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Help with a name for my band...please...:D


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Well, I'm kinda making this topic, with fear thats it gonna get flamed, but anyway:sadtears:

Ok, I'm Kyle Haupt :)

I have a Pop Rock Band

We havent decided at name

At first it was going to be Broken Plates

but then, it sounded tooooooo Like...emo sorta

So then we wanted to do something like Alpha 3 ( which just sounds....ghey and...like a GI.JOE series )

Then we were gonna make the name Rebel 662 ( but that sounds too...punkish...we are sorta punk but not THAAAT PUNK )

Well ,our fav band at the Moment is the Jonas Brothers ( They make good music, dont hate on them just because...uhm...for whatever reason you hate them ) So we thought the Jonas Brothers is a really nice not random kewl name

But it was easy for them since they are all brothers and their last name is Jonas, Lol

But for us, its different, but we are aiming for a name like that, something that roles off the tounge, we were thinking The Valentine Brothers...or something

But if anybody can reccomend a good name that meets with the description I just gave of what we are aiming for...THAT WOULD BE GREAT :thumbsup:

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my mate created a band similar to the Foo Fighters (if you've heard of them) they called themselves the Poo lighters.... but errr i guess that doesn't help you much. i like alpha 3, Not a Band, You wish, Banned (oh dam i'm witty, lol), No, Yes you can!, I ate the quaver, It's in your crotchet, Tongues on fire.

hahaha, sorrry they're probably all just stupid but i dunno.

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