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I would greatly appreciate it if you could take the time to answer these questions honestly:

  1. What made you join this site?
  2. What made you stay?
  3. Are you looking for different music forum solutions? If so, why?
  4. If applicable, why are you thinking about leaving?
  5. What makes this site different than other music sites, such as Sound Click?
  6. How long are your visits here on average?
  7. How is the communication factor on this site? Is it easy to contact and make new friends?
  8. Is YC fun?
  9. Is YC boring?
  10. Suggestions on improvement?

If you can think of other questions for the questionnaire, please feel free to PM me or post them in this thread...then answer them.


1. What made you join this site?

In all honesty... I found it then used it to spy on my boyfriend when I learned he was a member.

2. What made you stay?

The people

3. Are you looking for different music forum solutions? If so, why?

I did a while ago but didn't find anything I liked

4. If applicable, why are you thinking about leaving?

The arguing and "cliqueness" of the members"

5. What makes this site different than other music sites, such as Sound Click?

The ability to discuss as opposed to just download.

6. How long are your visits here on average?

I leave a window open whenever I'm online and not too busy so... several hours

7. How is the communication factor on this site? Is it easy to contact and make new friends?

Now that I'm an established member, yes but when I first joined I found it a little difficult.

8. Is YC fun?

If not fun, it's usually interesting and in the very least, addictive.

9. Is YC boring?

At times, when there are no new posts for a while but over all, I'd have to say no...

10. Suggestions on improvement?

I post 'em as I see 'em


Hello, and long live Portugal.

1. I was a musician back in October 2005 (still am... :o) and I thought there was no freaking way such a site could be real. So I joined immediatly. The rest is...History?

2. Firstly, the fact there was new music to listen to - new good music - and also the fact you could get your own music reviewed. However, the reason I really stayed was the irreverent humor of the FFA forum.

3. I don't even get the question :wub:

4. I'm not.

5. The fact our music isn't crap and we have actualy dynamic forums and interactions.

6. I log into YC when I first turn on the computer and only log off before going to sleep.

7. Yes.

8. Yes.

9. Usually no, though it has been even better.

10. Turn the rules into the old YC's ones.


1. Not sure, I think it was boredom, I wanted something to do while I was waiting for a book to come in the psot I think.

2. Realising that I liked a much greater percentage of people on this site than I had thought possible of any group of people.

3. Nope.

4. N/A

5. The fact it is primarily a forum :o

6. Too long :wub:

7. Very.

8. Yes.

9. No.

10. Obviously the new social networking thingme is going to be an improvement, but apart from that I can't think of anything.


1. What made you join this site?

The fact that it seemed focused to composition, and not samples/technology as most forums I know.

2. What made you stay?

Robin, QCC, Mark, Mike, and the fact that after 1 year, you started cleaning the site, of stupid people!

3. Are you looking for different music forum solutions? If so, why?

Certainly! When you are not with the company of your "set" friends, wouldn't you like to meet new people?

4. If applicable, why are you thinking about leaving?

If I am ever to leave, I will do so because of more stupid members.

5. What makes this site different than other music sites, such as Sound Click?

It's not based on popularity, and it is moderator, so all "ego" people seem to avoid it for now

6. How long are your visits here on average?

long? I don't know, I check whenever I'm online. It's one of my set sites to check.

7. How is the communication factor on this site? Is it easy to contact and make new friends?


8. Is YC fun?

Not searching for fun, in forums, sorry. Too old

9. Is YC boring?

Not searching for fun, in forums, sorry. I'm too boring myself :wub:

10. Suggestions on improvement?



1. I googled it, and found this forum, I thought that I could learn more about music - which I have :wub:

2. The People here

3. No, not at the moment.

4. N/A

5. I have not encountered a lot of other music forums or social networks, so I can't really say. Probably because it is still rather 'small' meaning you know most of the people here.

6. Minimum and hour.

7. Indeed it is :o

8. YC is not fun, the YC people are fun :D

9. Can't really say so, no.

10. Cannot think of any really.


  1. What made you join this site?
    Umm...I wanted to see how good my compositions were, I guess...
  2. What made you stay?
    I dunno....sometimes I've been away from here for months at a time
  3. Are you looking for different music forum solutions? If so, why?
  4. If applicable, why are you thinking about leaving?
  5. What makes this site different than other music sites, such as Sound Click?
    Soundclick sucks. Here you can actually talk to people....
  6. How long are your visits here on average?
    IT depends on the mood I'm in...
  7. How is the communication factor on this site? Is it easy to contact and make new friends?
    I guess.....
  8. Is YC fun?
  9. Is YC boring?
  10. Suggestions on improvement?

