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Quick question regarding streaming tracks via an embedded player

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Basically, I'm having problems with tracks playing on my website, and I think it might have to do with mediafire.

Can you guys check if these three tracks:




...work? The latter two aren't working for me right now, and the "test" is streaming from a different server, so that might fix the problem.

Thanks. :)

A Suite of Tone Poems - music by matthew schwartz

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hi there,

of this website you made i think this:

1) the layout is quite nice, i like the warm colours you used

2) the titles are a bit too small, so you have to get closer to the screen to read them, I'd make them a bit bigger for a more clear legibility.

i am using internet explorer, and on my laptop i have 1280 X 800 as for screen resolution.

hope this helped a bit.

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What browser are you using?

Mozilla Firefox 3.0.3

Do you see an ad at the top of the site? If so, is it annoying?

It is annoying, but then again, all ads are. It's quite big and colourful and doesn't blend in with the rest of the website. There *are* ways to hide ads in freewebs, but you need flash or so, which you might not want to include in your website.

Can you clearly read the text of the links? What color are the links?

Yes. #111111 (light brown)

Should I get rid of the counter?

I would say yes. Because it doesn't mean anything, and the only thing that it can do is make people think "oh, he hasn't got many views, let's go away". Because people who have already visited your site, have already visited it, and that's enough. You don't need to "attract" them any more. Plus, no one really uses counters any more.

You didn't think "Canada" or "marijuana", did you? =/

Nope :)

Overall thoughts on site title/design/etc?

It's pretty simple and straightforward. There is no information about you or the website at all, just links to music samples. No contact information either (what if someone likes your music and wants to contact you?). I also left a comment, but didn't see it anywhere (I assume it goes to your e-mail?). In any case, there is no explanation about the comments.

What I would suggest is that if you want to promote your music via a website, you should bother a bit more and get a proper website, yourname.com/.eu/.whatever . Hosting and domain nowadays cost something like 20 dollars a year for both (for the kind of hosting you need) so that shouldn't be much at all. And you would have no ads and would be able to do whatever you wanted with your website (plus it's easier to say "matthewschwartz.com" than "oh, yeah, http://www.freewebs.com/matthewschwartz/index.html").

There's my 1/50th of a euro...

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  • 3 months later...


Embedding a music player via HTML has proved to be insanely frustrating.

Can you peepz tell me which, if any, of the songs from the drop-down menu work?

A Suite of Tone Poems - music by matthew schwartz

For me, all of them work at the moment except for "Elegy". But "Elegy" was working just a few days ago, and certain others that are working now weren't working back then. So PLEASE tell me which of these work or don't work for you. :)

Thank you very much! And gently caress HTML embedded music players!

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Just curious - why are you using an embedded html player? They're (as you've obviously figured out) awkward to code, clumsy to use - and (to be honest) they look like scraggy.

Try JW FLV Media Player | LongTail Video | Home of the JW Player

Check my website to see it in action: Robin Jessome - trombonist, composer, improvisor click "listen"

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Ok, so I've got the player and it's working well for one track, but how do I encode a playlist for multiple tracks, like the one in your site? Can you post the code for yours?

Thanks for the link, by the way. Provided I can play multiple tracks, it'll work well (assuming I won't have the problem of tracks not playing).

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Ok, so I've got the player and it's working well for one track, but how do I encode a playlist for multiple tracks, like the one in your site? Can you post the code for yours?

Thanks for the link, by the way. Provided I can play multiple tracks, it'll work well (assuming I won't have the problem of tracks not playing).

It should be totally do-able...I'll pm with my code and see if that helps.


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Well guys, the embedded player is looking good, however I'm still having some trouble with tracks playing.

Can you guys in particular check if these three tracks:




...work? The latter two aren't working for me right now, and the "test" is streaming from a different server, so that might fix the problem.

Thanks. :)


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