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If we ever get enough people, we should seriously start an annual or biannual convention, and recruit amateur musicians to play works by amateur composers.

I, and I'm sure several other people here KNOW that these amateurs are vastly, VASTLY, ...VASTLY ... more talented than all the crap that the so called modern "great" "acclaimed" composers pretend is music. Except perhaps some movie and video game composers....

Anyway, maybe this could be the beginning of a new renaissance! What do you think? Anyone else up for organizing a convention? (when we get enough people?) I'm not at a time in my life when I could devote that much time to such a thing, but definitely in the future...or if someone else wants to take the lead and do this....it would be AWESOME

Guest cavatina

Several things:

1. I think the average age here is around 16.

2. People are very spread out.

3. Plane tickets are expensive.

4. 16 Years Old + Spread Out + Expensive Tickets = Not many people will show up.

It's a great idea, but I just don't think that it is feasible.


Hey, it hasn't been very long that the "age of software using composers" would have been around, maybe 10 years at the most. Of course they're young. Those who are older probably were composing with pencil and paper before they began using software.

So...once we all grow up....I'll bet you ANYTHING we'll see a much larger community and there will be conventions, etc.

musical renaissance...CAN YOU SEE IT COMING?

Heck..its already here, it just isn't acknowledged by the establishment yet.

I'm truly of the opinion that a great number of works on this site deserve to be played ever so much more than all this 20th century nonsense (21st now I guess). The little club that plays student compositions here at penn state usually is absolutely HORRID.

Guest cavatina

haha. Here at U. of Toronto we have some pretty bad student compositions... My music was featured last year and will be featured this year in a student composition concert, and mine was pretty much the only non-modern piece there. There were one or two others, but I remember that the piece that closed the performance was a modern atonal piece about finding unicorns....... I think they found something, not sure if it was unicorns though.

Anyway, looking forward to the possibility of a convention, but it won't happen, so sigh.


Defeatism is bad! Some day if I have the resources and time, *I* will organize one! =D =D

Yeah, I actually find that amateurs are better composers than most music students because they haven't been told to stop striving for beauty, and they're doing it out of fun and love not for a grade.


Derek, perhaps the reason you hate acedemic music so much is that it is, you know, hard to comprehend. Please increase your intelligence before insulting composers who know better than you do.


Haha, composers funded by government institutions who have absolutely no idea what beauty is

Oh and I forgot to mention: Modern music is the easiest to comprehend because it is all hideous nonsense that only the most pretentious pompous air bags could possibly claim has anything in it that could even be construed to be smelling of beauty.

Guest BitterDuck

Well, Derek pleases start overreacting and start making sense. Your hate for modern music is really creeping me out.

Anyway, I rather do enjoy your idea. However, I don't think now is a great time. We have a lot of 16 yr olds. In two years they'll be 18 and hopefully will be able to buy a 2 way plane ticket and hotel. If your idea has any of a chance you'll need to wait 2 years and have various businesses sponser your convention.


Yeah, like I said this thing will probably make more sense once we have an entire generation of adult composers who all use software and are all amateurs. Course they don't have to use software but it seems to me that the advent of software composition programs are probably creating more people who do it than there might have been in the past.

I'm sorry but I just have absolute contempt for postmodernism in all its forms, even in music where it can't arguably hurt anyone. I still hate the entire philosophy.

I also make comments like that because the vast majority of people I encounter are all soft liberal types who want to be all "NICE" to everyone all the time. The only insults I ever see from you people are moral indignation when someone like me expresses a real opinion =) WAAH YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO JUDGE ANYTHING, JUDGING IS BAD, WAAAHH <<

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