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Do you like the site design?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Do you like the site design?

    • Yes
    • No

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Use this opportunity to supply me with your criticism of the current site design (if applicable). Constructive criticism is encouraged, but be civil. Here are some questions you may answer:

  1. What do you like?
  2. What don't you like?
  3. Would you visit more often if the design was more appealing?
  4. Would a pleasant design affect your posting habits?
  5. Did you think Young Composers was a bad site at first glance, as a first time visitor?


  1. The content. The purpose of the site is very well done and thought out.
  2. The color scheme. The layout is actually really good, but the color scheme yells "1970"s
  3. Probably not. I visit this site too much anyway, but a change in scenery would make my stays longer.
  4. No.
  5. No. Again, the layout is fine, just bad colors.


1. What do you like?

It's wide.

2. What don't you like?

It's brown.

3. Would you visit more often if the design was more appealing?


4. Would a pleasant design affect your posting habits?


5. Did you think Young Composers was a bad site at first glance, as a first time visitor?



  1. What do you like? The forum
  2. What don't you like? The rest of the site. In my opinion it is entirely too complicated. If you simplified and made things easier to read, I might venture outside of the forum. I have tried to venture outside of the forum and nothing makes any sense. There's just too much stuff and I almost get overwhelmed looking at all of it. :blush: I might venture again and try to update my profile, but I get confused by the layout. :sadtears:
  3. Would you visit more often if the design was more appealing? Not really.
  4. Would a pleasant design affect your posting habits? No.
  5. Did you think Young Composers was a bad site at first glance, as a first time visitor?

The first glance I thought it was one of those websites that pops up if no one has bought the domain, but then I found the forum and I love it. :toothygrin:


What do you like?

- Layout is very navigable. Easy to find things, very high accessibility. It's FAST. Everything is very clear and readable. I also like the colour scheme... I find it friendly. Unfortunately, all people have different tastes. I also like the large layout, since it can take up the whole screen, the user can view maximum content - there are no ads in bad places, or endless navigation links or tabs that are unnecessary or confusing.

What don't you like?

- The concentration is with the forum. The site could offer a lot more, but it seems everything other than the forum is just a sad attempt at "extras." More focus needs to be put elsewhere as well.

Would you visit more often if the design was more appealing?

- I find the design pleasant enough. It's not too sophisticated. And example of too much sophistication would be Soundclick.

Would a pleasant design affect your posting habits?

- This site makes it very easy to navigate new posts and respond. Every thing seems simple and user-friendly. It's not annoying, so I don't see how it could be more pleasant.

Did you think Young Composers was a bad site at first glance, as a first time visitor?

- I was looking at content, and what I found was appealing, especially given the navigability.

Overall, I think the design could be prettied up a lot more, but I personally think it would be best to maintain the same ideas and schemes, just making it look more visually striking.


What do you like?

It's very user-friendly and easy to navigate. The forums are clearly defined and labeled (IMO) and I like how there are many different paths you can use to navigate (such as the links at the top if you want a big jump or the forum jump bar at the bottom... but then again, those are standard to any forum). I also like the simple graphics and lack of web 2.0 features since those take a lot longer to load.

What don't you like?

Well... the ads... since they increase the page's load time. I also do think the colour scheme is a little out-dated but I stick to it out of either nostalgia or stubbornness. I also agree that the site could be so much more than a forum if some of the focus was directed elsewhere but since there's only two of you.... I'm happy with the way it is.

Would you visit more often if the design was more appealing?

Since I'm here for the people and the content, probably not but I don't think it would hurt to freshen it up a little bit.

Would a pleasant design affect your posting habits?

I'm about functionality so I'd have to say no but then again, it wouldn't hurt.

Did you think Young Composers was a bad site at first glance, as a first time visitor?

I thought it looked very.... "Windows 95" which only made me love it more. Then again that could be a bad thing :ermm:


  1. What do you like?
  2. What don't you like?
  3. Would you visit more often if the design was more appealing?
  4. Would a pleasant design affect your posting habits?
  5. Did you think Young Composers was a bad site at first glance, as a first time visitor?