Give me cookies...



  1. What made you join this site?
    Seemed like a good idea at the time...and I'm pleased with my decision.
  2. What made you stay?
    Cool people; (sometimes) interesting conversation; forcing my musical opinions on people...
  3. Are you looking for different music forum solutions? If so, why?
  4. If applicable, why are you thinking about leaving?
    Not really considering it...I'll likely have to curb usage once school starts though.
  5. What makes this site different than other music sites, such as Sound Click?
    Discussion, conversation...
  6. How long are your visits here on average?
    I'm on and off sporadically throughout the day...usually in 20-30 minute spurts.
  7. How is the communication factor on this site? Is it easy to contact and make new friends?
    I believe so. I don't experience the cliqueyness...I waft effortlessly between cliques.
  8. Is YC fun?
    Often, yes.
  9. Is YC boring?
    Sometimes, yes. Especially when we were out in BC, time-zone issues created a strange rift in the space-time-continuum...mainly because most people in the world were asleep.
  10. Suggestions on improvement?


1. What made you join this site?


2. What made you stay?

Nico, and the community in general. When he was banned, I seriously considered leaving.

3. Are you looking for different music forum solutions? If so, why?

No, because I'm not a composer in the first place. I'm here for no real reason, except maybe to piss off fundamentalists.

4. If applicable, why are you thinking about leaving?

Nico was banned, and JG left.

5. What makes this site different than other music sites, such as Sound Click?

Don't use sound click, but I suppose because Chopin is too cheap to allow us to upload mp3s.

6. How long are your visits here on average?

Anywhere from ten or fifteen minutes to a few hours. On the longer ones, I usually just keep it open on one tab and do more interesting things on the other six or seven.

7. How is the communication factor on this site? Is it easy to contact and make new friends?

I think that the pager is a good thing to have, as is the PM system. I don't use the shoutbox much, and I think Chat was doomed from the start, as it's too much hassle to do something in a browser that AIM and MSN do far better, far more easily.

I don't have any friends.




8. Is YC fun?

Not the website itself, but frequently some of the more interesting members.

9. Is YC boring?

More often then not.

10. Suggestions on improvement?

I've got a few threads kicking around this very forum.


  1. What made you join this site?
    To be quite honest I don't remember the exact reason that took me to join it. I just know that I wanted to meet and talk to composers like me and be able to showcase my works and receive comments.
  2. What made you stay?
    Friendly members and addictive threads.
  3. Are you looking for different music forum solutions? If so, why?
    If by that you mean different forums, no.
  4. If applicable, why are you thinking about leaving?
    I'm not. xD
  5. What makes this site different than other music sites, such as Sound Click?
    Are you kidding?? People, an actual working "family", much more comfort and privacy.
  6. How long are your visits here on average?
    Depends. Might be from 5 minutes to an hour or more. The real question might be how many times do I visit. xD
    I tend to open and close the forum window several times.
  7. How is the communication factor on this site? Is it easy to contact and make new friends?
    Yes, I think so. One only needs to know how to approach people.
  8. Is YC fun?
  9. Is YC boring?
  10. Suggestions on improvement?
    YC-sponsored free plane tickets for two-week vacations at another member's house. I pick Hillary to come here!! ^^


Ooo how quaint, a survey! :P

What made you join this site?

Google. ... actually I'm not sure.

What made you stay?

Giselle and Nico

Are you looking for different music forum solutions? If so, why?

No. i'm too lazy.

If applicable, why are you thinking about leaving?

I wasn't...but if I was it would be because Nico, J. Lee, Bitter, and JG are gone.

What makes this site different than other music sites, such as Sound Click?


How long are your visits here on average?

an hour

How is the communication factor on this site? Is it easy to contact and make new friends?

It's a tad cliquey

Is YC fun?

Of course

Is YC boring?

Only when no one posts anything.

Suggestions on improvement?

Free money.



