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i have to do an electronics project which involes producing a circuit which plays a tune and i should use just 4 maybe 5 notes any more will get to complicated. i want to play the chorus of im forever blowing bubbles. i have no idea about music so dont know where to start to compose the tune with just 4 notes. could anyone please simplify it into just four notes

i have the origonal sheet music

sheet 1 http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x78/cjswhufc/bubbles1.jpg

sheet 2 http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x78/cjswhufc/bubbles.jpg

thanks in advance for any help

the notes are F-G-F-E, which means 349.23hz-392hz-349.23hz-329.63hz (from Frequencies of Musical Notes)

when you get done, post the schematic? I took a little circuits, and would like to teach myself a bit more.

thanks but which notes are F-G-F-E the notes look more complicated than that sorry but i dont have any idea bout composing or reading music

im ok with doing the frequencys n electronics its just the music.

Where it says chorus, the bigger notes on the bottom are the melody.

The extra mark on the E (the 4th note) is a natural sign, cancelling out the key signature (the b's at the beginning of every line)

oh i see what you mean now but what i need to do is the whole corus using just 4 notes so how would i do the rest using F, G and E plus another 1 maybe 2 other notes

The whole chorus? can't be done with this song (with just a few notes). there are a number of songs that you could... but maybe bolanos's idea will help... just the first phrase

could it not be adapted it doesnt have to be pefectly like it just so its recognisable


Not expert at circuits but why not use the notes from the chorus with the longer note values (these would be ones without the flags attached to the stem or hollowed out (eg quarter, dotted quarter, half notes and dotted half notes). If you are seeking 4 notes that would make I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles recognizable, then this may not work either.

And if you are truly desperate there is the 4 note motif of the first movement of Beethoven's 5th - would NOT be too original but it'd be recognizable.

PS. This is a good case for classical musicians and sound designers/electronics composers to educate each other!


thanks for your help but looks like im not goin to be able to do that song

so i have decided to look for something more simple and have decided on "im west ham till" i do dont know if this is prodemantly american if so its a simple fotbal (socer chant)

YouTube - West Ham till I die!!!

i want to play

im west ham till i die,

im west ham till i die,

i know i am,

im sure i am,

im west ham till i die

i very much doubt i could find the sheet music so can someone help me with it im assuming it should be quite simple

from my little knowledge i was thinkin

for "im west ham till i die" C-D-D-E-E-F

and for both "i know i am" and "im sure i am" C-D-E-E

whould that be about right

haha... dude, the audio on that video made my dogs go crazy

I don't know the song, and can't hear anything in the video except for distorted screaming. Are there any better clips where you can hear it more clearly?

lol thats prety much all the song is ther, is no music il try and find better one

Bb->B->Bb; Ab-Bb-Ab; Gb-Ab-Gb;F-Eb-F-Gb

6 notes :)

so what but would be what

would it be like this

Bb->B->Bb; Ab-Bb-Ab

im west ham til i die

Bb->B->Bb; Ab-Bb-Ab

im west ham til i die


i know i am


im sure i am

Bb->B->Bb; Ab-Bb-Ab

im west ham til i die

i not going to be able to use 6 notes any way it could be reduced to 5 notes


what do you mean by articulations

i tried playng that but not sure if its that recognisable, as theres only one or two notes per line is could u put more notes in with out using any more different notes or would it just not work


Yeah, that's exactly what I mean by articulations.

like using maybe capacitors to create a short build up time of the voltage? Or even something like an automated pot? these are just uneducated guesses, but i'm thinking that's what you need to do. but you want the note to have a ADSR curve (at the highest level; take out components)

Attack: Time from 0 to peak

Decay: Time from Peak -> secondary, lower peak

Sustain: Time to Hold at secondary peak

Release: Time from hold to 0

But that attack will make the articulations (what makes you able to discern one note from the other even if they're the same tone.)

Yeah, that's exactly what I mean by articulations.

like using maybe capacitors to create a short build up time of the voltage? Or even something like an automated pot? these are just uneducated guesses, but i'm thinking that's what you need to do. but you want the note to have a ADSR curve (at the highest level; take out components)

Attack: Time from 0 to peak

Decay: Time from Peak -> secondary, lower peak

Sustain: Time to Hold at secondary peak

Release: Time from hold to 0

But that attack will make the articulations (what makes you able to discern one note from the other even if they're the same tone.)

the ciruit will just play the note it wont make it gradualy fade out if thats what you mean


You could do all of God Save the Queen, or Ode to Joy with just five notes (say, C D E F G).

They're about as recognisable as you can get.

Not sure where you're from; maybe your national anthem would be suitable.

the ciruit will just play the note it wont make it gradualy fade out if thats what you mean

brutal... can you have the output just bounce on the note change? like have the capacitor be forced to discharge completely in a period of time? (::flings around a little knowledge like it means anything::)

brutal... can you have the output just bounce on the note change? like have the capacitor be forced to discharge completely in a period of time? (::flings around a little knowledge like it means anything::)

it will be kinda setup like a keyboard with siwthces as keys so i can keep repeating the same note

See if you can't have an output off key as well; that way you can twiddle that for the repeats... sounds like you've got everything under control now :) Good luck

yeh best start on making the circuit thanks alot for you help.

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