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I think most people are synesthetic to a degree, whether it's expressed through the mind or through one of the senses. That stated, I relate flavors and textures to music, not colors. For example: In the Steppes of Central Asia by Borodin - there's a distinctly lemon flavor to the violin harmonics in the beginning. :)

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You guys are whacked... music is music... I didn't get into music because of all the pretty colors, I got into it because it was music. :blink:

Plenty of people marry aural and visual, they aren't "whacked"

I see colors when I hear music. Music for me can almost be a sort of 3-dimensional experience, on multiple sensory levels. Well you have the aural and visual, and then the music can have a certain depth, density, etc. Everyone is different in how they experience music, this happens to be mine. I personally don't understand people that associate colors between different keys. I'll buy hearing the differences between chord QUALITIES (maj/min/aug/dim/etc) these are just blatantly obvious. But when people say, "E major is a brighter key than D major!" just seems ridiculous to me. The things that create this color are range, orchestration, and many other things, not just the pitches themselves.

Here's how this works. I could write a slow lyrical piece for tuba and piano in a major "tonality" and a piece for flute and piano (flute playing mostly in middle and upper registers) in a minor "tonality" and if you were to tell me that the flute piece sounds "darker" solely because of the key then I'd tell you to get your ears checked.

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