1. What made you join this site?

Well, I found the site by way of Google. What I was wanting to do at the time was get in contact with Nico somehow. So, off I went to search his name in Google to see what would show up. One of the first things I saw was a link to this site. I had no intentions of staying. I was actually not even planning on becoming a member. I just wanted to talk to Nico and so I joined to use the shoutbox.

2. What made you stay?

The things that have kept me around after that are the friends that I have made like Marius, Nico, Alex, Hillary, Jeremy, Paul, violinfiddler, etc., the helpful information that I can find on the site from some people who actually really know what they are talking about, and the sometimes raging, but always interesting debates that occur here on YC.

3. Are you looking for different music forum solutions? If so, why?

No, not really. I do not need a music forum. I think that this place is addictive and there are just plain and simply people who I like to talk to. I can also usually get my lame brained questions answered here too. I would not want to just drop off the face of YC and never talk to them again. I have not made any connections at any other music forums and I do not plan on jumping into any other because I would just be wasting my time.

4. If applicable, why are you thinking about leaving?

I am not leaving. I plan on staying for a really long time. If I ever appear to have left what has probally occurred is I have just taken a long vacation from this place.

5. What makes this site different than other music sites, such as Sound Click?

It is a smaller more personal community. I like the fact that most people know each other or at least know of each other. I like how we have an opportunity to talk directly to the administration and actually influence what goes on. I like that the administration is personal with the community. Sometimes you never even hear from the administration.

6. How long are your visits here on average?

It depends, in the past I have had days where YC is all that I did. It was not that common that I would spend all day on YC, but it did happen. However, more recently, I am on for about 30 minutes to an hour a different times throughout the day. Most of the time, though, I am on at night. I usually work and do productive stuff during the day.

7. How is the communication factor on this site? Is it easy to contact and make new friends?

Yes, I just talked about this in one of the other answers. However, I would like to address the cliquey comments that people make. I do not find YC to be that "cliquey". I think that people make friends and generally like to talk to those friends the most, but why not? I think new people are welcome here. I was new once upon a time and I was welcomed nicely. Look where I am now. I think the new people just have to assert their personality out into the open and make an effort to be noticed. I had to just jump in and ask questions and talk to people. I think one of the best ways to do it is to just hang out in the shoutbox with some of the "veterans of YC". Just let people get to know who you are. Then you will be "in the fold" of things.

8. Is YC fun?

Yes, sometimes it is fun. There are fun things about YC and there are things that bother me. I just deal with the bad and take in the good. I try to see what I can do about the bad, but the world isn't perfect so I let some of it slide. This is a very good site. I should not ask for anymore because you do not get this much as some other forums.

9. Is YC boring?

It can be at times, but most of the time there is something interesting going on. The only time that it would ever seem boring is when people are gone like Nico, Paul, Jeremy, etc. Or when you cannot possibly get through all of the posts because you are so far behind that you scroll through the titles and don't see but a few things to reply to. Then, you hit the mark all threads as read button. Then, you do not have any new posts to read for a while.

10. Suggestions on improvement?

Oh, there are a few, but as I said before . . . Who am I to complain? I will think of them if they come up and I will tell one of the Mikes if they seem important enough. It is good enough for me for now.


1. What made you join this site?

The chance to get feedback on the music I write and see what other people my age group (~17) are writing. Get advice if I need it (and find out if my music is actually any good). Listen to new music, help others. Another thing that initially caught my interest in the first place was the competitions and games.

2. What made you stay?

Nice, fun people, not difficult to make friends. Always new things to talk about. It is also a drive for me to keep writing. I plan to major in music, possibly comp, and I've been suffering from an immeasureable amount of writor's block and lack of enthusiasm for the past year, so I decided to stay here on YC, where I know people would expect new music to come out of me. Plus, there are always newbies cropping up, and I love to help and offer anything I can give.

3. Are you looking for different music forum solutions? If so, why?

If you meant "Are you looking for another music forum?", no, this place great, all and everything I could ask for.

4. If applicable, why are you thinking about leaving?

If this place was taking up too much of my time, I would consider leaving temporarily as did Hands and Anders (? I'm confused as to his current status right now :w00t: ), but I think I have enough self-control to avoid falling into this YC quicksand no matter how fun it would be. :happy:

5. What makes this site different than other music sites, such as Sound Click?

The interactivity and communication between people all with the same cause and the endless discussion possibilities. I'm not sure how Sound Click and others would even begin to accomplish what YC has already attained, a modern composer's sanctuary and utopia.

