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A tittle "My Fucking Life, for a classical work, would create problems or not?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. A tittle "My Fucking Life, for a classical work, would create problems or not?

    • Yes, I think "My Fucking Life" is a bad title and insulting and shuold be changed
    • No, I find that "My Fucking Life" is fine as a title and the composer should have the freedome to choose titles.

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:O :O That is... (excuse me) so loving ridiculous... Are we living in the Vatican of the in the middle ages or what? (And even in the Vatican of the middle ages they probably wouldn't have been stupid enough to use the word "Heck". Better even change the title to "Most Holy Hymn in Praise of the Lord" right away than use the word "Heck". Seriously!)

Hey man, I know! Don't shoot the messenger :) But yea, I don't think My Fricken Life would carry the same zest/strength of the actual title, but it would solve the profanity issue - however lame it may sound :P


Greek would work, only the usage of the word is completely different... In ways of usage and % of usage really.

loving in the English language seems to me like an everyday word, almost. Simmilarly to how Greeks use the word "malakas" (asshole pretty much). An everyday word. The effect would surely be hugely different to those that would understand. But some Greek alteration would probably work! Thanks Dan.

And, yes, Gardener I do agree! I wouldn't use fricking, or anything like that! ;)

Guest thatguy

I have just added malakas to my vocabulary :shifty:

Gardener's got a point. Euphemisms like that make you look like a cat. :<

Are you saying that using four letters words makes you a man? I think we should get a better perspective here. The use of swear words in general is the last resort of the desperately inarticulate. That is how you would come across. Not as some hero because you know some four letter words. A kinder response would be that you are turning emo ( as suggested above). But it would be inarticulate and emo. Of course if you are inarticulate and emo, then it would be ok- almost expected- to use four letter words indiscriminantly.


Not really a point either.

The point is that you either use the word or you don't. There's no reason, in a title to go half way. It's like being 12 and wanting to see a movie rated 14 and above, so you go to the office and go "I'm 13 and a half, can I go in?". Either lie, or don't. Half lying won't get you there! :D

And the point Gardener made was not really to be macho or anything at all. I was pissed when naming the piece, that's all. Now I'm not, but the fact still remains... ;)

Not really a point either.

I was pissed when naming the piece, that's all. Now I'm not, but the fact still remains... ;)

Well, yes, Nikolas as you say, the title remains. I suppose if your university's council had no problem with the title in your Master's folio, and your examiners were not fussed by it then it does not matter. The piece has served its purpose with that title. However, the fact remains that you are not sure whether to live with it or you would not pose the question. The question you have to answer for yourself is the same answer every composer has to answer with every piece. Is this what I want to say? It is ok to change your mind. Lots of composers toss pieces out , scratch them off the list, forget about them, never want to hear them again, ask for them to never be performed but don't destroy them (like Grieg-obviously in two minds there). I can see that you are in two minds. I would put it somewhere and forget about it and then rediscover it on about two years from now- after the PhD. what is the rush? To quote you- hope it helps.



Two things

The piece is one of my favourites, that I've written. I have absolutely no issue with the music, so I won't leave it aside no matter what.

The rush is what I explained. I want to (self) publish a CD and try and approach people, sell it, bring it to radio stations around the world, to publishers, etc. So the rush is that I want to include that piece, since I think it's a great piece and shows (yet another) side of my music personality.

And don't quote me out of sense realy. The point I said was about Gardener and not about what you show it to ne. Please! :)

I have almost deciced to change the title, but I'm still thinking to what...

Thank you for your input and for all your input! (and keep the discussion going, I like it and I value it).


Two things

The piece is one of my favourites, that I've written. I have absolutely no issue with the music, so I won't leave it aside no matter what.

The rush is what I explained. I want to (self) publish a CD and try and approach people, sell it, bring it to radio stations around the world, to publishers, etc. So the rush is that I want to include that piece, since I think it's a great piece and shows (yet another) side of my music personality.

And don't quote me out of sense realy. The point I said was about Gardener and not about what you show it to ne. Please! :)

I have almost deciced to change the title, but I'm still thinking to what...

Thank you for your input and for all your input! (and keep the discussion going, I like it and I value it).

First of all, I look forward to hearing your record...

Either way, since you're planning on shopping the thing around (radio, publishers, record companies...whatever), here's some more fat for the fire.

(I don't know about Europe, but) I doubt you'll find a publisher willing to print "My loving Life" on the top of a page. I also doubt many radio DJ will be willing (or able - FCC regulations, etc) to announce "My loving Life" on-air. You'll get "My $@&%ing Life" and "My [expletive deleted] Life" or "My F-ing Life" I just think you're setting yourself up to be singled out and excluded before anyone even listens to the piece.

I'd hate for you to end up with one of your best pieces being rarely heard simply because no one will touch the title.

My advice - List it as "Untitled #1" or similar. In the liner notes, give it a subtitle or an AKA, but don't shoot yourself in the foot - expecially with one of your best pieces.


