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Well I was recently asked to compose for a game project and it looks pretty cool. But I have the hardest time getting inspired to compose. No matter how much information the guy gives me about his project, I'm still at a loss. Going into my composing programs and playing random notes until I get something doesn't work either. Or sometimes if I get an idea, I start worrying that it won't fit what the guy is looking for. So how can I get inspired to compose?


i usually listen to other pieces just to get some ideas flowing if im absolutely dead in the water- typically you will be able to get something going, just be sure not to rip off whatever you listened to haha!


Like I say in every other thread like this:

Inspiration comes in (m)any forms. Try something like:

  • fly a kite
  • build a snowman
  • draw a picture
  • people watch
  • listen to music you love
  • listen to music you hate
  • take a nap
  • watch a scary movie
  • smoke up
  • eat good food
  • give a dollar to someone
  • read a book
  • go for a walk
  • improvise, freely
  • drink tea
  • drink whiskey
  • make origami

Seriously....looking for inspiration will find you nothing. You can choose to do something decidedly unmusical, or immerse yourself in something wholly musical. whatever you're doing, simply pay attention to the world around you. Eventually, something will pique your inspiration and off you go.

unless it comes to you like lightning, don't do it

charles bukowski on writing

I'd agree with this when pertaining to improvisation.

But, when dealing with 'composing', It's different. If it doesn't "come to you like lightning", then write something down...get through it and move on. You can easily edit/fix/refine it later. It'd ridiculous if everyone waited till the perfect thing occurred to them...

Get through it - blockage lasts only as long as the measure remains unfilled. Write something in it, and move on to the next part.

Guest thatguy

a lot of times you will find something pop in your head when doing one of the things mentioned by Robin.....so my advice.....dont beat your head on the pavement, read a book or somethin


Recently i have had a block with writing my composition for university. I think this is partly due to the pressure that i am under, as i know my lecturer is looking for something particular, and everything i write i dismiss as being 'not to her standard'. All i did was give it a break! I spent 5 hours sat at my computer trying to write something, and nothing came from it, nothing at all! I got very angry and emailed my lecturer, telling her i give up, and she told me just to take a break. I have to say thats the best advice she's ever given me! I took a whole day off it, and went back and wrote a new section! Strangely though, it seems that now i tend to be able to write one day, and not the next, and able to write the next day etc! My brain has developed an awkward pattern!

  • 2 weeks later...

If I were you I would look into meditation. To me, being uninspired just means that I'm stuck in the mind (thinking about it, trying too hard etc.) rather than the soul.

I read somewhere that the word inspired literally means "in spirit".

I have been meditating for quite a long time, and now that I'm good at it I find it a lot easier to become inspired.


Yeah lol I don't know what it is I just can't get inspired....

This is what the guy gives me...

1 - Title Screen: A simple dark ambient noise would suffice here.

2 - Maderas Pass - A theme to compliment Maderas village, it's a pass lightly littered by some minor creatures.

3 - Stand and Fight - A battle theme. I'm unsure of the proper way to describe it. Not too fast paced, try to avoid the rock and roll, cheesy "tales of" games style of battle theme.

4 - Solitude - A peaceful, cabin theme. Can be used during other peaceful times as well; but this is fairly straightforward.

5 - Maderas Village - A forested village deep within the confines of the former Darnian empire. Without a mainland government to fall back on; the nation of Ragan has sent a small force of fairly disgruntled dignitaries to watch over it. Not a heavy handed, nazi type of occupation; but more of a subtle nuisance for MOST villagers. The theme should probably reflect that nature.

6 - Domina City - A big city, known for it's gladitorial combat events. Thing "Genmel" from BOF3 except not quite as sleazy. But still pretty sleazy.

7 - Common Boss - Egh, Im not good at describing this sort of thing. A standard boss theme; try to avoid the rock again - as it's not the type of thing I want in most themes here. (By rock I mean heavy guitar crap).

8 - Difficult Boss Battle - Very very serious, the type of tier two boss battle that makes you worried "Ok, time for another boss... ok; why is the music different now?". I'd like for this theme to have a type of church organ thing to it. Yes; did I mention I suck at describing this sort of thing?

9 - Melancholy - A sad theme that would play when someone dies / death is implied, or any other sad event.

10 - Trouble - When trouble arises, when guards come to take you away for a crime you didn't commit; this theme will play. Should be fairly upbeat, I would imagine.

11 - Necropolis - An errie theme that's for the first dungeon. A fairly important story development dungeon; so the music should reflect that.

12 - World Map - The World currently enjoys a fragile peace. The world map theme should reflect that.

13 - Reluctant Fight - Forced into combat against someone you don't want to fight. That would be this theme right here.

Main thing is, I don't know what this dude is looking for.


You said it's for a game project. Do you have any game material (artwork, characters, story)? Clear your mind, focus on these for some time and music is very likely to 'pop up'!

  • 1 month later...

I often feel at a loss for what to write. For me, the best thing to do is calm down, just go on with my everyday life, listen to lots of good music, return later, and voila! I have it! Usually my ideas seem to be spurred on by listening to music. I don't know if this is good or bad, as it seems like it may influence exactly what style and "voice" I write in, but in other ways I view it as good, because when I listen to various kinds of music, sometimes the styles may intertwine.

If I were you I would look into meditation. To me, being uninspired just means that I'm stuck in the mind (thinking about it, trying too hard etc.) rather than the soul.

I read somewhere that the word inspired literally means "in spirit".

I have been meditating for quite a long time, and now that I'm good at it I find it a lot easier to become inspired.

Literally, "inspirare" means "breathing into", i.e. someone who is inspired has been touched by divine breath. But of course the word "spirit" also comes from (godly) breath, so it's the same in the end.

Literally, "inspirare" means "breathing into", i.e. someone who is inspired has been touched by divine breath. But of course the word "spirit" also comes from (godly) breath, so it's the same in the end.

It means having some repulsive guy named "Joe" at a seedy bus stop breathe down your neck at 6 AM. The ensuing fistfight is sure to get anyone's creative juices flowing.


I usely fill up the parts in wich i have no inspiration with just a glimps of what it should end up like. Just write down the main melody/motive. Then move on to parts you do have an idea about. You can return to the fill up when you have a better idea. In that case you can gradualy make the picture complete without having to completely abandon writing. This works for me at least.


I agree with all the other posts.

What you need is impressions, maybe the storyline of the game or a picture from the game or in general maybe just some new ideas (of any kind) that inspires. If you don't know anything about what to "depict" with you music, it might not work at all in the end.

This works for me at least.

Good luck.


something i do is look for a motif. have u seen the game itself? or demos of what it will look like. Perhaps (stupid it may seem) but look at the rhythm in the 'character's' footsteps, or even the name of the game - get a rhythm from that. I ALWAYS compose based on a motif...it can be restricting, but thats where development comes in. you don't want too many different themes occuring in a game...give each character a motif.

Thats just my opinion.

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