1: The lesson system is great, I like that all the features that are supposed to work, work, and that it's generally not sluggish or anything. It's all accessible and usable.

2: The color, omg. I used another skin/color set before, but it crippled part of the forum's features (announcements, the lesson system, etc) so I had to switch back to default. Boo. :/

3: It'd help my eyes, yes. But no, I'm usually on enough as it is...

4: Again, I think I post enough as it is, but surely a nicer colorscheme, or at least having options would be great and make me happier!

5: Um, the only think that really struck me as "Uhh..." was the man in brown pants besides the logo. But since he's optional that's not an issue anymore.

I'd really recommend having at least a couple of theme options/color schemes for those who don't like the default, because I really don't like the default but since switching to other schemes breaks some features I need, I can't.

PS: I'm using now the skin "dark yellow" for example, looks nice! But, I can't manage the lessons/threads there in the user CP, plus the top buttons are missing which lead outside of the forum...


1. What do you like?

I like the shoutbox and the avatars.

2. What don't you like?

I don't like the overall layout/design, the colours, the not-so-web2.0 look, the categories of the forums some times, the notation software thingie, the chatroom, the profile pages, the buttons, the pseudo-3d hover on buttons, the smileys, the search function (the results you get are most of the times vaguely related to what you're looking for) and I find the wiki a complete waste of time by the writers and editors, as I don't believe it offers much to the website or the musical community, and if it does, people writing what offers something should go write it on wikipedia (if it's not already there) to contribute to the general public not just YC. (phewph). Oh, and I also don't like the pseudo-dynamic code in the pager and others, like, a pager window appears on all of my pages on YC, but if I reply on one of the windows, the window doesn't go off in the rest of the pages. Stuff like that. I'd like to see YC more modernised and closer to how other websites are, like a proper CMS maybe (there are loads of very decent free ones around), a proper layout, proper images and graphis, and a nicer logo, something that's more YC than a violin-selling website.

Lastly, I don't like the name. I personally believe that Young Composers, although it might be appealing as a name to young people starting to compose (or people new in composition), I think it's not very strong as to make a big impact on a larger audience. I think it puts off people who might not be "young composers" per se, but might potentially help those young composers get through difficulties or generally offer them advice and experience that might help them in the future. And also, I don't see why the site should be limited to "young composers" and not all composers who need feedback on their pieces or advice or help with something. And you might say "but of course, YC is not just about young composers, anyone can come in and help or ask for help", and I'll reply that I agree with that and I've seen that myself, but the title doesn't and that's what I think is the problem.

3. Would you visit more often if the design was more appealing?

Probably. I've got other stuff to do and I'm not visiting YC particularly a lot this time (not that I ever have been). But a good design would attract more new people, that's for sure. And it would also give a more serious image of the site, it would look as if people actually care for this site and haven't left it in the same design as it was in the 90's.

4. Would a pleasant design affect your posting habits?

Possibly - if it wouldn't make me post more, a nicer and more user-friendly design would probably make me want to pay more attention to my posts (like on that site: PC Magazine Fora ).

5. Did you think Young Composers was a bad site at first glance, as a first time visitor?

Definitely. The first time I visited YC I registered, then probably posted once or twice and then didn't visit the site almsot at all for the next few months because it looked very unserious and unorganised at first glance. After a few more visits I saw that the people in here were actually good and some of them also helpful, and then decided to stay here myself, get some help and give some help too. But it definitely did take a while, and layout and first impressions definitely



the notation software thingie, the chatroom, the profile pages, the buttons, the pseudo-3d hover on buttons, the smileys, the search function (the results you get are most of the times vaguely related to what you're looking for) and I find the wiki a complete waste of time by the writers and editors...
Notation Software thingy... Personal Composer? I don't like the looks of it much, either. I had no idea what it was until I ran a Google search on it and found their website. YC needs to do a better job at advertising it if they are going to do it at all.

Chatroom - WAY out of style. I agree. I'm not that found of the chatroom at all, plus it doesn't see much use, and it never really has. It's kinda like the dark and damp corner of a bar with cobwebs hanging all around.

Profile Pages? I think they're fine. I'd like to hear further explanation on this. Although, it seems they will be changing greatly with the new software.

