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First Pieces - Midi and PDF

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Yes, I believe it should be done - just for the sake of it. So many other YC's have done it...so here are the disgusting creations of mine when I first started composing (according to the dates on my computer).

NOTE: The scores leave much to be desired because they are all done in Noteworthy Composer. These are old pieces. Now I have Finale :)

Duh Period

Ab minor Fine (9th April 2006) - This piece was really just for me to type in random scales with stupid chords here and there and a dumb melody in semibreves in the right hand. Its ridiculous, makes no sense...and is short. Also...its because I put it in Ab minor that i thought i was cool.

Ab Minor Fine'.pdf

Ab Minor Fine'.mid

Oddiety - Scale Training (30th April 2006) - Meh the melody, though cliched, was ok. There is ONE scale in this 'scale training excersize' which i will probably use in a future composition. Here in this piece the left hand is really playing in 6/8 even though the piece is in 3/4.

Oddiety - Scale Training.pdf

Oddiety - Scale Training.mid

Ventosus Lumen (30th April 2006? as well) - Yuck. That is all. My stupid limited brain capacity of harmony was my downfall in early pieces like this.

Ventosus Lumen.pdf

Ventosus Lumen.mid

Quick Chase (13th August 2006) - This is where my development of speed composing started to show. I spat this out in about half an hour, though its not hard to see why haha. Again, cliched rhythm, lack of contrupuntal knowledge, and stupid progressions of harmony.

Quick Chase.pdf

Quick Chase.mid

Piano and Violin Duet (24th September 2006) - One of my first attempts at chamber music. Seriously...this sucks haha. The melody however, i kind of appreciate. It is very joyful...just, predictable.

Pianoforte and Violin Duet.pdf

Pianoforte and Violin Duet.mid

Awareness Period

Ventosus Music (1st December 2006) - This is when I started to really think about composition. There isnt anything spectacular about this piece, except I like the melody. I started to actually get a grasp on it. So here, this piece is unfinished...but this is when I started to broaden my mind.

N.B. Though it has an 'Opus' on it, when i finally do come around to actually giving myself Opus numbers...this will NOT be included in it haha.

Ventosus Music Op.1 No.pdf

Ventosus Music Op.1 No.1.mid

Melody in G major (9th December 2006) - This piece, again, predictable, but i really like this. Its fast, entertaining and written specifically for piano. This is when I started to really write as if I were a virtuoso (not that I am or was haha). It is also unfinished.

Melody in G maj.pdf

Melody in G maj.mid

Orchestral/Chamber Music Period

Fm Overture (17th July 2006) - Something I would consider coming back to revise. Again, this was written in a period where my harmonic knowledge was nil. I knew that Fminor and C major went together well..what i didnt know is WHY. haha. So here is an orchestral work, that is nearly correct in terms of orchestration. Oh, and its not even close to being finished. It's like...and opening haha. An overture to an overture.

Fm Overture - ensemble.pdf

Fm Overture - ensemble.mid

A Minor Prelude (17th October 2006) - This piece I actually performed at the end of year music concert. Rather decent, and it went well. Of course...it still is based on 'A minor, E major, D minor' and so on. The cliche use of chords. But...i discovered - D MAJOR GOES PRETTY AWESOMELY WITH A MINOR!!!

A minor Prelude No.pdf

A minor Prelude No.1.mid

Symphony in G minor (23 September 2006) - Now this was a good piece. Though the orchestration is incredibly terribly wrong, just ignore that and listen to my motif :P I thought it was pretty darn good at that time. Obviously, now I understand harmony and counterpoint (heh) a little better, I would revise this piece...but not until it was entirely necessary to do so. Look out for this piece to be completed one day.

Symphony in G Minor.pdf

Symphony in G Minor.mid

Symphony in G minor, Movt. 2 (15 November 2006) - It wasn't actually (at the time) intended to be a second movement for the G minor symphony you have heard before...but I was just looking at it now, thinking that it has potential to do so. I realise that these symphonies suck, but they need to be finished...it might inspire a future work.

Symphony G minor mvt 2.pdf

Symphony in G Minor II mvmt.mid

Quartet in A major (23 September 2006) - I like this one too. Definately will come back to it. Its unfinished.

Quartet in A Major.pdf

Quartet in A Major.mid

My Proud Period

This is the period where I am proud of - note: I will only put two pieces below - One that is already on the site (D-flat Prelude/Etude) and a Rag I wrote for an Assignment in 2006.

Dont need to write about these...I just like them :)

Simply Ragtime.pdf

Simply Ragtime.mid

Finale 2007c - [Prelude in D-flat Major].pdf

Prelude in D-flat Major.MID

In my Finale Folder, I have roughly 340 pieces...either unfinished, motivic ideas, short melodies, transcriptions, orchestrals vomits, or master pieces not yet brought out into the world. A word of advice is, keep them. Its so funny and embarrasing to look back at your older works. Some of them you just cringe at, but its a picture of how far you have truly come as a composer.

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I didn't download everything (mediafire is kinda annoying) but the D flat Prelude (or Etude?) is cool! It's reminiscent of a Chopin Impromptu.

I had a number of 'early' compositions (hand written, pre-Sibelius) that are lost. Or they may turn up eventually ;)

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Not to be picky or anything but shouldn't this belong in the upload forum? I have nothing against you posting your work, I listened to some of it in fact and it's interesting to see how much you've progressed but I'd just think the upload forum would be more appropriate.

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oo, i didnt even know there was an upload forum :O

Hmm, alright :) Thanks Nirvana.

Ill post a note....now:

Can this please be moved to the upload forum?

But question: This is a post about general discussions on composition...and in this case people can discuss my growth, and even their growth as composers.

But i see where you are coming from :)

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