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PM Spammer named "Patricia"

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I would like to apologise to those (i.e. all 425!) of you who received spam via PM from a user named Patricia. The account has now been banned - please let me know if the same thing happens again in the future.

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An account named "Patricia" was created, and it was used to send spam to other users via private message. In total, 425 messages were sent to 425 different members, equating to a little under one message per minute of the spammer's membership. Impressive, in a belligerent sense.

If you didn't get a message...you didn't get a message. :)

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Lol. It doesn't seem like she was spamming for any commercial reason...the message contained no advertisement...maybe she just really wanted to systematically say hello to everyone on the forum and try to make friends. If so, is that really spam? These are the questions that keep me up at night....

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It was really an announcement.

Where is your element of fun? It is not everyday something like this occurs. As to its an announcement so there shouldn't be a discussion, I liked to point out how many pages of messages were posted after the Young Composers is closing announcement. Ok this was a "fake" announcement but still I am interested to know what this spammer felt so compelled to tell composers about.

Does every little thing about this site *have* to be about composition in your opinion and anything else swept under the carpet? Or can we have a little amused discussion about amusing events which occur?

It is not as you put it insolence to be bemused by what took place and inquire about it. Mike is not a god who if we question him will strike us dead with lighting.

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