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Hi, I am making a piece of music for my class and I was wondering what the usual range for average players of these instruments would be:

French Horn


TC Baritone

Baritone Sax


Bass Clarinet

B Flat Clarinet

Bass Guitar


Tenor Sax

Alto Sax

If anyone could help I would appreciate it.:thumbsup:


Generally speaking, the smaller and lighter the instrument, the greater is the range to which you can throw them. But you also have to consider grip, aerodynamic resistance, etc. It's quite a science.


Sorry I don't trust wikipedia, I thought some people here might know the note ranges these instruments play. I want to make sure the people I make this piece for arn't playing notes that are too high or low.


Or, if you just need ranges, try THIS for quick reference (all notes written at sounding pitch). Unfortunately, this doesn't give the different registers. I had a really good one of those a while ago that I lost, I'll post it if I find it.

Sorry I don't trust wikipedia, I thought some people here might know the note ranges these instruments play. I want to make sure the people I make this piece for arn't playing notes that are too high or low.

Start doing that. Wikipedia is very very reliable.


People! We have this for a reason.


It's still undergoing expansion.

Here's my take on them all for average players only. Following are CONCERT or SOUNDING PITCH.

Flute: D5 to A7. good player can go down to C5 (B4 for B foot, ask them, it's quiet) and up to C7 (ask them)

Soprano Clarinet: D3 - C6: May go to at least F6 if a good player. Ask them.

Bass Clarinet: Db2 to Bb4. May go to at least C5 if he can handle it. Ask them how comfortable they are.

Alto Sax: Db3 to G6. Ask them for comfort level, may go higher, might not be able to play up to that written E.

Tenor Sax: Ab2 to C5. Maybe even up to Eb or F5, ask them for comfort level, it can be nasty up there.

Bari Sax: Db2 - Db4: may go down to C2 if they have a low A extension (many do), may go up to F or G for fairly secure player. Again, really really nasty up there. Very.

Horn: C3 to D5. May go a note or two higher if you have a secure player. May go to extreme Bb1 if a decent low horn player, ask them their lower limit, I would not go below that concert C3 if you're just not sure.

Trumpet: F3 to Ab5. May go down to F# for a secure player (but no lower), and up to Bb.

Euphonium/Baritone: F2 - Ab4, generally treated same as trumpet, sounding an octave lower.

BBb tuba: E1 to G3. If more than three valves may go lower, if a good or secure player, may go up to D4.

Bass Guitar (4 string) : E1 - G4 (that's 24 frets, some only have 22, that's an F)

If you want written...

Flute - same

Sop. Clar. E below staff to D above it, or up to G6. Squeeky up there.

Bass Clar. Eb below staff to about D above it. Maybe up to F.

Alto Sax. Bb below staff to around E above it. Maybe F.

Tenor about same as Alto.

Bari. A below staff to maybe D above it, possibly only C. Maybe higher than both. Ask him.

Horn: G below staff to A or Bb above it. High C is the limit. Really decent low horn player can make extreme F below bass clef. Ask them what they're lower limit it, I would NOT go below G below treble clef if you're not sure.

Trumpet: G (maybe F#) below staff to A, Bb, or up to C above it. Ask him/her.

Euphonium/Baritone (TC) same as trumpet.

Tuba - same as I said above (treat it like trumpet range if you're using treble clef in UK)

Bass guitar E below staff to at most the way G above it. Depends on number of frets. Ask them.

If you have amateur or average players, don't push the limits I set here. The more you approach them, the more chance you'll have of problems arising. For poor or lousy players, take the upper ranges I suggested and lower them about a major 3rd or so.

Or Truths of Logical arguments.

Yes, maybe you should read a book about these things.

Do you know what a book looks like? That's a photo of a random book I found on the internet:



Yes, maybe you should read a book about these things.

Do you know what a book looks like? That's a photo of a random book I found on the internet:



What's with all the whisteling?

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