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I've noticed a handful of improvisations floating around the Solo Works for Piano forum. I was wondering, would it be worthwhile to create a sub-forum under that dedicated to improvisations?

Here is an example posting -> http://www.youngcomposers.com/forum/improvisation-2007-07-05-a-11180.html

That is a marvelous improv, but can it really be critiqued and reviewed in the same way that any more deliberate piece can? I don't really think so. Less thought, less musical mechanisism (even a word?), and more spontaneous creativity and heart and soul are more often than not put into these improvisations than works that are written down, note-by-note on paper or in a notation program. I consider it a completely different level. The question is whether it deserves its own sub-forum. Would anybody else see use in this?


I really see no benefit to segregating improvisations. The seperation doesn't seem to have any practical use besides a vague sense of having everything more organized.

The fact is that we have (comparatively) very few improvisations posted, and so it kind of seems like splitting the piano forum into more pieces for a category that's not even going to be popular would be a waste of time.

I'd say no.


Thanks for the compliment... wasn't expecting that.

I felt a little uncomfortable posting that in that forum to be honest, mainly because it wasn't a "finished" piece per se. If it hadn't been for seeing some of Derek's postings I wouldn't have posted it at all.

Do I think a sub-forum is warranted?... probably not, but it seems I'm not the only one who "composes" mostly via improv.

On the other hand... it's not really a "deliberately composed piece". I don't want to detract from those that are.

But it also isn't realy an "unfinished piece" either. I dunno.

So yeah, in the end, this post was basically worthless, considering I didn't say yay or nay. It's really up to the rest of you.

I'll continue posting notable improv ideas there until someone complains.... that might be the best policy. :shifty:


I agree with Marius - especially since most posters of improvisations do indicate this in the title, so these works are already easy to access or not as the listener chooses.

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