6. How long are your visits here on average?

Sometimes minutes, usually hours on end. Sometimes I visit two seperate times on any given day. Sometimes I forget to log off. Sometimes I think an automatic log off/timeout would be nice, but why bother? It would be so annoying in the long run.

7. How is the communication factor on this site? Is it easy to contact and make new friends?

I find communication with other members is utterly simple and rewarding. I have made a few friends of sorts, so yes, I think making friends on this site is not at all hindered by anything, it all depends on the people/members themselves.

8. Is YC fun?

Yup. I like the ShoutBox, it is very fun. I also am quite fond of the musical games and competitions, it's a shame they are going so slow at the moment, I would love to see more activity there.

9. Is YC boring?

It can be sometimes, but not of its own fault. Maybe not that much is going on during a given week, that's all.

10. Suggestions on improvement?

Hehe, more members that would actually stick around. More places for us to go. I know forum clutter is always a difficult task, but the more members we see, the more welcome new forums would be. Besides that, the only things I could possibly come up with to improve the site have already been discussed or covered, such as mp3 support, Scorch support, ect. I have also noticed a certain 'cliqueness' that has been mentioned several times before, but I've only been here for what, two months, so I don't want to say too much more, I'm not very 'YC-experienced' yet!

And Chopin, yes, I do have a suggestion for this questionnaire, "How much do you use the on-site Wiki?". I have not seen too much useful information on it yet, but I am helping to rectify that by adding articles on musical instruments. It seems to me that the Wiki is under-used at the moment, and not many people appear to be aware of it. I know there is not much more we can do to bring our Wiki to the members' attention, but it does need to be noticed a little more.


And Chopin, yes, I do have a suggestion for this questionnaire, "How much do you use the on-site Wiki?". I have not seen too much useful information on it yet, but I am helping to rectify that by adding articles on musical instruments. It seems to me that the Wiki is under-used at the moment, and not many people appear to be aware of it. I know there is not much more we can do to bring our Wiki to the members' attention, but it does need to be noticed a little more.

Don't worry, we're working on something that will hopefully increase awareness and use of the wiki, tis all top secret atm, but you will all know more when Mike returns :wub:


  1. What made you join this site?
    QC provided a link at the compose forums.
  2. What made you stay?
    The discussions were really quite interesting.
  3. Are you looking for different music forum solutions? If so, why?
  4. If applicable, why are you thinking about leaving?
  5. What makes this site different than other music sites, such as Sound Click?
    There's always a good discussion going on, with a variety of different viewpoints.
  6. How long are your visits here on average?
    Oh, 5 or 10 minutes here and there.
  7. How is the communication factor on this site? Is it easy to contact and make new friends?
    I tend not to participate in discussions unless I feel I have something to add (usually not) - so I wouldn't really say that I made any friends. I prefer to remain something of an enigma.
  8. Is YC fun?
  9. Is YC boring?
    Almost never.
  10. Suggestions on improvement?
    None at the moment.


