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A tittle "My Fucking Life, for a classical work, would create problems or not?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. A tittle "My Fucking Life, for a classical work, would create problems or not?

    • Yes, I think "My Fucking Life" is a bad title and insulting and shuold be changed
    • No, I find that "My Fucking Life" is fine as a title and the composer should have the freedome to choose titles.

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I have a work that is called "My loving Life" for violin duet. http://www.youngcomposers.com/forum/my-f-g-life-5136.html?highlight=my%2520fucking%2520life For those interested... (score not there anymore, probably).

Or www.nikolas-sideris.com/stuff/my%20fucking%20life.mp3

Now, I'm thinking of trying to approach people and companies with my music, including this piece, which is one of my favourites actually and I was wondering if the title name might present a bit of an issue.

I personally think not. It's art, it's the bloody title not a theme about pedophile raping, and it seems... fine. But I've had (already) a couple of mild 'complaints' from some friends in the States.

So poll question:

The title "My loving Life" seems too much? Would it present problems? (Or not?)

Guest thatguy

I think the title as is is a very good one in the fact that it makes a bold statement with your music. Sometimes harsh words convey emotion better then perplexing elongated words that sound fancy. To express anger when I stub my toe, I yell "scraggy", not "the position of the step lying at an obscure angle made my toe to swell at an alarming rate causing brusiing and my anger towards the situation."


I think some people might have a problem taking you seriously if you pressed forward with the title "My loving Life". If they know you and your output already, it probably won't pose too much a problem, unless separate issues arise such as publisher constraints, the first impressions of yet more people, etc.


I think any problems you encounter can be swiftly evaded with obscuring part of the title. As a form of pseudo-self-censorship. Adds to the effect to. Say, "My f***ing life." :>

Or do something more absurd in protest, obscure something that makes no difference. "My gently caress*ng life."


Actually SSC, I have thought about that, but somehow I think that this would shift the impotance of the title a bit higher than I ever wanted it actually. Otherwise I might do it, at least the title will be humorous...

Mike: This track was part of my MMus portfolio! :D hehehe... But I see what you mean...


Well, it's a pretty "strong" word already, so you're drawing attention to the title just by virtue of that. Why not at least give it an ironic/sarcastic/humorous spin? *shrug*


well, it won't certainly wear down your music well, in terms of acceptance, but heck, its your music, and you certainly have the right to name it in whatsoever way you want it!

But If I don't think Ill let kids hear that, yeah. my kids i mean. :X


The lyrics go as follows:

"mi mi mi mi fa mi mi sol mi re mi mi fa# mi re# mi..."

I hope your kids can handle that! :D

SSC: I would shift the attention. The word is strong on it's own, I agree and it's exactly why I used it, because of my phychological situation back in 2004, and my university didn't have much trouble with the naming actually (!).. dunno...


You should have freedom to name it whatever you want, but probably, in reality, that name will cause problems.

Just think how many old people wouldn't turn up if that name was used in the concert programme. :P

I say somehow retain the meaning, but 'code' it somehow.

My gvdljoh life. (all letters shifted along one in the alphabet.)

Or.... My [____] life. (making a big deal of the removed word.)

Or... My fvkng life. (Distorting it enough so that it's not easily recognisable.)

Or just choose a new name, either having the original as a subtitle (which should cause fewer problems) or leaving out the problematic title altogether.


I agree with Daniel's post, but I think that you should actually rename it "My loving Life--A loving Piece that's the scraggy, so gently caress your cat loving donkey." Either that or "Stairway to Heaven."


I find "My loving life" good. It's simple, direct and clear. Obscuring it might almost seem a bit contrived.

Although of course, it's already rather ambiguous as it is: I mean, "My loving life" could be something terribly depressed, or a highly enthusiastic impression of a person's exciting sex life. :P

But anyways, I don't see what's bad about loving.


I have nothing against it; most artistically creative people won't. But, it depends what you plan on doing with the piece....

I mean, performances by/for like-minded musicians and aficionados is one thing, but getting it performed elsewhere, or published, sold/bought will be tough. You're setting yourself up for parents and teachers to lump you in with rappers and jazz musicians. ;)

I have nothing against it; most artistically creative people won't. But, it depends what you plan on doing with the piece....