Smilies?? I love YC smilies! They are my favourite, every other forum I've ever seen has had really ugly smilies, I love ours. I even use them other places.

I also agree about the Wiki being somewhat of a waste of time and effort, but what I think makes or breaks it is the amount of effort we actually put into it. It could be great, we just need to work on it more, I think.

I second the opinion on the banner/logo. I think it could be a lot more attractive. Maybe feature manuscript in the background, something that looks less childish and more like a composer's dreamland - a world for music. I also think we could have a name better than "Young Composers." I like the name, but I can see where Juji (and others) are coming from in the impression it gives, which isn't exactly a good one.

The first time I visited YC I registered, then probably posted once or twice and then didn't visit the site almsot at all for the next few months because it looked very unserious and unorganised at first glance.
Actually, a lot of times I see a very professional looking site, it scares me away. When I came to YC, it looked very friendly and not overly serious. If it looked too seriously, a lot of "Young" composers would very easily be discouraged. VERY easily. So there are two sides to this. The side that says we need to maintain an organised, professional atmosphere, and another that says if we look too professional, we'll discourage some members. There are a handful of professional sites out there. We don't need to be one of them. We're the haven for the inexperienced to hang out, converse, and learn.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Any of the above is not meant as arguing against what Juji says, not saying anything he said is "wrong", but those things I disagree with I thought I would provide my personal thoughts and opinions as well.

It's kinda like the dark and damp corner of a bar with cobwebs hanging all around.

I absolutely love it. A website should be like a condemned building - like a maze full of corridors to explore and adventures to be had.

Of course, my vision might differ signifficantly from that of the administrators. :toothygrin:

I have no problems with the site design whatsoever, except the personal composer thing of course. It's just off-putting really. Trashy, even.

Notation Software thingy... Personal Composer? I don't like the looks of it much, either. I had no idea what it was until I ran a Google search on it and found their website. YC needs to do a better job at advertising it if they are going to do it at all.

Just out of curiosity, what did you not understand about Personal Composer? I am asking because the pages to me clearly explain what the product is. If you can clarify what confused you, this would help me understand what you, as the customer, sees when they see this product page.

I know it looks ugly, but I am trying to find a way to help make a supplementary income in the meantime. After all, we are upgrading to a dedicated server shortly, and do you realize what the monthly fees will be?

Plus, Personal Composer is a very nice product, I don't see the problem with advertising a helpful aid to composers on this site.


1. Not much. The violin should be replaced with a steinway.

2. The brown is not only ugly, but bland as well. Ugh.

3. Unquestionably.

4. I would post 25% more, at minimum. Although I'm not sure whether my currently negligible post quality would increase.

5. Nico recommended YC to me, and after I saw it, it took him an hour to browbeat me into staying. It was that ugly.


What I missed was where Personal Composer came from. I never heard of it before and it just crops up on YC. I think it would be nice to make it very clear how long PC has been around (I personally don't like saying PC, because that makes me think of computers, but nothing anybody can do about that) and link to their website. I know the idea is for people to purchase it through YC and linking to their website would risk losing some of those benefits, but I Googled the program and found the site anyways, I wanted to see where the heck it came from, who's the company, ect. ect. I mean, at first when I looked at it I thought it was fake, like an experiment on making an advert page and it wasn't an actual program. It looked very generic since I'd never heard of it before.

But hey, that's all just me.

OH, and on that page(s) it drives me nuts that the other navigation buttons are not present, like [Home] and [Forum] and the others. It makes me feel like I left Young Composers.


Thanks for your feedback. Unfortunately, I cannot link to the webpage, unless I was a true partner. Since I am not, there is no way I will advertise our traffic to a website in which I do not have control over. I suppose only people who have been members for awhile would be confused because they know we are not a retailer, but new members, and visitors from direct traffic should not be confused, they will simply think we own the product. After all, why did you assume that Young Composers did not own Personal Composer? Is the reason you came to that assumption because you are a long time member, and KNOW we do not own a product? After all, I make no indication on the sales pages that Personal Composer is created by another company.

Let me know if I am wrong about this. Understanding consumer behavior is very hard, so help me understand!


