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Everything posted by enromatic

  1. Are you having trouble with the program or the drum patterns themselves?
  2. I have composed the start of this and would like to know what you guys think of it so far, and any improvemnts i could make to it. Does it get boring, do i need to add more to it. I don't what to spoil the mood by adding to much happening at once. Alway hope you like it ( the start of it anyway) Down_by_the_Beach.mid
  3. Hi, I'm new here and have only been composing for about a year now so please give me any tips yo improve. This piece i made for the percussion group at my school (which i am in) and is a reggae piece. I used a simple chord progression and then several riffs that worked along with the progression. Very simple but cool piece. Chords are spread out because of the intrument being played (it requires two people playing). Hope you enjoy and give me some feedback. percussionreggae.mid
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