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Your favorite chord progressions


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Was wondering what stuff you guys like in terms of chord progressions. It can be chord A to chord B, or chord A to AB then to B, or even A to B to C, to even D, or BC, CD.

It can get technical if you want it to. I'll understand what you're talking about. So just post your favorite progression(s) (can be your own invention of course.)

Doesn't have to be your favorite. Just post one you like. You can even post a midi, that would be nice. And you don't have to be so general. Post a midi so you can form it exactly how you want with the right notes and dynamics.

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I always find returning to classical roots ideal in times of struggle. And everything pretty much falls under this in either progression or retrogression form.

I - vi - iii - IVorii - Vorvii* - I

I and V can move to anything, vi can move to IV, iii can move to vii*, IV can move to I, IV and ii, as well as V and vii* can move between each other indefinitely. Same for minor, just inverse quality.

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Chord stream - it progresses as I - ii - iii - IV and then eventually regresses quickly (iii - ii - I). It usually uses parallelisms.

I - VII - I - II in Phrygian. These days I am writing a track around this modal harmony.

i - iii - iv - #iv* - V, where the second chord is chromatic mediant. If I is in first inversion, we have a beautiful chromatic bass line (plus, we avoid the cross-relation).

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