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I don't know what to write


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I have no real motivation to compose or any particularly outstanding ideas at the moment, and I'm also trying to expand my harmonic vocabulary, so I'm a bit at a dead end. If anyone from here wanted to 'comission' something then I'd have the incentive, but even without that I find it impossible to decide what to do. The urge to create is there, but when I pick up a blank sheet or open Finale I am unable to do anything.

Suggestions of any kind?

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This happens to me alot too. I find that you have to stop this undying dedication to create, leave your house (change your surroundings for your unconcious's sake), and come back to it.. For me, it oftentimes leads to the burst of that bubble of inactivivity, and atleast you'll create something to build off of for the next time you are lacking in inspiration.

This quote might reveal something of value: "Just as appetite comes by eating, so work brings inspiration, if inspiration isn't descernible at the beggining." I just so happen to have that engraved into the wall where I work, haha. Good luck.

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I happen to have gone for a big walk today. Didn't really do anything.

It's not really a lack of musical ideas, it's a lack of ideas for pieces to write, if you know what I mean. That's why I said a request or commission of any sort would be a viable solution.

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Oh. In that case, just pick something.

Do something easy and short, so you get out of this little rut quicker :). Write a song (like for accompanied tenor or whatever)!

As for the harmony, I would suggest studying scores of harmony you like, obviously, and also to improvise on the piano or experiment in finale. I basically just did the former to learn harmony :P. (and, to toot my own bugle a bit, I must have a good ear, because when I actually formally learned traditional harmony theory, I actually knew most of it already. Just had to learn the "rules", really :toothygrin:).

Improvising, listening, studying, and learning still lead me to continuously expand on my harmonic palette. So I suggest you do the same :).

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If you want, I wouldn't mind someone writing a piece about a certain manifold I have in mind. PM me for details. I had plans to do it myself, but real life has been kicking my donkey.

This offer is open to anyone.

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/me suddenly thinks Tomas is completely lying and just wants a commission of some sort :P

Lol. If I did I'd just ask for one - and then again I'm not arrogant enough to simply do so :P

Writing a song would be cool, though I've always been very picky about texts.

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Just...go. Do it. Something will come out. Start playing along with a movie on silent. That's always fun to do. It helps if you pick something with good setting.

Another thing is change how you write. Do you usually write in the computer? If so, try using just paper. I personally feel that writing in the computer stifles your creativity. I can use Sibelius fine, but something about writing on paper, and being able to make a squiggle instead of having to draw it into the computer....helps the ideas flow.

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How about you sit down in front of a piano (or whatever your instrument is) and see what happens. Music isn't about notes on a page, it's about sounds first and foremost. Staring at a blank piece of paper is for people who work with words. (I say that as someone who works with words as well.)

I think too many people start by opening up Finale. We've had this conversation before. There's something more visceral about composing at your instrument.

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Guest thatguy

Honestly, what you could do is just to take a break for a week or so. Don't touch Finale...in fact, forget you even have it. If you don't want to do that, I'm sure there are other things that inspire you.

Keep a pencil and piece of paper by your bed and write down your dreams when you wake up.

Go for walks where no one can bother you.

If you are like me, find something that pisses you off and write about it.

Watch movies.

etc etc

Also, just write down a basic chord progression and write to that. Sometimes forcing yourself to write something good out of nothing helps spark something.

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the reason why i asked was that i go on huge kicks when i listen. i'll be into just free music, or japanese classical, or whatever, and just listen to that. Which is great, since i get to look at it in depth and study it, but it is often hard to write without deep influence, leading to personal stagnation, which is boring to me.

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