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I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question, but I thought I'd give it a go, and maybe a moderator can help me out.

Could we possibly have a section for lyrics? I don't know how much of a demand there is for this or how many people deal with original lyrics, but as lyrics are an integral part of any song that utilizes them, it might be nice to have an area where we can just focus on lyrics. I write music and lyrics, sometimes together and sometimes not. But it would be nice to look at the rhythms and structures and poetry of the lyric on its own, and also see the marriage with the music.



I've seen a fair number of members turned off from here due to prejudice. Trying to post just lyrics alone in the Vocal/Choral forum and getting yelled at by a mob of people. I've seen them posted in the Poetry/Other Arts forum, but that's in Off-Topic. Lyrics are an integral part of some music, certainly not fair they be shunned off to the Off-Topic forums (which some people block, mind you.)


Well, if the writer is up for criticism and having his/her work picked apart, I'd be all for it.

My concern is that the "poet" crowd is usually extremely more prima donna-ish, "how-dare-you-not-tell-me-I'm-fabulous-wonderful-perfect" than the "composer" crowd (in my experience...), and that might cause even more drama.

Think "Sopranos on Steroids" or "Goth Chicks Tragically Misunderstood by the World" drama.


I don't want to speak for the world of lyricists, but in my experience many lyricists don't consider themselves poets. I know I don't. I consider lyric writing a form of poetry, but I don't consider myself a poet. I consider myself a lyricist. A librettist, more specifically.

Some people may have seen my comments on lyrics that are posted here, and I find structure and specificity as important as "emotion" (I put it in quotes for all the "Tragically Misunderstoods" who consider blanket statements about pain or sorrow to be real emotions). I've been rather harsh, I suppose, on people whose lyrics have no structure, or are filled with cliched platitudes that never meant anything in the first place. I expect and hope for the same thing back at me.

I'm up for critique. That's what I came here for.

Now... remember... John the douchebag-saiming-shoots-Sapphire will probably be posting his thousands of librettos... be ready for that. lol.

That is more like it :happy:

I am on Flint's side on this one :)

As long as those posting lyrics are willing to take criticism, go for it... it would be a welcome idea.

I just forsee potential drama-bombs.

But isn't that really the case with any kind of forum for critique? Haven't we had people here who couldn't take critique or refused to recognize the helpful advice of others? I feel that "as long as they're willing to take criticism" is rather a given in a situation like this.

My question at this point, if there is interest, is how do we go about creating a section for lyrics and/or which moderator should be contacted?


I emailed this thread to Mike, and we will discuss this. My immediate thought is if there is enough demand. We can always try it, and if it doesn't work out, we can dissolve the forum. We have done this in the past.


A lyrics section has been added, as a subforum under Choral/Vocal. The location is here:

Lyrics Forum

We will monitor the forum to see if it is worth keeping. On the other hand, if the forum becomes active enough, we may give it its own dedicated forum.

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