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  1. A short piece for violin and piano 🙂 Sounds very classical. I also got a little limited by my poor knowledge of keyboards… One has to practice … 😉
  2. Composition completed on 01/04/2016 You also can watch this piece here -
  3. Attempted a section in an odd time signature. Trying to combine the middle section with the rest of the piece took ages. Please do give feedback. Thanks.
  4. Composition completed on 01/25/2016 You also can watch this piece here -
  5. Seni-G


    What can I say about love? It never turns out quite the way we expect. Then again neither does life. The years stack up, and the weight of all that time compacts our experiences, until we are forged into something new, like metamorphic rock. A good marriage has the same effect. As the years pile up, any cracks that once existed between us are compressed, our minds and outlooks are reformed, until after a while we have been reshaped, remade together. This music chases love, chases life. It races ahead, keeps the fire lit. It’s hunting, sniffing something out, hungrily searching through the night. The years fly by, but the fire stays lit. It’s a dance, a celebration, though a frenetic one. While you listen, stomp your foot! How about one loud clap! Why the hell not! I have a limited vocabulary for describing how it feels to experience love, real love, so I have to compose instead, to try and capture the uncapturable. This music gives just a taste of that. Love has many flavors, and this is one flavor I’ve tasted, and I want to share the feeling with the world. It may not always be pretty, but it tries hard to live passionately, to expresses itself freely, to communicate something meaningful. It doesn’t give up, even when challenges arise. It reaches out to feel a connection. It aches for it. I have experienced this love. In fact, I experienced it today, while watching my wife walk across the room. Sometimes my heart starts pounding for no reason, and this music appears inside my brain. Makes me want to spin around and around, until everything is blurry. The life we have built, the family we created, the years and shared experiences and adventures are all stacking up before me, until all I can do is marvel at the structure. Keep living! Keep love in your heart, and share it with someone whenever possible. Stomp and dance and spin. And also, lay silently on your bed in the afternoon with the person you love, and watch the sun’s rays poke through the blinds. Compare the sizes of your feet, tell a silly story, share what’s in your heart. Grow together, always growing.
  6. This is a set of pieces I composed in Prague this past autumn. I have revised them several times since, and each movement accompanies a painting by artist Paul Klee (which I have included in the score). The piece is dedicated to a friend of mine from Austria who is very fond of art, and we went to several galleries together (hence the inspiration). While I am pianist myself, I specialize in improvisation in a style very different from this, so any feedback from the pianists would be most welcome! https://youtu.be/ldbzsicGfsE
  7. Good morning (at least where I live 😅) 🙂 I wanted to try to write something for cello solo, with the (I'd say rather poor) knowledge I have of the instrument. Here's the result : Have a good day 🙂
  8. I wrote some pieces with a jazzy feeling. Hope you like it.
  9. Composition completed on 08/12/2015 You also can watch this piece here -
  10. Hello everybody, My name is Selma and I’m 16. I’m a french singer and I’m looking for someone who can produce for free a melody with lyrics already written. I would like a pop music enough fresh for a teen. Thanks for taking time to read this announce and maybe see you soon !
  11. Composition completed on 10/28/2015 You also can watch this piece here -
  12. Hello, So, I’ve been experimenting with ways to modernize my classical approach to music. I’ll get into what techniques I used to accomplish this later. I’ll start off with the form of the piece: One piece for piano I love and will likely learn soon is Chopin’s Ballade No 1. I lightly based the form of my own ballade off this one. The beginning and end are in G minor (same for both pieces), but the middle section I chose to make in C# major because of the Tritone relationship between it and G minor. The beginning has an introduction that will lead to the opening theme. From there we get some bombastic octave passages leading into a return of the theme. At the end of the return, we start modulating chromatically and growing quiet until the piece suddenly bursts into a coda that ends on a Tritone and the C# section begins. The middle section is very classical and lyrical, but as it progresses it gets more modern and dissonant. Near the end, we return to g minor and transition back to the main theme. Then we have one last great coda until the soft end. The techniques I use: -chromatic modulation -modulation based upon physically close keys -chromatic scales -whole tone scale -a lot of pedal -m2nds, M9ths -Sudden pauses Im trying to find the balance between these as they’re the techniques I currently like to play with. *No sheet music yet because I have not gotten a change to transcribe audio. *sorry for bad quality of audio. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yov_wpfmD-jMqJsn61l_r6V1hjN9utOC/view?usp=drivesdk
  13. Composition completed on 10/24/2015 You also can watch this piece here -
  14. Composition completed on 11/24/2015 You also can watch this piece here -
  15. Composition completed on 10/23/2015 You also can watch this piece here -
  16. Wrote a short mazurka. Does anyone else know any mazurkas besides those of Chopin? Just curious if there are any other accompaniments for mazurkas besides the waltz type. Composed July 3rd 2019
  17. Composition completed on 01/13/2016 You also can watch this piece here -
  18. Well, it's been a while since I was on this site. I haven't written music in a couple years, but I've been playing piano in church so I'm not totally out of practice. Decided to hop back into the wonderful world of composition with something easy, so I did an arrangement of something instead of trying for an original work. I had two different versions of this theme in mind when I adapted it for piano. I'm including them both below in case anyone wants to hear what material I was working with. I'm looking forward to posting more on this site and hearing/reviewing as well. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed listening to the music that gets posted here! (EDIT: Check the bottom of the post for the score if you're so inclined!) My Piano Arrangement: Original Version: Symphonic Version:
  19. I feel like this has ripped off something else but I'm not sure. Please do let me know what you think. Thanks.
  20. This is a work for SATB Choir and Piano that I wrote in 2017 for a competition. It's a moving work, and I would love to see it performed someday.
  21. Composition completed on 12/30/2015 You also can watch this piece here -
  22. ICO (in chronological order) Composition completed on 04/04/2016 You also can watch this piece here -
  23. Some short pieces. Six Piano Pieces.pdf 01 Aeolian (Winds).mp3 02 The Hummingbird's Phrygian Flight.mp3 03 Quick Diminished Changes.mp3 04 Can We Be Friends.mp3 05 Longing Worlds.mp3 06 Gemini II.mp3
  24. I composed a short piano piece. Roberto Zini - Fantasia Delicata I hope you like it
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