Yes I think if you are trying to get airplay then the title is a loser. I can accept that it reflects part of who you are. I don't know what radio stations you are aiming it at. Having done the same thing with recordings and having sent out a lot of comps, the question is who is likely to play the music. If the music is similar to the pieces you are posting on this forum, it would be logical to assume you are targeting new music shows wherever they are. My impression from having looked at classical music broadcasters around the world is that 1. there are not that many new music shows and 2. classical broadcasters are mostly catering to an older well-heeled audience with refined tastes and attitudes. So as robinjessome has suggested, the title would never get to air. Its a bit of a dillemna but the reality is that you are now considering marketing. Marketing has nothing to do with selling the real you, unfortunately. Its about getting your piece heard. There may be radio broadcasters out there I don't know about who are appealing to a young switched on audience who would appreciate the controversial title. The question is then whether your music is going to fit their type of programme.


I've been thinking again about your question and I realise that what you are doing-some market research- is an extremely good idea. However you are asking the wrong question. This forum has an inbuilt prejudice in favour of new works by unknown composers. Consequently what they/we think of your title is irrelevant unless they are also radio programmers and presenters.

Given the far-flung nature of the respondents on this forum it does have the potential to do a lot of market research. What you should ask is whether anyone knows of a radio programme that would broadcast your piece with or without title as given. You will get an entirely different answer but it will more effectively serve your purpose.

For example i programme a drivetime show on a community classical broadcaster. I do programme a lot of new pieces but I can tell you that I would not programme the piece with that title. I don't think that the new music presenter would. Knowing that the station is largely run by retired teachers, bankers, public servants etc, my feelings are that your title would be a liability regardless of the quality of the music.

However other members of this forum may be able to tell you what presenter/programmers you can send your CD to get airplay with or without the title. I have already done my own research on this question and I don't believe it is a big market out there. And most of them are probably more conservative than my community classical music station.

Nevertheless, great idea. Keep up the good work. I can benefit all of us.


Exactly! I'm doing a market research right now! And a bit of stirring up the things before actually releasing the CD!

BTW, the mp3s are, already, and I won't take them down, available to my website, in mid quality mp3s, so anyone can, already access this music, apart from 1-2 tracks, which are not there yet. The idea is to offer higher quality to those who would want that, with additional information, through the sleve (and the scores for those obsessed enough to buy them!)! In all honesty I'm not expecting to make any real money, maybe enough to buy me a ticket to Seattle in Fall, but nothing else. It's not a matter of living through this, not right now. Thus I'm not researching the general market, at this point, alhtough I do know that, by default, contemporary music is limited already, especially for someone who occasionally pissed on the whole of the contemporary scene! :D (at least from my experience). If I sell 100 or 200 copies, I'm fine! If I do 1000, I buying the beers to Carribian for all of you (<-lying here, but you get the point!)

In general, I've already research enough ideas, revenues, factories, marketing strategies, etc, and the only thing I needed checking is that title. Cause other than that, this is what I CAN change, whereas I can't (anymore) change any recording (for example).

(BTW, I know at least 3 countries and 3 different radio stations, that are actively looking for new works, so these will go first! ;) And then I'll take it a step further. Right before sending the CD to the press, I need to know how many to make. If there are 100 stations around, I will send 99 CDs, one to each, leaving the crappiest out! :D In the end, I do need to calculate, but this comes last...) As for advertising venues, no budget, no money, not much. I have a few places I know I can put a banner, for example, and I can push stuff to youtube, amazon, CDBaby, and make a new page in facebook and myspace, but these ARE free, and I can't say I trust them too much... We'll see.

And of course I hope to let you know how it goes (to the extend that I can and the tax services won't chase me down and kill me or something! :D)



I'll be interested in hearing more about your process in producing this CD. I'll be about 6 months behind you in doing the same thing, and could probably benefit from your experience!

[off topic, feel free to PM or start a different thread]

Duplication? Artwork? Are you doing most of the work yourself? How pro are you going?

Are you just planning on shooting CD's at broadcasters or have you contacted A&R departments already? How about print media - get a couple reviews in magazines!? Planning a CD launch?

Oooh...so many questions. ;)

[/off topic]


I suppose it depends on how interesting your sexual life is. If you don't gently caress often it could be short or boring but if those occasions are tempestious then it might get like VW's 6th.

What about "My life of loving..."


Guest thatguy

the CD process WOULD be interesting to hear


So in other words we have been at the pointy end of the Nikolas marketing juggernaut. Well, way to go. Although you have probably considered this ,you should make sure your pieces are registered with your national performing rights organisation. Although I sell the odd CD here and there, most of the money I get from CD releases comes from broadcast rights and not really sales.


Are you bothered by this, ablyth? Cause the "marketing jargernaut" sounds a bit too much to my end really...I had a very specific question about the title of that tracl and not much more, as I hope it is evident, but it has turned into a 5 page thread, which, yes, it suites me. I've made the same question in another 2 forums (vi-control and NSS), exactly to gether information about the title. All threads are called "title talk".

I will register all the piece, of course, but I have to make the CD first, or anyways come close. :) Thank you for your help.


Not at all. I think we should all be developing our own marketing juggernaut because no one else is likely to do it for us and if you want to get your music heard you do have to sell it. No I meant it in an admirable way. I think what you are doing is a good use of the forum.

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