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What is your favourite piece of ballet music?

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I have a soft spot in my heart for Tchaikowsky's ballets, particularly "The Nutcracker." I really enjoy them. Dramatic and passionate, yet still somewhat proper. I have fond memories of playing it for a number of years in a pit orchestra - back when smaller companies still used pit orchestras; none of us ever got rich off what we made in that pit, but I guess it still got too expensive to sustain.

I'd also like to see a staging of a Delibes ballet sometime, the Mazurka from "Coppelia" being a concert favourite of mine.

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Appalachian Spring, enough said.

(Note I never said all your threads were stupid, I just said that threads you have been posting were stupid.)

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you know what sucks about the rite of spring...its so difficult...so hardly anyone will record it haha. I know, there are lots of recordings of it, but compare that to the amounts of recordings of "The Firebird". I REALLY want to own on CD Bernstein's interpretation of it (The Rite)...i saw the masterclasses on youtube (something i recommend you do if you havent)...Stravinsky said that when he heard bernsteins interpretation...he said "Wow" or something like that haha.

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