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What is a rather (but not really) average piece?


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Name the pieces which you find rather (but not really) average! That is to say, stuff which just falls under a "gray" area of preference where you aren't really sure if you want to recommend it or not, or if you want to listen to it, or not. Something that's perhaps difficult to pass judgment on is also OK.

For me, it'd have to be the 1st stage song from Super Mario Brothers 1. I sort of like it. But I hate it at the same time. The song itself is pretty average, it's not bad but it doesn't really stand out besides the popularity it has.

Another example could be Beethoven's F

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Every piece I have not yet listened to falls under this category for me, until I get a chance to classify it more precicely. But to name some things I -have- yet listened to: Most Mussorgsky and Bruckner. Or, let's give some actual examples: Mussorgsky's Boris Godunov and Bruckner's fifth symphony. Of course both of these are still way above the average of every composition that exists out there. But I just didn't want to get too close to the most average stuff. That would go against the whole idea of avoiding superlatives.

PS: Thanks to Gardener for the rather (but not really) average help with the phrasing of the original question in that other thread.

You're somehow welcome. This thread turned out to be slightly interesting.

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