  1. What made you join this site?
    I became interesting in composing and searched for a composer’s forum. This one appealed to me the most, mainly because it’s easy to navigate and I like the way it’s laid out on the screen. I find the earthy colors to be peaceful and uncluttered.
  2. What made you stay?
    This forum seems to offer what I was originally looking for, and I haven’t really seen anything better for my purposes.
  3. Are you looking for different music forum solutions? If so, why?
    I’m not actively searching, but if I came across something better I’d probably spend more time there. But so far I haven’t seen anything that has a better feel to it. The people here seem to be pretty decent, helpful, and give honest constructive criticism on pieces.
  4. If applicable, why are you thinking about leaving?
  5. What makes this site different than other music sites, such as Sound Click?
    I haven’t really been to that many other sites. But I like the direct feedback with other composers of all levels, whether they are experts, or just starting out. All ideas are interesting.
  6. How long are your visits here on average?
    I typically leave my computer online all day. So it may appear that I’m logged in here almost 24 hours. But that doesn’t mean I’m here. I could be out mowing the lawn. I never shut the computer off and seldom log off sites. I just walk by every once in a while to see if there are any new pieces posted, or new feedback in threads I’ve posted to.
  7. How is the communication factor on this site? Is it easy to contact and make new friends?
    I didn’t really come here to socialize. I came to exchange ideas. I treat everyone I meet as a friendly as I possibly can. I’m a pantheist and to me the world is one.
  8. Is YC fun?
    When I want to have fun I’d take my motorcycle for a ride.
  9. Is YC boring?
    I didn’t come here for entertainment. I came to use this forum as a serious workshop to improve my composition skills. It was my impression that this is supposed to be the purpose of this site.
  10. Suggestions on improvement?
    Someone already posted to encourage people to post more midi when possible. I certainly second that. I think they are better tools for learning and sharing composition ideas.
    I would like to see people discouraged from using this site as a showcase to showoff completely finished polished pieces that they really don’t even want feedback on other than praise. It seems to me there are plenty of sites on the Internet for that purpose.
    I think the midi files are a more useful “tool” for learning and sharing the actual music. So I would like to see their use encouraged. I’m not saying that mp3 files should be discourage, but I feel that midi files should be encouraged to be posted along side them and the purpose of this site as a workshop for composers should be emphasized.
    If the site turns into nothing more than a showcase for finished pieces then I’ll lose interest in it for sure. That’s just not what I had set out looking for. I’m looking for a “workshop” atmosphere. So far this site has provided that. But I see things leaning toward a “showcase” atmosphere which would cause me to leave.
    So I would like to see the administration take steps to encourage the workshop atmosphere and discourage the showcase atmosphere. I don't think this needs to be done with mandatory rules, but rather just by the use of reminder statements and requests to keep people thinking in terms of it being a workshop for exchanging ideas and helping each other out rather than just a place to show off finished polished pieces in search of praise. I think there are plenty of sites on the Internet for that.


8. Is YC fun?

9. Is YC boring?

Those questions bug me. Perhaps better questions would have been somewhere along the lines of "Do you find YC engaging?" or "Do you enjoy the time you spend here and if not, why?". Asking if it's "Fun" sounds rather juvenile and seems to make the site seem less focused and professional.


1.What made you join this site?

I was looking for music forums on google and thought this woud be interesting.

2.What made you stay?

I like the site. That's it.

3.Are you looking for different music forum solutions? If so, why?

I'm not anymore because I decided that I liked this site.

4.If applicable, why are you thinking about leaving?

I'm not

5.What makes this site different than other music sites, such as Sound Click?

Having never actually used Soundclick, I'm not sure.

6.How long are your visits here on average?

I'm usually on during spares at school or in spare time at home... not that I have much spare time.

7.How is the communication factor on this site? Is it easy to contact and make new friends?

i guess. I'm only new though but everyone seems nice.

8.Is YC fun?I wouldn't call it fun but it's interesting.

9.Is YC boring?Again, I find it interesting.

10.Suggestions on improvement?Nope, not off the top of my head.Wait... nope.

Those questions bug me. Perhaps better questions would have been somewhere along the lines of "Do you find YC engaging?" or "Do you enjoy the time you spend here and if not, why?". Asking if it's "Fun" sounds rather juvenile and seems to make the site seem less focused and professional.


I find that my time spent at YC is a quite rewarding experience. I am able to share and express my musical knowledge and creativity in an environment that cultivates my being an artist. The atmosphere is relaxed, but professional, and there is always something to do on this forum. The oppurtunities that arise to have conversation in Off-Topic add a pleasent diversion from the main forum, which focuses on music. The members of this site add their own nuances to the great spectrum of personalities represented on this forum, which creates a quite enjoyable, and sometimes comical atmosphere.

Is that better, Hill?

I would greatly appreciate it if you could take the time to answer these questions honestly:

  1. What made you join this site?
  2. What made you stay?
  3. Are you looking for different music forum solutions? If so, why?
  4. If applicable, why are you thinking about leaving?
  5. What makes this site different than other music sites, such as Sound Click?
  6. How long are your visits here on average?
  7. How is the communication factor on this site? Is it easy to contact and make new friends?
  8. Is YC fun?
  9. Is YC boring?
  10. Suggestions on improvement?

If you can think of other questions for the questionnaire, please feel free to PM me or post them in this thread...then answer them.

1. I was (and still am) interested in becoming a videogame composer, but I needed a place where I could post my creations and have a musically literate group of people tell me what they thought was good and bad about my pieces.

