it? I know where everything is on the sheet music, but I'm trying to learn which notes are which on the actual piano. So I know where "G" is on the treble and bass clef, but I'm trying to figure out where it is on the piano. Basically, I can read sheet music, I just don't where the corresponding notes are on the piano.
  15. I can read sheet music, nobody said I was playing by ear.
  16. Easy Middle C is the highest note on the bass clef, while it is the lowest note on the treble clef. That's why it's called Middle C, it's in the middle of the bass and treble clefs.
  17. Thanks for the advice. Having played bass in jazz band, I'm pretty good at reading bass clef, and having played saxophone in concert band, I'm pretty good with treble clef. Learning independence of the hands does seem like it'll be hard, but if I practice a lot I should eventually get it. Reading both clefs at the same time will also be challenging. As for learning the keys, I'm currently just memorizing them by there place on the piano. I'm thinking about memorizing them by clef. For instance "C is the first white key on the bass clef" where as "C#" is really the first note on the treble clef. Then you have middle C, which is the last note on the bass clef, and first note on the treble clef.
  18. I'm starting to teach myself piano and I've found that it's rather easy if you already have experience with other instruments. To find out the notes, I played the note on my saxophone, then started pressing random keys until I found that tone on the piano. Then I would memorize it bytelling myself "This is the * white key on the piano" or "This is the * black key on the piano". For instance, I memorized "Bb"(G on Saxophone) by telling myself "Bb is the 6th black key on the piano". Right now I'm pretty good with playing a piece on my left hand, then playing a piece on right hand, but what I need to work on now is playing them at the same time. Also, does anybody know of any sites that would have online chord sheets or something like that?
  19. Well it was all I could think of after the 20 second mark. It leads quite well into the next part. Well, it is going to be extended, like the topic states this ony an introduction.
  20. Looking for criticism on this. orch2.mid
  21. Surprised no one's replied to this already. But I liked this very much, has a sort of latin feel to it.
  22. I started a forest theme and I wanted to know what you guys thought of the intro. foresttheme.mid
  23. Here's a title theme I did. Make sure to give criticism. title2.mid
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