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suggestions for violin concerto please??

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goldmark concerto, nice romantic one that you don't really hear of,

Vivaldi 4 seasons, I find this very fun to play,

Mozart concertos, I like 3 & 4 the best,

can't think of any more, when I get home I'll probably find a whole bunch more in my library.


There are 2 really nice ones by Bach- I'm preferential to the E-major one.

Handel's Sonata a Cinque may be permissable as a violin concerto, although it leans more towards the side of a concerto grosso.

There's a Beethoven one, a buttload by Vivaldi, and Mendelssohn's is one that I am preferential to also.

Those are all the major solo ones I can think of.


You play the violin and you don't even know what you'd like to play?

Sorry, that just seems strange to me.

What attracted you to play the violin in the first place?

Why not write your own concerto. Then you can make it just the way you like it. :thumbsup:


That's funny, I would do that too. :thumbsup: Just write a concerto only so I can use it for an audition or exam. Unfortunately, any place will probably frown upon anything other than a piece well established as a part of classical repretoire (with the word 'classical' being used generically)

And no, sometime you can't come up with something to play, Abracadabra, not to say it makes any sense. I want to audition a piano concerto for my Youth Symphony, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what I'd rather perform, the Prokofiev 1st? The Mendelsohn 1st? The Shostakovitch? The Mozart 24? Maybe the Bach D minor? I have no clue. I think I actually might end up playing a marimba concerto instead, something new and different.

One staple of the violin concerto repretoire in the Haydn G major, have you ever played that one? It is quite simple, though, in comparison to others, but it has its charm.

And don't be that rude.. just because you play an instrument doesn't mean you know all of the repertoire for it.

Sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I just posted my initial reaction without thinking.

You're right! There's nothing wrong with asking for suggestions for new repertoire.


well i didn't think i'd get that much answers. thank you very much! first of all visrtualshock these concertos are too easy for this level but thanks anyway. secondly abracadabra i don't think i have the knowledge to write a concerto yet. i mean i could write one but it would me something i wouldn't like at the end. and i don't know much concertos because simply i don't like them so much. i think they are far too long and i prefer melodies that stick to your mind (take kreisler for example). musicman i've played handel 4 years ago.. :toothygrin:. well look what's the deal: in my class everyone plays the same pieces and i am sick of it. I would like to play lalo but a friend of mine plays it and i don't feel like competing him. my favourite is mendelssohn but i would like to have more technique when i'll play it. now you understand what kind of concertos i'm thinking about. right now i'm looking for a good recording of saint seans. do you know where to find it in the internet?


O.k, since you are in the level of Weinawski no.2, I would suggest you wait for the Mendelssohn, it takes a lot of skill to learn that one. Here are some that you could do though:

Saint-Saens no.3

Mozart no. 4 and 5

Bruch no. 1

Perhaps Barber's violin concerto, but the last movement I've been told is brutal.

Hope that helps.

Guest QcCowboy

how about something COMPLETELY different?

may I suggest Alan Belkin: Violin Concerto, of 1994.

It's in one continuous movement, but divided into three sections. the slow section is gorgeous. It's difficult, but not impossible, and there IS a piano reduction of the orchestra part.

It's been recorded by Olivier Thouin and the Orchestre Symphonique de Laval

it lasts 13 minutes, which seems a nice "examination" length.

As for the Barber, I'd say that since the original "virtuoso" who commissioned the concerto said the finale was "impossible to play", it might be a bit rough as an examination piece.


well i've ordered from the internet the barber concerto allready.. i've heard it and it sounded kind of easy and with a lot of passion. saint-saens was good too but not so touching for me. besides i think they only need to hear the first part of a concerto for the exams. do you know if there is a concerto which has a more "tango" style? i've recently played in a concert gade's jalousie and it really was amazing but unfortunately not a concerto..

Yes, a violinist who knows what he is taking about....

And I only suggested Barber because... I think most of the time students for exams only work on the first movement.

But I did the Mendehlssohn before I did Wieiawski... ha.

I learned the first movement of the Mendelssohn last fall/winter...*cough* I still do not know the Wienawski, and I will probably never learn it. But the Mendelssohn takes a ton of skill, I could probably get it out and practice it a bit and play it alright now, but, it's hard.


well i'm not from romania i'm greek. ioanna is the female john in english. or joan. i'm starting to play in tempo wieniavsky and i'm only studying it a week. it's not that difficult. but mendelssohn is one of my favourites and i'd like to play it really well when i do

well i'm not from romania i'm greek. ioanna is the female john in english. or joan. i'm starting to play in tempo wieniavsky and i'm only studying it a week. it's not that difficult. but mendelssohn is one of my favourites and i'd like to play it really well when i do

OK... thanks for answering... :happy:

I was only curios!

Good luck with your exam!

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