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Why "Perhaps. Depends..."?

Would you compose pieces for webcomics scores?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Would you compose pieces for webcomics scores?

    • Definitely!
    • Definitely not!
    • Perhaps. Depends...

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I actually tried writing music for a comic project my friend started awhile back. It was more me offering to write some music for him than anything, but he seemed to like the idea. Unfortunately, it was more of a trial project, and it eventually fell through. Nonetheless, it was a really neat experience, because you get to work closely with somebody on the type of music they want. It's not quite as precise as film scoring, and in this you get some more freedom, but regardless it's actually a lot of fun.

Are you considering scoring for a web comic?

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I actually tried writing music for a comic project my friend started awhile back. It was more me offering to write some music for him than anything, but he seemed to like the idea. Unfortunately, it was more of a trial project, and it eventually fell through. Nonetheless, it was a really neat experience, because you get to work closely with somebody on the type of music they want. It's not quite as precise as film scoring, and in this you get some more freedom, but regardless it's actually a lot of fun.

Are you considering scoring for a web comic?

Commissioning for scores. I cannot write music, compose, play and I do not understand much about music theory.

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Collaborn Visions, taking this pretty seriously I have written music for RPGs and online games for free in my starting years, and I am still willing to write music for a webcomic for free, although I'm not completely sure what a webcomic is.

If you're looking for originality I can provide that. If you're looking for something completely new and amazing, I want to be as modest as I really can and say I'm not at that level yet to provide that. Just my opinion counts up to this point. You will see. But if you're looking for something colorful in tone I can provide that. If you're looking for something rich in melody, I can provide that. If you're looking for something hollywood-ish, more so dramatic and expressive, I can provide that. I can provide a patient score.

It's noted somewhere (where I can't remember) that you're open minded, so I will be very open minded about this too. Message me an overlay of the story or an example story and I'll write something to it. Message me what you want me to hear, what you want me to know and talk about and see, and what you want me to write about to you and to a musical piece. I shall do the same if you chose to progress into this.

But I would very much like to talk over a distinct lyric, not this simple idea. I want to know what I'm getting into, as do you. So let us start specific and grow more general as ideas become clearer.

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I already am ;) Screwy Lightbulb

But this is one of the very few last remaining unpaid, probably to be paid in the future projects I do... It lingers on for more than a year now.

So, the answer is definately yes, only paid however.

Dear Nikolas;

Nice to know something like I have in mind is already well on its way. Webcomics are less about interactivity and "gaming" than the Screwy Lightbulb project, though. So the interactive gaming aspects are not an interest for my own conceived sort of webcomics presentation process.

The primary webcomics project/production I have in mind to launch is an 5-8 year deal, so I am not looking for long term freelancers in the audio department. Collaborn Visions' Audio Division will be comprised exclusively of voluntary and freelance musicians and composers, so beyond temporary obligations to finish single and series pieces and partial or short scores, audio freelancers will come and go. Whether you want to get paid or not is your affair and your definite preference you have made clear.

If you are very interested, you will simply be listed on the freelance "staff" for Collaborn Visions' Audio Division and you will be contected whenever there may be work for you. To know your general fees and rates will be a great help, but a sort of Profile form will be sent to you for you to fill out as you desire and which you can submit, should you continue to express interest.

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Dear CV (not ciricul vitae of course! :D)

Thanks for the reply.

Yes what we are doing in screwy is not exactly a webcomic, I am aware of that, but it's the closest thing I could show you in haste. I'm not exactly sure on what you're after. Are you after of short loops that play during someone is reading the webcomic? Something different? A few details would be nice (for everyone, not only me).

As a freelancer I am interested, of course I am. But fees, etc, are something to be discussed in private.

If you have, as you mention, a form, feel free to send it to my email, as found in my website (||Nikolas Sideris||, where you can also listen to samples of my work, if you haven't done already). I will contact you for further information, etc (while rates are more set, fees are dependant on the amount of work: I will ask a different fee per minute for a 2 minute project and a different for a 45 minute one, and also dependant on the budget: indie? published? commercial? etc)

Thanks for your reply once again.


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Dear CV (not ciricul vitae of course! :D)

Thanks for the reply.

Yes what we are doing in screwy is not exactly a webcomic, I am aware of that, but it's the closest thing I could show you in haste. I'm not exactly sure on what you're after. Are you after of short loops that play during someone is reading the webcomic? Something different? A few details would be nice (for everyone, not only me).

As a freelancer I am interested, of course I am. But fees, etc, are something to be discussed in private.

If you have, as you mention, a form, feel free to send it to my email, as found in my website (||Nikolas Sideris||, where you can also listen to samples of my work, if you haven't done already). I will contact you for further information, etc (while rates are more set, fees are dependant on the amount of work: I will ask a different fee per minute for a 2 minute project and a different for a 45 minute one, and also dependant on the budget: indie? published? commercial? etc)

Thanks for your reply once again.


