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JediMaster wants to learn how to develop and conceive material for composition.

My first question....

When it comes to music composition, do you understand what a motif is?



Here is your first exercise. Actually, this exercise was used for another student of mine in the lesson forum as well but he didn't have time to continue. So, I figure you can get some good use out of it. :P

I've attached an exercise for you. Its a theme and within that theme I have designated 3 motifs I want to you to focus on. I will give you instructions on what I want you to do.

1) First I want you to combine motif 1 and motif 3 using the rhythm & melodic shape only to create music. Don't worry about so much about preserving the relationship of intervals between the notes. Try your best to not always be suggestive of the key of C Major. Try to create 4 measures of music.

2) Repeat this process combining motifs 1 & 2 as well as combining motifs 2 & 3. Remember that I want you to focus on working with the rhythm and melodic shape for now.

Is the assignment clear?



The first two combination of motifs are good. But you third combo varies a little. Remember you were to keep the melodic shape. In your 3rd example you did a slight variation by altering the the shape of "motif 1". Its not wrong, but for now try not to do so as we will work on that further on.

For this stage of the exercise you kept each motif complete and followed it by another motif in different ways. What I want you to do this time is to find a way that you can disect the motifs and kind of past various parts of different motifs together. Therefore, when

motif 1 and motif 2 appear together they should not look like two separate motifs as one following the other. But, instead it should look like a hybrid of both motifs almost creating a new motivic idea.

Come up with a good number of 4 measure examples of motif hybrids that you can.

Does this make sense?


Ok, I took a look and it wasn't a bad start.

I want you to try it again but this time I want you to think about a few things. Don't feel pressured to have the assignemets done quickly. You can take up to a week. I want you to try and get the best out of the assignments for yourself.

Let's take a look at the second exercise that you did. First off, the 4 16th note idea was not really a hybrid idea. It is more of an extension or continuation of the idea of the 1ts motif. I also saw that you combined the ideas of motif 2 and 3 a number of times. And other times you are using continuations of the idea of just one motif.

So here is what I want for you to do:

1) Take a look at the various motifs analyzing what rhythms and melodic shapes make up the different motifs.

2) Next, think about what aspects would you like to "cut" away from any two motifs and "paste" together to form another idea that "seems new".

3) This time When you have created your "hybrid" I want you to label what parts came from what motif.

Remember, its ok to take your time with this.

Let me know if you need further explanation. :)


You forgot to identify what motifs were combined or at least verbally tell me so measure by measure. I can see for myself, but I want for you to do so for practice.


okay here goes :)

Measure 1:

Combined the first parts of motives 1 and 2, then added the second down of motive 2

again repeated the first part of the 1 and two motives and then took the down by scond of the second and last motives.

Measure 2:

took the down by second and the up by second of motives 1 and 2 then combined the rythm of motive1 with the intervals of the 2nd motive and up by third of the third motive.

Measure 3: combinations of different parts of motives 1 and 2

Measure 4: combination of 1 and two and rounding off :

  • 2 weeks later...
okay here goes :)

Measure 1:

Combined the first parts of motives 1 and 2, then added the second down of motive 2

again repeated the first part of the 1 and two motives and then took the down by scond of the second and last motives.

Measure 2:

took the down by second and the up by second of motives 1 and 2 then combined the rythm of motive1 with the intervals of the 2nd motive and up by third of the third motive.

Measure 3: combinations of different parts of motives 1 and 2

Measure 4: combination of 1 and two and rounding off :

Ok, You are getting th idea much better. I want you to try again for a third time. This time make 2 or 3 good four measure examples. Also think about constructin a melody of your own with a about 2 or 3 motifs that we can use for the next exercise.



Of all you attempts I liked this one the most when it came to what was visually going on with the combination of motifs. However, when it came to what it sounded like it was another matter. I do understand that the material was limited (which is part of the exercise) but in all cases think about your interval relationships when either constructing a melody, motif(s), or combining motivic ideas. You want the ear to be lead in a certain manner, and how the ear is musically led is up to you.

Think about this when constructin your own melody. Also, your own melody need not be of a grand creation. Something that uses various motivic ideas with attention to some rhythm and relationship between intervals. So, take your time and make sure you create something that you will want to work with.

  • 2 weeks later...

Still working on a normal theme. it'll take some more time I'm taken up with other work. But I'l manage to post it I guess by the middle of next week. I hope you don't mind.


Well, its really not about meeting my expectations. Just as long as you've really thought about your melodic invention.

The melody that you created, are you fully satisfied with it? Are you pleased with the interval relationships and how the ear follows the line of music. Did you take advantage to specific stepwise motions, skips and leaps with careful attention to individual intervalic moments and overall presentation to the ear?

If you answer yes, then we can continue. I ask these questions because I want to make sure that you pleased with what you have presented so that you will have some enjoyment and gain a good understanding as we continue with the exercises.

  • 2 weeks later...


This will be the first exercise with your melody. I want for you to do the same exact thing we did with the melody I created for you. This time it's your own melody and am hoping you will be more comfortable as it is your own material. I want you to designate up to 3 motivic ideas to work with. After you have chosen them and identified them to me, I want to you work on creating new material by combining motivic ideas.

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