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Everything posted by Chlo

  1. Thanks for the critique. It is for string orchestra, I just did not include a string bass part. Sorry, I should have mentioned that. Being a violist, I know the viola part would be unplayable as double stops; that part was meant as divisi.
  2. It's acceptable. During pizzicato, string players have a way of holding the bow so that it is quicker to switch back to arco. Though rests are nice, it's perfectly fine to switch without a rest. :ninja:
  3. Updated with the requested information.
  4. This is a string piece I have been working on recently. As of now I have finished two movements, and I am working on a third and final movement. Description/Influences: The piece is supposed to be about a journey. It is influenced by a story I've been working on. Time Taken: Collectively, I've been working on the movements for a few weeks now --I haven't been actively keeping track. Techniques: Since I haven't been composing for long, this piece is mainly just to try and improve. I was attempting to apply what I've learned so far in theory/composition, while making a piece that I am satisfied with. Comments and critique appreciated. Effed up Exploration.mid fooka.mid mad donkey rockzors.mid HOT ROCK!.mid Mvt.I.MUS Mvt.II.MUS Mvt_I.MID Mvt_II.MID
  5. Self explanitory, if you speak German. This is a song by Exemos (I'm sure you all remember him), and I thought I would share it. Music_for_a_Simpleminded_Keyboard.mid
  6. I'd love to hear this, but the link doesn't work for me. :P
  7. Definitely finish it.
  8. Nice, it's very lively. Definitely happy and playful. One thing I really didn't like was around 1:05. I don't know, it just sounded kind of weird there to me. Otherwise, overall I thought it was really good.
  9. This is a piece I started not too long ago. I know it's not great, and there are a few spots that need working on. I'd appreciate any advice, and maybe a bit of help with finishing it. Thanks in advance. Vessel.mid Untitled.mid
  10. Thanks so much Marius, I feel honored.
  11. First off, I'm not a composer. I don't know a great deal of music theory. I just like to write music, even if I'm not great at it. That aside, here's a short piano piece that I wrote for someone. I'd appreciate any suggestions for improvement. MV_3.mid Oath.mid
  12. Anyone with experience, you say? More like anyone with a closed mind. Why does everyone on this forum seem to have a stick up their donkey? Lighten up, geez.
  13. Way too many, if you ask me.
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