2. Admitedly I wanted to leave after a little while because the people seemed very cold to me and didn't seem to like respond to my pieces very well. But since, I've met a few people on here who I like enough to consider friends.

3. I'm not sure I understand this question very well. So I'm going to say no.

5. I have a sound click account and let me go on record as saying, this site is MUCH different. People on Soundclick in general seem to be less intelligent and seem to not have such a great musical understanding. Not to mention nearly half of the people on that site are into hip hop (the scourge of music's existence IMO). On YC, people seem (in general) more intelligent and have better taste in music.

6. I used to only spend about 10 minutes every other day on this site, now I probably spend a good two hours a day.

7. Making friends on this site is rather strange. Some people seem very friendly and open while others seem reserved and condescending (I'm not naming any names but you know who you are). It's very easy to make friends with the open and friendly people, and very tough for those who think they are better then everyone else.

8. Besides the first couple of weeks on this site where people seemed very cold, this site has always been fun for me. Espically since I discovered the wonders of the Off-Topic forum.

9. Hardly ever.

10. I think this site is good as is. The only thing I can say is, if you keep the things the way they are now, I will stay with this site for many years.


  1. What made you join this site?
    I found it, and I had some compositions.
  2. What made you stay?
    Reviews, since it's hard to get them anywhere else.
  3. Are you looking for different music forum solutions? If so, why?
  4. If applicable, why are you thinking about leaving?
  5. What makes this site different than other music sites, such as Sound Click?
    Soundclick is click and download. No communication whatsoever.
  6. How long are your visits here on average?
    An hour?
  7. How is the communication factor on this site? Is it easy to contact and make new friends?
    Not really easy, but it's not that hard too.
  8. Is YC fun?
  9. Is YC boring?
  10. Suggestions on improvement?
    No idea


1. What made you join this site?

looking for some place with a musical community... you can thank google for another member.

2. What made you stay?

the people, the incredible knowledge possessed by everyone... I feel as though I could eventually learn basically everything I ever wanted about music here, just by asking the teachers.

3. Are you looking for different music forum solutions? If so, why?

eww... no. this one is fine, I enjoy it very much.

4. If applicable, why are you thinking about leaving?

it's not applicable.

5. What makes this site different than other music sites, such as Sound Click?

the community. it kicks donkey, if I may use the term.

6. How long are your visits here on average?

I don't leave. I just leave my browser on all day, and I have this site up. everytime I use my computer, I refresh the page and look for interesting things.

7. How is the communication factor on this site? Is it easy to contact and make new friends?

this site is great. it's easy to get to know people and to just discuss music, which was the point.

8. Is YC fun?

hell yes.

9. Is YC boring?

hell no.

10. Suggestions on improvement?

not really.


1. What made you join this site?

The fact that it was based around composition. It may have been what I was looking for? And I don't have to urge my friends to give me comments anymore :thumbsup: (I don't get that much here either, so I keep on bothering them, but oh well...)

2. What made you stay?

The initial outburst of formerly unknown inspiration

3. Are you looking for different music forum solutions? If so, why?

Yes. It's always good to have more than one perspective.

4. If applicable, why are you thinking about leaving?

As so many times, it gets boring with time.

5. What makes this site different than other music sites, such as Sound Click?

I don't know. It's a forum?

6. How long are your visits here on average?

Very long.

7. How is the communication factor on this site? Is it easy to contact and make new friends?


8. Is YC fun?

Don't know? Rather no?

9. Is YC boring?

If it really was that boring, I wouldn't check back every day.

10. Suggestions on improvement?


Guest Jen318tkd

1) What made you join this site?

I had just started composing a few days earlier and thought it would be helpful (which is was :innocent: )

2)What made you stay?

I was getting helpful feedback and making friends

3)Are you looking for different music forum solutions? If so, why?

no...I have been on a few others, but they pretty much sucked

4)If applicable, why are you thinking about leaving?


5)What makes this site different than other music sites, such as Sound Click?

SoundClick doesn't seem to have the same community atmosphere, plus they only deal with MP3

6)How long are your visits here on average?

Depends what is going on

7)How is the communication factor on this site? Is it easy to contact and make new friends?

yes, although I have been a little inactive lately because of work and preparing for school

8)Is YC fun?

Except for the quarreling, yes

9)Is YC boring?


10)Suggestions on improvement?

I'll save it for moderator discussions :D

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