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No she didn't mean not compose... the focus just wasn't on that.

Augusta Read Thomas is amazing.

Like I said, I don't know. I can't argue from ignorance, so I'm only reacting to what I saw, nothing else. :x

Like I said, I don't know. I can't argue from ignorance, so I'm only reacting to what I saw, nothing else. :x

You're reacting to what you chose to see. It's all there in black and white. What you choose to read and respond to is more at issue here than anything else, your disdain for me notwithstanding of course.

You're reacting to what you chose to see. It's all there in black and white. What you choose to read and respond to is more at issue here than anything else, your disdain for me notwithstanding of course.


So I "chose" to see this?

I have a feeling, though, that Augusta R. Thomas would PWN you on all counts, so I really could care less. :)

Likewise, I "chose" to see:

Augusta Reed Thomas once told me that her first-year composition students don't compose music at all in their first semester.

Interesting. Go start a thread on it, why don't you?

I don't think the idea was to not allow kids to write or experiment. I think Thomas actually never 'assigned' for new students that they come to her with music in their first semester. I don't think it actually prevented them from bringing her music sketches and pieces to discuss. But the primary focus was building the ear's knowledge of different aesthetics that exist.

But you chose not to see that...


Interesting. Go start a thread on it, why don't you?

See, this is stupid. "Students don't compose in their first semester," which assuming you have even half the education you should have would indicate that students aren't working on composition projects with her their first semester (sketching ideas and talking about them doesn't exactly constitute "composing" in that sense).

But the point is taken. Sorry it wasn't clearer. I'll try to write at a FIRST GRADE reading level, just so you're not left behind in the discussion, SSC. Because that's just how we do it in the states with the No Child Left Behind Act and all... maybe they had you in mind when they drafted the bill. Ugh... or you could just not take everything I say in the absolute worst possible way and make an donkey of yourself in the process. Your choice, really.


Yada yada.

Someone starts a conversation, opinions appear, they are bashed, and it's always other people misinterpreting your writings, it's never you who's got a problem with expressing yourself, and if you misinterpret what we wrote it's never your misinterpretation, but *our* bad expression.

Aren't you bored already? I know I am, so I just thought I'd let you know.

Yada yada.

Someone starts a conversation, opinions appear, they are bashed, and it's always other people misinterpreting your writings, it's never you who's got a problem with expressing yourself, and if you misinterpret what we wrote it's never your misinterpretation, but *our* bad expression.

Except when every time my opinion appears, SSC circumvents every rational explanation of meaning behind what I say to find the one, extreme meaning he doesn't agree with... which gets really old.

Juji, do you actually have an opinion on the topic? Feel free to share it. When I go in and look for every possible way to disagree with you down to the subjective, linguistic meaning in the words you use (instead of just taking it in context), be sure to let us all know how much you enjoy it!

Aren't you bored already? I know I am, so I just thought I'd let you know.

I'm not bored so much as annoyed with yours and SSC's attitude towards me. You, well I can actually stomach your insults because at least you use your head and make valid points when you discuss things (albeit points I don't agree with, but some of them are quite valid). When you're not attacking me personally, you can actually carry on a discussion and go somewhere with your thoughts. SSC is another story. I enjoy being on his ignore list for a reason, and I'll be happy when I'm back on it (hint, hint).

I enjoy being on his ignore list for a reason, and I'll be happy when I'm back on it (hint, hint).

Cool, I guess you just ensured you never return to it (hint, hint.)

PS: Needs moar insults.


just an interesting tidbit: in this thread, and in others, the mood and exchange of ideas ceases to become relevant once bashing and disrespect towards each other occurs.

anti, if you want to be taken seriously in your views - I'd recommend against arguing with others but instead keep an open mind AND actually respect the other viewpoint for being unique to you...furthermore, if someone baits you to make an donkey of yourself, don't take the bait. Strangely, I shouldn't have to say this, you seem to relish getting into it with SSC - why, I have no idea!?!

Guest QcCowboy

and one last time:

no more personal attacks will be tolerated.

anymore will result in infractions and temporary bans for some, and in permanent bans for others

you all know the rules of this forum

now, let us be clear about something:

the moderator staff are taking a zero tolerance approach now to this sort of behaviour

yes, it is something new.

and yes, it will be enforced.

if you cannot discuss like civilized human beings, then threads will be closed AS THEY APPEAR.

So, many composers out here on the forums may teach composition one day (well, we can always hope they won't have to if they don't want to, but if it comes down to it...), so for fun, let's just imagine we're a composition teacher and have our first student. If you could do anything, ANYTHING you wanted in terms of teaching composition, how would you do it? What amount of time would you dedicate to the specific needs of individual composers? What activities might you have them do to improve their knowledge and skills?


this sounds more like one of those "hypothetical" statements that are actually true to me... :shifty:

and one last time:

no more personal attacks will be tolerated.

anymore will result in infractions and temporary bans for some, and in permanent bans for others

you all know the rules of this forum

now, let us be clear about something:

the moderator staff are taking a zero tolerance approach now to this sort of behaviour

yes, it is something new.

and yes, it will be enforced.

if you cannot discuss like civilized human beings, then threads will be closed AS THEY APPEAR.


Not only Robin can find fab pics to show... :toothygrin:

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