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*mopes* I absolutely hate it! Laziness! It completely drives in insane. I am now at the point in laziness where even if I slap myself into motivation...my brain just goes "screw you...i'm gonna go watch telly"...and so then I'm left with an empty head and unfinished work. This is really bad when it comes to things that I need to propel a career: Practicing the Piano and correcting my technique, Composing new pieces, Recording Tomas' waltz for the piano (M_is_D) because I said I would, and studying!

What do you do to get out of this laziness contraption of doom? Pour your heart out.

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There is a difference between laziness and lack of motivation due to burn out. Both have similar causes -

Boredom from doing the same routine for too long. For example, when you practice a particular you always go to the same hard part and practice it slowly or you always do your Czerny, Bach, Chopin, Debussy and Bartok in the same order everyday.

A prior period of overwork and high stress. This is usually the precursor to burnout. The solution is easy, vary your routine but reduce your time at the tasks to max 45 min say 2x a day. This is especially true if you finished composing a large or problematic work. That is the time to just do some counterpoint or structured improv exercises ( for example, take a hymn tune and harmonize chords in between the quarter or half notes).

Incorporate stretching and exercise - maybe a new activity would be the tonic.

Finally, if none of these work, take a vacation. Go to the beach, the park just somewhere else than the practice room for 1 -2 weeks. Or if you are a telly movie fan, go to a theatre featuring indie movies from different parts of the world (hey, why not a big silly Bollywood extravaganza with some friends and brew for kicks?) When you return start back slowly and you will see how enjoyable and easy it is.

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