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New Fugue Subjects (Fugue Challenge II?)

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Guest Brandon Homayouni

I was thinking, if there was enough interest, I'd post 12 new Fugue Challenge subjects (in the more obscure key signatures). I've got some good ones. Thoughts?

Guest CreationArtist

That would be great :) Maybe I could contribute a subject?

Guest Brandon Homayouni

Email me your subject. I will look at it. The goal is to make them as "workable as possible."


There are some things I don't like about that subject CA, but I think it's pretty good.

I would love to contribute one of my own subjects as well, Brandon. I had a little "counterpuntal" moment in my bassoon duet for the duet competition, and it involved what I found to very a *lovely* subject, even though I know nothing of writing fugues.

And yes, you have my interest, I would like to try my hand at learning "the art of fugue", if you know what I mean :P.

Guest Brandon Homayouni

CreationArtist, I'll tell you what, I am not especially satisfied with my f-sharp minor subject. I might be able to incorporate some of your ideas for that subject into mine, but there are things about it that need changing. I would like it more if it began on the stepping tone, rises to the dominant and then back to the tonic. That is interesting indeed and potent. I'll probably definitely try those intervals for the f-sharp minor.

Like before, I am coming up with 12 new subjects. Now, if I wanted to include all of the key signatures, 24 total isn't enough. I might just decide to cover ALL the possible key signatures instead. So if others would like to contribute something for the keys not covered, that could be a happy addition... or not. I won't accept any old scraps, mind you. They have to be solid, workable subjects wherein every note has a special meaning and function--no textural broken-chord fluff or embellishments, and no 4-plus-measure ramblings (though I do plan on a special elongated subject for one of the new ones as an experiment).

James Householder, why don't you email me your subject idea, or post it here for discussion.


Sorry, silly question, but what is the stepping tone? I've never heard that name be used for any scale degree... I just know them as tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant, submediant and leading note.


I would also like to put a subject up for grabs. I used it in a fugal episode in a string work last year, and would be interested to see what others do to it. If you don't like something about it, tell me why ;-).


Guest Brandon Homayouni

Though I am flattered that many people wish to contribute to my original idea, I have my twelve subjects and I will be posting them shortly after meditating and testing them individually a bit further. I am not interested in seeing any new subjects.

You're of course welcome to submit yours to another thread, or complete your own fugues on your own subjects and post those as well. Thanks.

Guest Brandon Homayouni

On second thought, I wonder if someone else might like to contribute their new subjects instead. That seems to be what is wanted, given the previous posts and subjects submitted. I know Mr. Canzano sent me a new subject in F-Sharp Minor today via CreationArtist. Thoughts?

Guest CreationArtist

Meaning there will be no Fugue Challenge II? What do you mean by freebies?


Possibly something to do with the thread entitled 'Fraud' in which he idiotically accused Matt of being Nico. Perhaps he wasn't aware that Matt joined before Nico was banned, that their comosition styles are wildly different, and that Mike would know, as he can see anyone's IP address and would know if Nico was using another account.


Yeah, I figured in the meantime. Too bad really.

If he's not coming back, maybe it's an idea to collect our own set of fugue themes and comment on each other and edit them so we have a set (maybe not even as much as 12) of solid, workable fugue subjects that we can start playing with? I've posted mine and am still eager to hear whether anyone has any comments regarding how workable they think it is and what would make it better in their eyes and in the light of their experience.

BTW Mark, I will review your Pie Jesu today, I haven't got round to it, and there wasn't a hurry since you were away :)


Is it just me or does your subject suggest the Neapolitan sixth at its end, nojtje? It looks very nice; I would write a fugue on it if I weren't working on two other fugues at the moment. Someone should start a new thread and add all our subjects, revive the lost art of counterpoint on Young Composers.


Interesting you should say that, it hadn't occurred to me, but yes, the answer could actually utilise a neapolitan sixth. I did it differently though in my fugato.

Guest CreationArtist
Possibly something to do with the thread entitled 'Fraud'

It might have something to do with that, or it might just be that he's an idiot and should be banned.

We can still all contribute fugue subjects for the next challenge.

Guest CreationArtist

I'm saying he should be banned...

Anyway, lets still contribute to the fugue challenge with subjects.


I may try and engineer one myself, although I'll have to do some reading up on the creation of workable subjects, hopefully my textbook will have something to say about it, whenever the damned postal service see fit to get it to me.

Guest CreationArtist

Which book is it?

I have The Study of Fugue, although I haven't started reading it yet, though.

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