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Is Young Composers a children's website?

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Originated from this post (cannot quote because the thread is locked):


Are there 'adult' websites on composition I should be aware of?

Full disclosure: About the same time as when I started posting on YC I came across another composition forum, my only recollection of which is that it was about the same size as YC, and the website had a blue background. I'm hoping this thread can help me 'recover' that website.

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Guest QcCowboy

YC is not a "children's website". It is a composition/music website with a special attention given to younger members of the musical community.

There are members from age 10 through 50. I may actually be missing some of the older members there.

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This is not a website it is a community. And you are part of this community. YOU make youngcomposers! Not the other way around.

I'm here actively trying to help. QCC as well. Why not give us a hand and make this a better place?

I know it sounds a bit bullshit, but really it's exactly as I think! In that thread the original poster acted like a true arse and got himself banned! You could have said something to him or to anyone else who was bothering you... Right now I feel you're being selfish, looking for another place to go and nothing else, instead of seeing what to do for this place.

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I think it is confusing for some people specifically the new to relatively new people because the site is calle Young Composers. I remember wondering myself if everyone on the site was below a certain age. I think I even wondered if there was an age limit. It confused me a little. I think it is all out of curiosity. I don't think that anyone asking about it means anything more than to just find out if there are older people here. No, age does not have anything to do with how well a composer composes or who belongs on this site or anything of that nature. The title of this site is just kind of confusing.

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I think the concept is either that while instrumentalists begin their study as early as 5th grade (in public school) many composers don't get proper education until their undergrad, or even grad school. That, or it means that in the grand scheme of composition (let's start with the Baroque period,) we are relatively young.

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I have to give credit to the second idea to my instructor, Edward Knight. I was discussing this with him in my lesson last week, just the site in general, and I mentioned that there weren't just really young people here, and he brought up that idea. I just didn't want to credit him if turned out to be a poor idea :D

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Age is irrelevant, it's what you did with your time that matters. ;)

PS: OP thread there with the banned guy? Priceless. What the hell was that? Some people just come on the interbutts to stir up drama. :x

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SSC - A second your thought about age. I tried my hand at composition when I was 10 (with a not so great imitation of a Johann Strauss waltz) and expressed interest in writing music when I was 7!! But I never, never felt good enough or I felt the places and people who did want to work with me were not good enough for me. So I waited. And my oh my how much time I lost waiting for the right opportunity and the right person. In fact when I had my first premier done by a professional a few months ago I broke down because it just hit me so hard why I waited so long for this.

All I can say is there is no perfect moment, there is only what has happened and what will happen.

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I often find it humbling that there are composers here younger than I am who are trying their hands at things I'd never dream of doing. Orchestrations I haven't even thought of. Methods I've never heard of. And dissecting the scores of composers who I only have a peripheral knowledge and appreciation of.

But that, of course, has nothing to do with age. That's in the fact that many people here focus on classical and jazz music, and I focus on cabaret and theatre music.

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The one with the blue background might be Composer Headquarters :: Index (I think they had a different skin a while ago?)

Anyway, Composers Headquarter's has 35 members in total, not even remotely compared to the 4 digit amount of YC users (some 4,169 registered users, atm).

However I must say that I am afraid the actual amount of active users in YC wouldn't be more than, say, 50.

The reason I haven't been active in CH is because of the shameless promotion they did the other week. Instead of promoting something good that they do, they tried to show how bad YC was, which is something I despise in general.

Anyway... here I am..

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By way of small miracle (and Google's penetration into the smallest nooks and crannies in the WWW) I managed to recover the 'forum with the blue background'.

Music-Web Forums

It's strange though how this one doesn't come up on searches with 'composer', 'composition', 'forum', etc. keywords. Fortunately I remembered a unique phrase in a particular post.

Anyway - I'm not affiliated with this forum. Just sharing the wealth!


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The one with the blue background might be Composer Headquarters :: Index (I think they had a different skin a while ago?)

Anyway, Composers Headquarter's has 35 members in total, not even remotely compared to the 4 digit amount of YC users (some 4,169 registered users, atm).

However I must say that I am afraid the actual amount of active users in YC wouldn't be more than, say, 50.

The reason I haven't been active in CH is because of the shameless promotion they did the other week. Instead of promoting something good that they do, they tried to show how bad YC was, which is something I despise in general.

Anyway... here I am..

We don't promote, we post links at random and if you bother to look at the timestamp of the anti-yc banter, you would know it is over a year old.

Get over yourself.

It should be noted that Mike and I have discussed my forum. Even though he may be weary of it and spiteful of its original purpose, I think he understands the current goal and social experiment of the forum. I encourage everyone to go to the off-topic section and read the thread titled "Goal".

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Full disclosure: About the same time as when I started posting on YC I came across another composition forum, my only recollection of which is that it was about the same size as YC, and the website had a blue background. I'm hoping this thread can help me 'recover' that website.

Not meaning to sound defensive nor competitive, but you do realize that Young Composers is nearly 14 times the size of Music Web? You can't even compare these two sites. Not to mention, we constantly have active members on this site at all times of the day/night. But Young Composers is not a children's site in the least. We have been taking active measures to build this awareness, and the content and music on this site should prove it somewhat. Nevertheless, more measures will be taking place soon, such as a revamp in the design of the website, and the addition of web 2.0. We will not change the name of our site despite the confusion it may cause, due to the long history behind this domain name, and branding. I honestly think the branding "Young Composers" is very catchy, easy to type, and easy to remember.

It's strange though how this one doesn't come up on searches with 'composer', 'composition', 'forum', etc. keywords. Fortunately I remembered a unique phrase in a particular post.

That's because we rank for those terms ;)

Music Web appears to be YC's first "up and coming competitor". In fact, it looks like a complete copy cat. That's ok, whatever works right? I'm not worried though, because it would be very hard for someone to copy our future proprietary software :) No one will be able to crack the algorithms behind the customized search and ranking systems.

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Oh well, last time I checked I received this e-mail on May 12th 2008, at 6:12 AM (I won't comment on the subject being "!!!!!! which is utterly":

"In the spirit of the original YC, we plan to keep a tight group of honest real musicians. Unlike the modern YC where such a wonderful topics like "I hate pop music" or "Is atonality dead?" exist. Hopefully we'll only attract open minded, intelligent composers (or at least tolerant composers) to our wonderful site."

I just don't like the irony, nothing more.

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