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- Era

- Instrumental make up

- Vocal make up

- Style

What is your favorite type of music?

Of course you may go into preferable style unlike what I have done....


For me It is hard to decide the era of prefered style. Because now I think, but what about Mozart and Beethoven? What about Mendelssohn, Chopin, and Wagner? Weren't they amazing? Oh, and don't forget Tchaikovsky and Grieg!!! But when it really comes down to it all... personally...

I chose the early 20th century

Mainly orchestral

While the mid 19th century was a burst of innovation, the beginning 20th century composers truly opened up their heart to orchestral music wider than anyone had done before. It was a revolution. And even in the last 30 years, we've had some very soulful music by composers who've just wanted to share their passion in the most likeable manners.

Best of the best: Rachmaninoff, Debussy, Stravinksy, Copland, Prokofiev, Shostakovich, Gershwin, Sibelius, Vaughan Williams, Ravel, Bart


Are you referring to traditional classical eras only? Or other styles as well. My favourites styles of music keep changing.

First when I was learning piano as a kid I really liked a lot of the classical stuff (especially in the "romantic" style). Particularly Mendelssohn and Beethoven (the easier stuff).

Then as a teenager I bought a U2 record and decided I liked it and so I bought more and got into some rock music...

Then I discovered there was more to rock/pop music than what was being played just on top 40 radio, so I got into so-called "alternative" bands. Also listened to some retro rock such as the Beatles and David Bowie. Radiohead was one of the alternative rock bands I liked at the time, but then they started going all experimental/electronic so I looked for similar electronica stuff...

Then I played a lot of computer games so I got into some computer game music. Also watched quite a few films so became interested in soundtracks and scores...

And now recently I have come back to classical music and I listen to a variety of composers, but still mainly the romantics. Don't know very much about 20th century music at all. The majority of it seems to be discordant to me, but that is a generalisation of course, as there a lot of different styles and sub-styles within 20th century stuff.

So I can't say I favour one type of music so much over another. A good tune is a good tune in any style.


If you don't already know:

As a composer/performer: Jazz ... There's a lot that falls under the jazz umbrella, and I dig it all - though I have definite tendencies towards modern/free approaches. Most of my writing has been done for larger ensembles (jazz orchestra), though I'm breaking away from that.

But, as a listener, I'll devour pretty much anything, though I'll make an effort to avoid most country & western as well as opera. Just not for me....



I personally mix and match music from all eras and styles in my day to day listening, but all time favourite era would be the same as yours: The beginning of the 20th century.

My list of favourite composers would be practically the same as yours (I add so much to this conversation :whistling:) with Debussy and Ravel at the front, Stravinsky and the Russians as a whole to follow.

But it is really hard to pick an era. For me the baroque is very appealing and composers such as Schumann and H

Don't know very much about 20th century music at all. The majority of it seems to be discordant to me, but that is a generalisation of course, as there a lot of different styles and sub-styles within 20th century stuff.

You seem to like romantic stuff. You must have heard Rachmaninoff's music I take it? He composed in the 20th century. I like to think of him as the last romantic. He is truly a romantic wizard.

But it is really hard to pick an era. For me the baroque is very appealing and composers such as Schumann and H
Don't know very much about 20th century music at all. The majority of it seems to be discordant to me, but that is a generalisation of course, as there a lot of different styles and sub-styles within 20th century stuff.

It is indeed a broad generalization. I theorize that you simply haven't explored music properly. You're content with the music that the white-haired crowd dig. :toothygrin: If this theory is true, then that's too bad..

This music is from 1970. This music is from 1943.. (I could go on forever) You can't really call any of it ''discordant'', can you??

(I love ''discordant'' music, I just wanted to express that there's so much more out there than most people think - not directed at anyone in particular)

What is your favorite type of music?

Norwegian impressionism/modernistic norwegian ''new'' national romanticism (''magical troll music'', as I like to call it). I also like Messiaen. (Messiaen needs to be classified as a style in himself :w00t:)

a piece of ''Messiaenic'' norwegian music, basically my favorite piece ever.

Any music that lets me discover something new. Therefore the "style" of music I enjoy the most naturally changes all the time. There's nothing more exciting than discovering new music or a new composer for yourself, or to discover something new -in- music you already knew.


Well, I'll listen to most anything that has a tonality to it, but that doesn't make for an interesting post, does it? So, I will pick something.

Personally, I think that music is best when it's simple. My current ideal of this simplicity in music is a certain brand of electronic music, which is scattered in bits and pieces across a variety of genres, including new age, instrumental hip-hop, electronic dance music, and ambient. A few defining characteristics of this music:

* It is melodic. It has hooky melodies that get stuck in your head.

* The main melody is in the bass register: it is the only melody which you can physically feel, and its motion gives the music its momentum.

* It uses simple, consonant harmony.

* It is layered. It presents its various melodies and parts in counterpoint. This layering also dictates the structure of the music: musical sections are delimited by the addition and subtraction of parts. Most of the development is through changes in orchestration, in other words.

* It has a rhythmic groove.

This music is also mostly electronic, but I believe that to be an incidental characteristic, not an essential one.

This music is almost embarrassingly simple compared to much of classical music, and yet positively enchanting to listen to, due to the momentum and energy is possesses, provided by the harmony, bassline, and groove. In short, I want to hear more of this music.

Some artists: Boards of Canada, William Orbit, The Orb, Deceptikon. None of these artists make this music exclusively, but all of them have made some of it.


Some artists: Boards of Canada, William Orbit, The Orb, Deceptikon. None of these artists make this music exclusively, but all of them have made some of it.

Do you like Burial or Aphex Twin?


Of course my favorite genre of music is constantly changing, but if I had to choose one style that I know I will never grow tired of I would have to say Romantic music. Especially music of the early Romantic Era, anything around the time of Beethoven is prime.

Anyway, my favorite genre at the moment has to be alternative metal. Mainly because of the Band "Tool". The way they use odd time signatures is amazing. They catch you off guard. Just when you thought you had settled down into a nice 11/4, they throw 7/8 at you. Harmonically, though, they're not that interesting, as far as I can tell.

Look up the song 10,000 Days, it's epic.


i'm into joe hisaishi these days.

and when i'm not listening to his pieces, it's either bring me the horizon, between the buried and me or the almost (for their badass vocal harmonies).

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