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  1. Hello. I'd like to share my 3 movement sonata with you, an opus i honestly feel deep in every note of every movement. -1st movement: Greatly inspired by Chopin's prelude in C minor and by his generally captivating ostinatos. It is meant to make you feel sorrowfull, grieve and that nobody loves you. -2nd movement: In general meant to make you feel happy. The coda at 3.00 is meant to convey the feelings of reminiscence, similar to Beethoven's 2nd Pathetique movement. -3rd movement: The idea is to contraddict the previous movements to a fast paced, colourfull, mood changing back and forth feeling. Ment to make you feel anxious, crazy, happy, melancholic and mostly in tension. Comment always highly appreciated. Thank you in advance
  2. Just finished this piece recently. Any feedback is very much appreciated.
  3. Here is a piano piece I composed in 2018 Avvenire I hope you like it. Thanks.
  4. So I am working on a scherzo and I got the first 3 phrases done but then I reached a composer's block. I am trying to get a more Haydnesque feel to this scherzo while still having some originality. Here are the ways that I have tried to get a Haydnesque feel across: Hemiola in the first phrase, so like instead of quarter note tied to eighth note which would get across 3 beats, I write it as 2 dotted quarters which gets across the feeling of 2 beats in 3/4. In my case, it almost sounds like there is a triplet rest between the dotted quarters, even though I didn't write any rests there. Accenting the subdominant note in the first 2 measures to make it sound like I am in Bb major for a little bit before you realize that it is in F major. The subdominant note in both the first and second measures is on beat 3, so it sounds like I have a 2 beat pickup measure, even though I don't have a pickup measure at all. Sudden dynamic shift corresponding with a shift from simple triads to big chords across both hands(I kind of borrowed this from Haydn's Surprise Symphony) Using an augmented 6th chord in place of a dominant 7th chord Delaying resolution I use a lot of staccato here but I withheld from using it until after the first phrase. Even though I have 19 measures here, it only lasts for 25 seconds because the tempo is at quarter note = 140. So what do you think of my scherzo so far and do you have any suggestions on going further with the scherzo? And do you think the sudden forte chords get across a more Beethovenian vibe? Because I have noticed some people say that the sudden forte chords get across a more Beethovenian vibe and makes the scherzo sound more like one that Beethoven would have written than one that Haydn would have written.
  5. A set of two nocturnes! I am going to write a few nocturnes in minor keys as well, so don't worry if these are too happy for you. My dark and brooding side is yet to come in the form of a symphony! Enjoy this for now! (You can see how I was originally going to start the B-flat major prelude in D minor!) Please give all the criticism you can.
  6. These are a set of five preludes for the piano that I wrote, so they are relatively short. Keep in mind, this is the musescore render of it, so it's missing a lot of expression and musicality. Looking for feedback on them. Thank you!
  7. The piece begins with a cadenza and then transform into a beautiful piece about the line between life and death. You should hear the voices of past people as this piece grows. There's much more I have to add to this, but for a start, I'm happy with it.
  8. Hey Guys, This is just a piano piece, I'm really interested in your opinion. What do you think?
  9. ARRHYTHMIA (2018) for Piano, Flute and Electronic Hi everyone, click link above and after you see the video, give me feedback. Thank you!
  10. This is my composition ICO (in chronological order) Composition completed on 11/16/2018 PDF - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ft22l77GLpbzwcuxnqRiAYPAH2iBJ0Yr/view?usp=drive_open You also can watch this piece here -
  11. ICO - в хронологическом порядке Композиция завершена 28.09.2016 You also can watch this piece here -
  12. Hi! I am working on a piece for saxophone and piano. Saxophone part is not a problem, but it would be great if someone dropped an eye on the piano part. I have too little knowledge of what is correct as in for space between chords (so they wouldn't be spaced too far from each other), usual piano patterns, etc. Basically the question is-can it be played? Sheet music and mp3 example in attachment. Thank you beforehand!
