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Suggestions for new collaborative projects

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Guest bryanholmes


You have no idea how long and hard I laughed when I read that. Not out of hatred or ignorance, just at the fact that someone would have their own COMPLETELY RANDOM AND OUT OF CONTEXT little activism rant on a music forum. And because I imagined a drunk Latin American being dragged out of a shopping mall by annoyed police officers.

Ok ok, oboehazzard, you win. I'm an ignorant and alcoholic, and you're not a person with a silly life (of course, I can imagine how interesting can it be dedicated to puerile games). Now you can add this also to your funny signature, and at the same time you can kiss my donkey. The other alternative is to just forget my existence in this forum, which sounds so better, isn't it?


How about just posting a theme, and then making the ensemble a full orchestra, and people can use as little or as much of it as they like? They don't have to use the whole thing, could just use the brass section, or the harp, or something...

I want to take some Zelda music and arrange it for band, something like the Final fantasy thing going on, except for band.

I've already done that with a few tracks. So has Marius, I believe.

Here's my own suggestion: Just like Anders is having the compilation of FFI arrangements, how about a compilation of arrangements of national anthems? It would be great if people took the anthem and expanded on it and added to it instead of just arranging it. We could have people pick a national anthem they are not familiar with. i.e., I would pick the Portuguese national anthem (guessing they have one) because I've never heard it, I couldn't be biased at all, it would be just like any other piece of music to me.

We would have to have a common ensemble. Piano, string orchestra, quartet or quintet of some sort, organ. No voice. Have it be just the music.

Any yays? Any nays?


Don't mention the Portuguese national anthem, Tomas or Miguel will go off on a rant about how brilliant it is and how much better it is than Spain's :P


I expect that forum requires permission, which you won't have. It's to stop people starting any threads in there without the approval of the admin etc.


That's what I thought, but Chopin is ignoring me, so I'll start gathering people here.

I'm going to post 8 bars as 1st violin, P2 does vio2, p3 viola and p4 cello.

Then after P4 has done cello, he/she does 8 bars as 1st violin, and I go to vio2, P3 to viola etc.

Here's the list of Players(so far):



Hey hey! I still don't understand, don't stick my name there yet. Who defines the harmony? We can't all write a random 8 bars, it's been done in the past, and sounded crap.

Guest Anders

Please don't go off on your own. There's a reason why only us elitist people with privileges can start threads in this forum. ;)

Provide a clear, coherent outline for how you're planning to do this, then I'll start the thread.


Ok, mark has beem removed(you can join again) and I completely understand your reluctuctance to give rights to people.

Ok, I already have the first 8 bars.

I was going for a romantic feel, romantic harmony.

I want to use only 4 players who repeatedly participate in a specific order, but switching instuments as explained earlier.

Anything more you want to know? Any participants?


I still have no idea what you want to do. :D You have to give people more to go on!


Ok, let me begin at the beginning, I was born on the 4 of ju......

Sorry, I had to.

I want to start a collaborative project in which there is four participants, and we will write the music for a string quartet together.

P1 = player 1

P2 = player 2 etc.

P1(me for starters) will give the first 8(not important how many really) bars of the piece for first violin.

P2 will then proceed to give the 2nd violin part for the above mentioned 8(or how ever many) bars.

P3 will do the same for viola.

P4 will do the same for cello.

Then we move on. P4 now gives the next 8(or whatever) bars as 1st violin, P1 does 2nd violin, P2 viola and P3 cello.

Then we move on again and P3 now does 8() bars as 1st violin, P4 does 2nd violin, P1 viola and P2 cello.

Then P2 starts us of again.

This repeats untill we are happy.

I want to do it in a romantic style, so that it is tonal, but not too strict on rules.

This can be done in any style, but the 8 bars I have have a romantic feel.

If more than 4 people want to play then new string qaurtets can be started.

A few questions:

1. Isn't this wat the collab works are for?

2. What more do you want to know? Be specific.

3. Any one want to join? (I need 3 participants.)


Excellent. :D I now have enough information to start a thread. Look for it later today.

  • 1 month later...

hey Paginani, I got Rosegarden working now and I can play MIDI files!! Can I join? Please? I dropped out last time because I didn't have anything up and running.. but now i do!



Not really, since we have four parts and each of four people writes their one part for each set of eight measures. So sorry, the harmony is already too think to add a fifth part. Maybe we could start a new one. Can't hurt to have two going on at once, maybe this string quartet and start a .... wind quintet?

  • 1 month later...


Hmm.... nobody else is interested in starting anything? We have this whole shiny, brand new forum and only one project going on? Post here if anybody is interested in starting a new project, I wanna see some action! :D

We could start another string quartet, quintet, brass quintet, wind quintet, or as I mentioned before have us all partake in arrangements of national anthems. I'm all for the creation of new music though, I'd rather not get into just simply arranging stuff. Those are all just basic ideas.... any takers out there? At all?

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