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Music Schools: Where you Went, Where you Go, and Where You Want To


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So, on the much discussed topic of Music school, let's get a few things cleared up, eh?

So post an answer. Where did/do you go? Where do you want to go?

And what did/are you/do you want to major/majoring/major in?

For me, I've narrowed it down to two.

Either Eastman School of Music at the University of Rochester in Rochester New York for Composition


The Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama for Oboe Performance.

I will most likely pick the latter, because I've already chosen to move to Scotland once I move out for good, and it would be much easier to move there if I actually went to school there and had lived there before, rather than just show up one day looking for a house. :P

How about you?

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Went to: 1999-2003, St Francis Xavier University (B.Mus, Jazz Studies: trombone performance/composition). School had a good reputation, though departmental politics have since led to the demise of a great jazz school. I graduated just before things got really bad...

Went to (briefly): 2006 (1 semester), University of Victoria (M.Mus, Composition). Good school, not for me - some of you may recall the scraggy-storm surrounding my eventual withdrawal.

Going to: Starting this September, I'll be attending University of Toronto for a M.Mus in jazz studies: trombone performance/composition.


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Mark: Don't go to Scotland! Come on! Of course the financial is always an issue, but...

I went to various conservatories in Greece, but here in the UK I was and still am in Royal Holloway, University of London. Not bad, a small place, with few people, but nice composers really. Although I would say that it's not much of a place for composition, but rather for musicology and a very keen sense of ethnomusicology... Ah well... I'm stuck here though :)

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Mark, don't know how serious you are, but take the weekend, or a week off and come over to London, with you parents or whatever. Don't need to STUDY in London only to meet us ;):D:D

EDIT: But never mind really. I don't want to meet any capitalist(ic) pigs in London. :)

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Guest QcCowboy

well, learn from the experience of the aged (me, that is)

I picked a school that had really (and I mean REALLY) easy entrance requirements for my Bachelors (I think americans call that undergrad?) - Concordia university in Montreal. Classes in both English adn French, had the NICEST teachers on the planet.. I got FANTASTIC grades... and learned nothing. So I basically got a BFA in music theory/composition that was useless. I already knew everything they were going to teach me before entering that school. So there's 3 years I COULD have spent with a good composition teacher.

For my Master's degree (graduate school?) I went to Universit

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