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suggestions for violin concerto please??

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  • 5 months later...

You should consider Carl Nielsen's Violin Concerto. It is not very well known, at least not as known as it deserves to be, but none the less extremely good and, I believe, technically challenging.

EDIT: Ah, OK, I see this advice is a bit "overdue" ;)

There are 2 really nice ones by Bach- I'm preferential to the E-major one.

Handel's Sonata a Cinque may be permissable as a violin concerto, although it leans more towards the side of a concerto grosso.

There's a Beethoven one, a buttload by Vivaldi, and Mendelssohn's is one that I am preferential to also.

Those are all the major solo ones I can think of.

Have the sheet music to that one very fun baroque piece to play, it is a little on the intermediate side, but a joy and happy piece to play!


My favorite concerto is Tchai's violin concerto (#2?). If I could play anything, that would be the one thing that I would want to play on the Violin. :D

My favorite concerto is Tchai's violin concerto (#2?). If I could play anything, that would be the one thing that I would want to play on the Violin. :D

His second violin concerto eh? I'm really not a fan of tchaikovsky's violin concertos I love the finale of the swan lake though, perhaps the greatest finale of a ballet of all time!


A single one? Not really. I love many. Vivaldi and Bach have nice pleasant ones, although the brilliant stuff really begins at Mozart IMO. The Beethoven is absolutely amazing, and I also adore Mendelssohn's, Paganini's (I've heard 1, 2, 4 and 5) Bruch's 1st, Wieniawski's 2nd (which I'm playing), Tchaikovsky's, Brahms', Sibelius' and so forth. It's really impossible to choose.

A single one? Not really. I love many. Vivaldi and Bach have nice pleasant ones, although the brilliant stuff really begins at Mozart IMO. The Beethoven is absolutely amazing, and I also adore Mendelssohn's, Paganini's (I've heard 1, 2, 4 and 5) Bruch's 1st, Wieniawski's 2nd (which I'm playing), Tchaikovsky's, Brahms', Sibelius' and so forth. It's really impossible to choose.

Love bruch's first I think its in the top five if not 3


I've had the enormous pleasure of playing it. Except breaking down the 3rd movement bar by bar, note by note: that wasn't much fun, although it was necessary.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Bartok who wrote a lot of stuff for Violin, although I'm not sure how difficult it is. I believe Prokofiev wrote a couple concerti for violin, Nielsen wrote one and of course there is Berio's violin sequenza but from what it looks like, like all of his sequenzas, it looks like a royal pain in the donkey.

Good luck.

  • 1 month later...

Try Vivaldi's RV 298 in G Major. I guarantee you'll like playing it. The third movement is gonna give your fingers a good workout! In my opinion, it's one of his gems.

(It's from his Opus 4)

  • 7 months later...

hello after a long time! well i played wieniawsky after all but my teacher promised me to let me play barber this year (in our conservatorie they don't like modern composers that much but i'll step my foot down!) You have been very very helpful, thanx a lot!

P.s. I started studying devil's trill and i found that paganini's caprice n.6 helps a lot for the trill part. What do you think about this sonata?

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