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I'm currently working on the Mozart la minor(a) sonata (the quicker one).

in the second movement at the final cadence there's a part where you trill with the 3rd and 4th finger with alternating mi and re and simulatneously play do and move it to si. Further more, in the left handm after you moved to si you play a trill too. I find it quite difficult to play. Is there any suggested practice for that?

thank you


I've never played that sonata (so I have know idea what it's like), but could you possibly play the trill with the 4th and 5th fingers? This would be easier because then you could use the 2nd and 1st fingers for do and si respectively, but I don't know the context, or if its even possible to get into that position.

Reason I say this is, though the 5th finger is weaker, it's more independant from the 4th than the 3rd is. At least it is for my hand. :whistling: :thumbsup:

though the 5th finger is weaker

Actually, the 4th finger is weaker.

The left hand is pretty easy here, so not much discussion - just trill with thumb and first, and play the lower C with 5th.

The right hand, I think in terms of practising it, just play it over and over again, slowly, and with the exact notes of the trill worked out, so you know at what point to change F to E, etc.

Also, play all the Hanon exercises for trills.

But just start slowly, get it perfect, then gradually increase the speed.

Finger independence studies in general are good for this sort of thing.. I don't know if you play any of them. If you don't, consider trying some.

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