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How to improve your music


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I'm not sure what to think because this is your only post on this board. Are you in fact Win Wenger himself just advertising the product. Even if you are, I listened to the recording and it actually sounded pretty good for an improvisation. And the technique sounds interesting. 900 minutes isn't exactly a small amount of time though. But if it makes that much improvement then who knows? maybe it is worth it...

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The improvisation thing sounded quite uninteresting, plus I am not sure how improvisational it was with so many voices and different instruments. Plus, it is midi. Even if it is improvisation, you can change midi at will after you've recorded it, and the whole thing is based on three chords and one single scale, it's nothing any of us can't do with 5 minutes of constantly playing around that scale.

Furthermore, presenting your book with a midi example doesn't look quite professional, does it? And what about this: Here is this simple 900-minute self-training program, 180 minutes total per day for 10 days: - 180 times 10 is 1800 minutes. So what is it after all, 900 or 1800? :huh:

And then, they go on below to describe exactly the steps of "improvitaping", so why bother buying the book/tapes anyway?

Lastly, I googled for "improvitaping" but I got a very disappointing 64 results, instead of 170. 64 mentions of this ultra efficient and intelligence-increasing 900-minute-only program in the whole web doesn't sound very satisfying. Especially when this article has been up since 1997 and the book was published in 1995 (that's 13 years ago, people... some members of YC hadn't even been born).

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Guest QcCowboy
Even though unis rip you off just as much, at least you get a piece of paper that says you are good regardless. Hell, how on earth in contemporary composition, where literally anything goes, could you fail?

Interesting assertion you make here. How exactly do you back up that kind of comment? How long have you been in university? How many courses have you completed? How many universities have you actually studied at?

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First thing:

That is not a comercial to any product because that article it's free and contains all you need to now about the tehnique(you don't have to buy enithing else to understatnd). The pice of music you heard there is played by win wenger himself to demonstrate the that tehnique works eaven if you don't know how to sing or what is a chord progresion or eaven a scale. It is preaty pleasent (if you take away the bad piano plaing). :)


I not an associate or Win Wenger I am a student pasionate of music and guitar skill.

The reason that I posted this is because it helped me I probably will help others. I didn't tought it woud be taken so violently... Sorry...

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As I read this thread many of you evean fear to click the link.(kind of sily) :)

The book is not relevant to the article (It is there to let you know from were the ideea came form). Thats a free advice.

The ideea in the article is simple but effective: improvise melodies(1-10min, eaven many times over like in the example) and listen to them every day. The rest is automatic mind procesing (crticism, new ideeas, solutions etc.). Here is the whole esence of the article so you don't have to read it.

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And for the part of 900 mintes being to much... get the idee out of it... not the exact data... You all are composers for goodnes sakes. The ideea is to improvise melodies(1-5-10min if you don't have enough time), even record on the same song many times like in the melody and listen to them. 100 min a few times a day is the best beacuse you go trough most of you gigs and ideeas of composing. The rest is the automated procesess of our minds.

PS Sorry for my bad Eanglish. And sory if I ofended you.

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I knew that it wasn't a scam, but at the same time I'm a bit skeptical about it being simply sharing something. Oh well, it's not going to bring any harm to YC either way. Sorry about putting you in the spotlight, but one can only wonder when your first post is a link to an advertisement. :)

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