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Just wondering if anyone has heard this piece... iv'e heard the re-mix 'requiem for a tower' from the lord of the rings trailer on loads of adverts and i think its fantastic, and ive only just found out tonight that the piece was derived from Lux Aeterna. Just wondering what you all think to it...

Guest QcCowboy

Lux Aeterna... Lux Aeterna by who?

that's a text that has literally been set to music by hundreds of composers.

in case you didn't know: "Lux Aeterna" is a section of the Requiem mass (mass for the dead). It means "eternal light" (lux aeterna luceat eis Domine - let eternal light shine upon them, o Lord).


That lux Aeterna is dervived from the main theme from the movie reqiuem for a dream, and is played by the kronos quartet. It doed noy have any correlation to the requiem mass, but is still a good piece

you can get the sheet music here

Lux Aeterna... Lux Aeterna by who?

Sorry for not being specific lol :S. I didnt mean the lux aeterna in the requiem mass, i meant the one used on requiem for a dream, like Mneme43 said. I think its really haunting... the arrangement with full choir and orchestra used on the lord of the rings trailers was amazing i think.

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