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Transcribe the bass, it's quite easy, starts on the tonic keynote - if A minor it starts on A. Then if the harmony isn't apparent, write out the scale of A minor with triads (you need i II* III(maybe) iv V, vi (maybe) and VII (all in their natural minor form except V where the 3rd is #). You may also need the II (or V/V as some people say). In A minor, that would be B D# F# to lead into V. (E G# B)


It'll take painstaking work sorting out the actual notes of the chords but if you get the basics right you can try out at a keyboard to get the extra notes. Not easy if this is your first one but the way to learn.

I think It sounds good, but you should write a tuba part my band always leaves us out during jazz band.


He didn't write it, he's transcribing it.

I'm sorry, I'm no help. Clueless when it comes to transcribing things, especially jazz... I need practice...

But this is a great piece. the mp3 with just the rhythm section is awesome for soloing over.;)


So I listened to the tune and from I put together a bit of a chord progression based on the guitar comping and the bass notes. The guitar moves very fast and comps very short so I can only guess with the little time I spent. Anyway:

Pretty sure the first chord is an Amin. Second chord is either a Bmin6 (by root) or more likely a G7/B. The next chord is probably an Amin/C or a Cmaj6 (by root). The last chord is an Gmaj6/E or more likely an Emin7 (by root).

So that's the intro to the song. Its good to transcribe the bass lines like in classical music, in Jazz "roots rule". More often then not the chord's root will be in the bass, especially with a song written in that style. Hope this helps some.


The second and fourth chords are both dominants. The second chord is almost invariably ("almost" added just because I haven't listened that carefully) E7#9/B (which is why you hear a G on top). The fourth chord is, as far as I've noticed, E7 with the occasional b9 or #9.

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