I mean, performances by/for like-minded musicians and aficionados is one thing, but getting it performed elsewhere, or published, sold/bought will be tough. You're setting yourself up for parents and teachers to lump you in with rappers and jazz musicians. ;)


You can obviously name any piece of music anything you want, but using a word that's normally bleeped on television might prevent it from going somewhere.

Of course, if you're already established as an ingenious Mozart II, then you could name it anything you'd like, and while people might have a problem with the title, it could still go far.

Personally, I would skip over a track called "My loving Life".....

But I'm a kid, and I'm sheltered from words like that, lol.

Shoot, I got my cell phone and my keyboard taken away last time I used that word...


I can't vote since I cannot agree with any of your options.

I think you should have the right to say whatever you want your title to be and keep it that way. However, you will probably run across people who will be offended and it will cause problems. What you should be able to do and what the path of least resistance is sometimes conflict with each other. =/


Or, shoot everyone that doesn't agree!


PS: Or, like some say, any problem can be solved when a sufficient amount of high explosives are applied.

PS2: This is just a joke. I don't endorse the use of explosives or guns. :<

PS3: Unless... uh... No I don't. Forget I said anything.


I don't care for the title. Not because of the cussing, but it sounds a little too much like something an adolescent nu-metal band would come up with.

But if you really like the title and think it fits well, then I say go for it.

Guest thatguy

Lets look at it this way...if society recently discovered a long lost piano piece by Beethoven and "My loving Life" was etched at the top, people would still love Beethoven and would want to buy a newly released cd with the recording.

Sure some people would be turned off by the title, but maybe Nikolas would have the first art music cd with a parental advisory. :D


I think that if the piece has any merit then the title will get in the way of anyone appreciating the music. They will either not listen to it or they will only listen to it to see how it lives up to its title. Eventually I think the title will become an albatross. It is the same when you go to a concert to hear a new work to discover that the composer has provided you with a five-page philosophical, theoretical and emotional explanation of his two-minute solo for bass clarinet. I lose interest before I even hear the piece.

Furthermore, the title is enigmatic. Is it about your life of loving or is it a comment on your life? If the piece lasts for only a few minutes and it references either of these possibilities you are selling yourself short. You will appear to be a not very sensitive male or someone with little to say about such a large subject. Alternatively, if it is a substantial piece, say 15-20 minutes then I guess you are at least presenting yourself in a better light. But then you will need an explanation about the title. So.... then you will be back having to justify your title.


I think "My loving Life" is a bit unnecessary in the 'extremity' department, but that's just me.

It seems like it would be more appropriate in the program notes.

But you should do what you think is best for the piece.



I personally don't mind the title as it is your piece, and you've got the right to title it however you please... however, with publishing, performance (not all performances, of course, but some), etc. I definitely think there would be an issue. For

Last year during the Virginia Syphony's season, JoAnn Falletta got a little crap for programming a piece titled "Conga Line from Hell." - or something of the like. Basically it had the word hell in it, and people were concerned... In the program it appeared as "Conga" and in the program notes as "Conga Line from Heck." Basically my point is this: keep the title as it is, but if whomever you present it to has an issue, give them the option of using My Fricken Life or something similar.

Good luck! :P


Last year during the Virginia Syphony's season, JoAnn Falletta got a little crap for programming a piece titled "Conga Line from Hell." - or something of the like. Basically it had the word hell in it, and people were concerned... In the program it appeared as "Conga" and in the program notes as "Conga Line from Heck."

:O :O That is... (excuse me) so loving ridiculous... Are we living in the Vatican of the in the middle ages or what? (And even in the Vatican of the middle ages they probably wouldn't have been stupid enough to use the word "Heck". Better even change the title to "Most Holy Hymn in Praise of the Lord" right away than use the word "Heck". Seriously!)

And please for god's (or devil's) sake don't name it "My fricking life"! If you can't use "loving", better use a completely different title. Either stand by your title, or not (if the publisher won't allow it); don't go for some silly compromise.

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