Well, I think you nailed it right on the head, really. It (PC) looked like a software developed and owned by YC. Figuring that YC doesn't have the resources to develop such a program nor own not in addition to the fact that I couldn't find any mention of the advertisement in the forum at the time it was put online, I assumed it was simply a third party if you will, leading me to wonder who in fact developed it, and most important, was it reputable? But yes, you are correct in assuming I deduced all this simply from being a member of over a year and familiar with the scene. To new members, though, I would still think they would question how reputable the software is outside the confines of YC. I would personally want to look other places for it, see if there is a good hype over it, or if it is overrated - basically research.

  • 1 month later...

1. I personally like the way this is designed. It is easy for me to navigate unlike some forums, which keeps me coming back as often as I do.

2.I don't not like anything about this sight. I used to not like the forum color, but then I saw the "Template Change" icon/scroller thing at the bottom of the page. That problem was then fixed.

3.I visit this forum for the music and dont pay much to design'

4.See number 3

5. I was honestly, very disswayed from staying here when I saw the original design.

But I was so tired of searching for a music forum that intersted me that I just gave this a try, and I like dit >:]


Chopin -

You have done a great job with this site - especially as quite a bit is funded through individual's generousity.

Yes, the site design isn't that attractive BUT I like the way the threads and subsections are set-up. Plus I like the mix of people here - newbies - music students - performers - professionals.

The only complaint I have heard is that once in a while a thread becomes intellectual bashing/name calling or people do not provide often enough intelligent evaluation of music posted. Again, this comes with the audience this sites targets and the moderators and administrators do a good job preventing these from getting out of hand.

One suggestions - is there a better way to direct users to the threads on the elements of composition? It is OK but I still find people new to the site asking for info where the info is there.


One suggestions - is there a better way to direct users to the threads on the elements of composition? It is OK but I still find people new to the site asking for info where the info is there.


make the search button BIGGER....


I enjoy the site. It makes me smile...


Proposal: You know how there is a bit of empty space to the left of the "Welcome, !" box? Maybe there could be a search bar there. Not a button you have to click to have the search bar drop down, but actually have the search bar there. This would accomplish a few things. First of all, make it easier to find the Search function, people don't like sorting through all those buttons checking for a search feature. Two, advertising the search feature so blatantly would inspire more people to use it and might lead to fewer new people creating duplicate threads and asking questions that have already been answered because they simply didn't feel like looking for the Search box. (These lazy people will exist no matter what, might as well tailor to them.) Finally, moving it out of the row of buttons and into the free space next to the Welcome box would yield more horizontal distance between the remaining buttons, cutting down on the overcrowded atmosphere of the top navigation bar.

For the record, I hardly ever need to use the Search feature, so don't treat this proposal as if coming from a frequent user.

Another small proposal that might improve attractiveness in the nav bars... maybe add icons to the second row of buttons. Things like CP, New Posts, Quick Links, Calendar... these all are suitable for having icons which would make identifying them a lot more automatic for newer users, encouraging more people to stick around realizing the full potential of the site instead of sifting through text-buttons.

  • 4 weeks later...

1. What do you like?

I like the layout design. The colors and the graphics are very calming and professional

2. What don't you like?

The funky fonts in the top banner make it kind of cutesy and fun looking. However, it confuses me as far as intention of design. The rest of the graphics and color scheme for the forum appear to give an air of professionalism. I think the funky text contradicts that. I know that was probably done to make the board a little less uptight, but it just confuses the intention of the rest of the set up. I just feel that something like this should shoot for one end or the other or right in the middle. Go for either totally professional or totally fun, or, if you wish to mix the two, find a fair balance instead of just slapping a funky font on the top banner.

I also think that there are just a few too many forums. It's a little overwhelming and a little more extensive use of subforums and the like can help relieve a little bit of the clutter on the main board.

3. Would you visit more often if the design was more appealing?

Probably not. I'm not that superficial.

4. Would a pleasant design affect your posting habits?

I doubt it.

5. Did you think Young Composers was a bad site at first glance, as a first time visitor?

No. I thought it was really cool and amazing that a site like this even existed!

Overall, I like the lay-out. This is a really nice site.




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