I am not looking for loops at all, but the need for them IS a possibility. I have fairly well in mind what I want, but this is not the place. Details will be presented in my Profile here and in various threads I am planning to launch on this site in the near future.

No problem about private fees discussions.

I have not crafted a Form for general or specific audio aspects yet. I could whip one up quick, but I would like to take time to consider. Perhaps you could offer feedback on it once you get it, because I have a tendancy to worry about unimportant details and leave important things out. And I certainly have a lot to learn about audio productions!

I am trying for published and commercial productions, but private "indie" commissions are a definite possability.

And, not to scare you - I trust you do not scare easily? - but the shorter Collaborn Visions productions will require up to 45 min. of score. I dare not guess how much scoring the longer productions will require...

Budgets will generally be on the tight side, but I hope Collaborn Visions will catch a few breaks and I will be able to be generous, or at least accord all participants in various productions more of their rightful due. The same old story..."if"...

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Just send the form and I'll do my best to provide feedback. Just keep in mind that any person needs information to give an exact quote. No problem with the 45 minutes. It always depends on the fee, doesn't it?

Anyways, do contact me to get a bit more info on both sides. :)

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Collaborn Visions, taking this pretty seriously I have written music for RPGs and online games for free in my starting years, and I am still willing to write music for a webcomic for free, although I'm not completely sure what a webcomic is.

If you're looking for originality I can provide that. If you're looking for something completely new and amazing, I want to be as modest as I really can and say I'm not at that level yet to provide that. Just my opinion counts up to this point. You will see. But if you're looking for something colorful in tone I can provide that. If you're looking for something rich in melody, I can provide that. If you're looking for something hollywood-ish, more so dramatic and expressive, I can provide that. I can provide a patient score.

It's noted somewhere (where I can't remember) that you're open minded, so I will be very open minded about this too. Message me an overlay of the story or an example story and I'll write something to it. Message me what you want me to hear, what you want me to know and talk about and see, and what you want me to write about to you and to a musical piece. I shall do the same if you chose to progress into this.

But I would very much like to talk over a distinct lyric, not this simple idea. I want to know what I'm getting into, as do you. So let us start specific and grow more general as ideas become clearer.

I thank you for extending to me your seriousness.

I dare not try to explain what a webcomic is, but I can provide you with a link - if you desire - to a webcomics community I am a member of and you can decide yourself.

As to music, I am equally a traditionalist and a New Ager. So, to be frank, your strengths and weaknesses do not overly interest me. Your interests and preferences and your own judgements as to your strengths and where best your skills and style(s) are fitted into various of Collaborn Visions' future productions IS my concern.

The sort of scoring I have in mind has nothing to do with setting a mood for a story that is not visually developed yet. As in film, where the score is just about the last phase addressed and completed, a good portion of the scoring for SSPFF processed webcomics will be done in the conclusion of a production. Testing your scoring abilities is of interest to me, but there might be better and/or more practical ways to do so. I reserve a final decision on the matter until I consider other possibilities, but I do not rule out your suggestion, as it obviously makes sense to you and even I can see the possible merits. I actually have plenty of written material to choose many test portions from, but I hesitate to throw them about casually and I am not in the habit of sending unfinished materials by private e-mail. I have published various snippet and unfinished works in many communities and I may choose instead to provide links to them.

I hesitate to work privately with anyone here at this time, preferring instead to keep things public, so the options are not limited and all interested persons may be aware of developments concerning the Audio Division of Collaborn Visions and participate in discussions and freely offer their feedback about whatever they are inclined.

I will be launching more Polls and threads to address my various concerns and express my interests openly. You should be able to glean much of what you are wanting to know from them, and where your questions and concerns are not addressed to your satisfaction, I welcome your saying so.

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This sounds very interesting. I would definitely be interested in doing something like this. I always want to try new things. I'm looking forward to seeing how this progresses.

If you have any specific questions you have in mind, just ask and I'll try my best to answer.

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Thank you for your understanding. Hopefully you will be completely prepared once looking for a composer like me again. Keep me posted on your developments and let me know when you want to get to business (figuratively of course.)

I'm scoring two feature films at the moment, so I am not at too much leisure. Though I am in the mood to venture off into serious side experiments. I am very much young and fresh.

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The "Definitely"s are already there, the "Definitely not!"s are arguably not worth the effort to convince. Which leaves the "Perhaps. Depends..."...

"Depends" on what, exactly? I can rattle off a list of possibilities, but no need to wrack my brains and make off-the-cuff guesses what it is so much easier to be told. I assume those who voted neutrally have an idea what the "depends" means to/for them.

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