  13. ICO (in chronological order) Composition completed on 11/06/2015 You also can watch this piece here -
  14. 4) The Magic Songs.mp3 Magic Songs.pdf This post is about the fourth movement of my piece called “Quiquern”. To read about the first few movements and about this piece in general, go here. Fragment 4: The Magic Songs Famished and delirious, Young Kotuko and the girl set out alone into the blizzard to find food for the starving village. As the dark and the cold and hunger devour them, the two children rave and hallucinate, unhinging themselves from the realm of men and into the realm of gods. As they descend, they sing songs of magic, songs buried deep in their memories, in their blood. Their voices rise and fall with the frozen wind. And through this silence and through this waste, where the sudden lights flapped and went out again, the sleigh and the two that pulled it crawled like things in a nightmare — a nightmare of the end of the world at the end of the world. The girl was always very silent, but Kotuko muttered to himself and broke out into songs he had learned in the Singing–House — summer songs, and reindeer and salmon songs — all horribly out of place at that season. He would declare that he heard the tornaq growling to him, and would run wildly up a hummock, tossing his arms and speaking in loud, threatening tones. To tell the truth, Kotuko was very nearly crazy for the time being; but the girl was sure that he was being guided by his guardian spirit, and that everything would come right. She was not surprised, therefore, when at the end of the fourth march Kotuko, whose eyes were burning like fire-balls in his head, told her that his tornaq was following them across the snow in the shape of a two-headed dog. The girl looked where Kotuko pointed, and something seemed to slip into a ravine. It was certainly not human, but everybody knew that the tornait preferred to appear in the shape of bear and seal, and such like. It might have been the Ten-legged White Spirit–Bear himself, or it might have been anything, for Kotuko and the girl were so starved that their eyes were untrustworthy. They had trapped nothing, and seen no trace of game since they had left the village; their food would not hold out for another week, and there was a gale coming. A Polar storm can blow for ten days without a break, and all that while it is certain death to be abroad. Kotuko laid up a snow-house large enough to take in the hand-sleigh (never be separated from your meat), and while he was shaping the last irregular block of ice that makes the key-stone of the roof, he saw a Thing looking at him from a little cliff of ice half a mile away. The air was hazy, and the Thing seemed to be forty feet long and ten feet high, with twenty feet of tail and a shape that quivered all along the outlines. The girl saw it too, but instead of crying aloud with terror, said quietly, “That is Quiquern. What comes after?”
  15. Completed this piece recently. It is quite short so I'm not sure if it should be lengthened. Feedback is appreciated as always thanks.
  16. I have set myself a challenge of trying to compose 24 nocturnes all in different keys. This is the first one that I have attempted. I find it very hard to write in C major and as a result there are several key changes in this. Also, the piece seems to feel disjointed. If you have any ideas on how to improve this piece I would appreciate it greatly.
  17. Falling Stars.mp3This is my first dramatic composition I've been working on. What do you think?
  18. This is my version of this wonderful classic. Chord notation is omitted, it would surely be controversial 😁 We've only just begun.mp3We've only just begun.pdf
  19. This is a piano Concertino that was premiered in December by a Chamber Orchestra composed by young artists. I couldn't record the event but I have a midi rendition. Any feedback is welcomed!!!
  20. Hey Everyone, This is my latest album, it's an 8-track piano solo album. Please let me know what you think of the pieces, scores available soon, for now please comment on what you like about the sound of the pieces. Album releases on 18th March Album on Soundcloud
  21. I have had quite a lot of time over the past couple of days and tried to finish this piece. I'm not sure if this piece should be called a fantasy or part 2 to be honest. Feedback is appreciated. Thanks.
  22. Made a challenge of composing a piece per day a while ago. Unfortunately most sounded a bit crap. These are ones I think have ideas that might be worth doing more on. Do any of them have ideas that could be used? Also, which ones should just be forgotten about? If you do have a listen, thanks for taking the time.
  23. Anyone have a minute to pick at my piece? Thoughts on the piano part are particularly welcome since I'm not a pianist. Thanks! Who can ascend the hill of the Lord? and who can stand in His holy place? Those who have clean hands, and a pure heart;
  24. It's my first upload in here. Please advice for improvements, non professional composer here
  25. This is a piano concerto I am composing now. I will succesively post remaining movements. The second movement is a slow siciliano, in my feeling it's a bit too short but when I think what I could add, I don't have any ideas :/ what do you think?
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