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How many cds do you own?  

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  1. 1. How many cds do you own?

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    • 51-75
    • 75-100
    • 100-200
    • 201+

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So, in the age-of-the-instant-download, how many of us still actually like to buy albums?

I think there's something inherently cool about being able to hold, touch and see someones hard work and money in album form. The artwork accompanying a cd or record is an important part of the total package.

Every time we move, I notice how many frigging cds we have.

Vinyl too... :cool: Any of you own actual records (or even a turntable, for that matter)?! It's fascinating how you can scrape a metal spike along a piece of plastic, and somehow music comes out...

But, anyway...I'm just curious - how big is your record collection?! (Record meaning Vinyl, 8-track, Cassette, CD ... some sort of physical manifestation of audio music.)


We've recently hit the 500 mark.

I've got around 67, mostly in CD holders since the cases take up so much room

I like the clunky boxes...there's a sort of endearing charm to them. Also, some people do very creative things with their packaging...


Pushing the 1000 mark here with CDs. No tapes but about 150+ LPs as well. To save space, we picked up an external harddrive and loaded our CDs onto that so now we have a virtual jukebox plus no loss of living space to shelves. :-)

I like the clunky boxes...there's a sort of endearing charm to them. Also, some people do very creative things with their packaging...

I still have the original cases, but I keep them at the house, the CDs themselves are in my car ;)

Pushing the 1000 mark here with CDs. No tapes but about 150+ LPs as well. To save space, we picked up an external harddrive and loaded our CDs onto that so now we have a virtual jukebox plus no loss of living space to shelves. :-)

Where'd you put the actual CDs? The whole point is that you have the physical thing you can pick up with your hands...isn't it?

...but I've got about 530 albums on my hard drive.

I might burn them all onto CD-R's, would that count?

No it wouldn't count... :whistling:


I think it's a bit over 200 for me.... and I'm young and only just getting started.

I like having the real cd, I buy a lot more than I burn, plus I don't really listen to music at the computer


I have one CD: Orchestrated Piano Pieces by Edvard Grieg. Rather excellently orchestrated, I might add. (with the exception of a few pieces that fall into late romantic gaucheness. yuck)

However, I've recently decided to start collecting CDs actively. Mostly because I have this compulsive disposition to retag the files on my computer over and over and over and over and over and over again.


I have half a CD. It broke while I was using it as a frisbee in a small flat, It executed the cat. I tried sticking it back with selotape but it don't play no more. The half I kept is called;




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Where'd you put the actual CDs? The whole point is that you have the physical thing you can pick up with your hands...isn't it?

We moved to a smaller apartment. At the new place space is very limited so we boxed up the collection and put it into storage. Of course I'd prefer to have the cases around for reading material etc. but if it comes down to having the music or not, I'd rather have the music.


The number of CDs I own is about... 6. However, I find joy in listening to my mother's or my brother's. It saves me from buying my own (because they're really quite expensive I find).


I have hundreds of CDs, but I just rip all the tracks from the CDs to my computer (and then transfer to my mp3 player) and put the actual CDs and cases in storage. I never use actual CDs in a player. :-)


BAH! mp3's are so....synthetic and impersonal. For some reason, the acts of opening the case, putting the disc in the player (on the turntable), turning UP the volume and listening on real speakers.....is part of it.

Then, I go sort out the recycling...that's not part of it, but it's still very important.



I love my milk creates full of LP's. I don't know what it is about vinyl but it gives the music such a warm and friendly feel to it. I choose them over CD's and mp3's any day :wub:

I only have 2 crates at the moment but both are full... once I find another create, I'm going to get more...

I love my milk creates full of LP's. I don't know what it is about vinyl but it gives the music such a warm and friendly feel to it. I choose them over CD's and mp3's any day :wub:

I only have 2 crates at the moment but both are full... once I find another create, I'm going to get more...

:thumbsup: Be careful...a lot of new milk crates have different dimensions, and can't fit LPs. Found this out the hard way...


The good thing about CDs is that they come with writing inside them about what's on the CD, and info about who is performing whatever it is. You don't get that on mp3 clips.

Guest QcCowboy

For any of you out there with more limited resources ($), I highly recommend Naxos label CDs.

Of the 600 or so CDs I have, a VERY large percentage are on that label. Their catalogue has grown exponentially over the last few years, and the CDs themselves are quite inexpensive - generally around $7.

I have almost the entire discography of Samuel Barber, for example, on Naxos label (with a few rare exceptions). Some in multiple recordings by different ensembles. You won't find too many well-known artists on this label, but the quality is still quite excellent.

Anyways... it's an alternative to stealing them from a record shop. The price is right.

The HMV store in my town has them often at 3 disks for $18. This way I get to try out things I wouldn't normally plunk down $20-30 for.

And in case you might think that the recordings are generally bad... their recording of Symphony of Psalms by Strawinski (Robert Craft conducting) is probably a reference recording. Meaning it's the finest recording ever made. The performance is absolutely impeccable and will let you completely re-discover this masterpiece.


I inherited a large collection of vinyl, I haven't counted but it's at the very least above the 200 mark. It's how I discovered art music.

I do love the sound of vinyl, but I also love the fact that I can have my thousands of tracks packed into a tiny ipod...

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